Sho sleepily opened his eyes looking around for any clues to where he was. Looking around he could see how dark it still was. Recollecting his thoughts he realized he didn't make it home last night. He walked outside of the dark alley he was previously in and saw the sun rising in-between the buildings. Covering his eyes from the sun slowly rising he was immediately interrupted by a grumble in his stomach. So with Sho's mischievous heterochromatic eyes he knew where to go.
He made his way to the local grocery store in hopes of finding some food. Walking inside of the store he immediately noticed how empty the store was. He saw a few employees stocking shelves, even a few cashiers barely awake. He surveyed the area and spotted how close the bakery area was from the exit. Sho slowly walked to the bakery area making sure to not be noticed by other employees. As soon as Sho made it into the bakery section he stuffed 2 big loafs of bread into his shorts. Looking around once more he grabbed another. Slowly walking to the exit he noticed an employee behind him slowly making her way towards him. Sho saw the suspicious look in her eyes, and decided to hightail it. He ran for dear life even knocking over a metal rack filled with chips. He instinctively felt her approaching but immediately grabbed a handful of chips with his other free hand. He was 8 feet (2.4 meters) from the exit but heard a loud crash. Turning around he saw the woman that was chasing after him sprawled out against the metal rack on the ground. He giggled and tauntingly said
Sho: "Nice try lady but you're 10 years too old to catch me."
After making it back to the makeshift soccer field, Sho sat down on one of the milk crates he found and used the other crate to store all of the stolen goods he had gotten. He ate like a pig for a good 10 minutes devouring 1 bag of chips and 3 loaves of bread. With a full stomach he walked over to the football he left here yesterday and dribbled it 10 yards (9.1 meters) away from the wall. Sho then kicked the ball against the wall with his left leg and stopped it from rolling past him with his right. After doing this for an hour or so he decided to try kicking with his less dominant leg, being his right. After doing that for another hour or so he started to get irritated. He dribbled the ball out of the makeshift soccer field and proceeded to make his way out of the alleyway into one of the main roads in hopes of finding his buddy Ryuu.
Aimlessly dribbling his ball around the slums for around 10 minutes he found Ryuu. Ryuu was talking with 4 of his friends convincing them to play football today. Sho came up from behind him and shouted
Sho: "BOO."
Ryuu turned around and gave Sho a playful punch to the chest and introduced him to the others who are gonna be playing football with them.
???: "Hey Im Kakeru it's nice to meet you."
???: "H.. Hi I.. I'm Ichirou"
???: " Kyoka at your service, I might be a girl but I'm crazy good at sports."
???: " Last but not least is me, I'm Tooru I think I'd be a perfect goalie."
When everyone finished introducing themselves, Sho happily introduced himself as well and led them all towards the concrete field he called home. Making their way into the concrete field, they all noticed a slim dark skinned woman in her late 20s early 30s kicking the ball against the wall. She has golden irises, and dark purple hair. She has a black undershirt, an orange over-shirt on and black pants with lightweight brown shoes.
Sho seeing someone in his concrete field other than himself or his friends was a little concerning. He was about to ask this unknown woman a question but before he could, the woman plainly turned her head to the kids and waved, she noticed all of them looking at her then the ball so she did what anyone would do and kicked it over to them. She walked to the other side of the field in the corner and watched them all get set up. While Sho was looking at the unknown woman, Ryuu grabbed the chalk out of his pockets and drew a made up goal on each end of the concrete field.
Sho kept a vigilant eye on her but thought nothing of it. He chose Tooru and Kakeru to be on his team, which means Ryuu has Kyoka and Ichirou. Sho put Tooru in the goalkeeper position while Kakeru was a defender. Ryuu chose to put Ichirou in the goalkeeper position and made Kyoka a defender.
Ryuu and Sho played rock paper scissors to see who would get the ball first, and Ryuu ended up winning the rock paper scissors match. So with the ball in his possession he ran with it. Ryuu charged right at Kakeru who was standing still, ready to defend against him. Sho seeing all this happen before his eyes thought of the best plan to win. He easily noticed Ryuu kicking only with his right foot and decided to attack his weakness. Sho ran right in front of Ryuu's right leg. Ryuu tried to cut in to the right and approach the goal but was easily stopped by Sho. Sho kicked the ball out of his possession and ran with it down the concrete field. Before Kyoka could approach and guard him he kicked the ball over Kyoka and it curved into the top right of the goal.
As the woman watched all of this go down, she took a keen interest in Sho. If someone was paying enough attention towards the unknown woman they would have seen the mischievous look in her eyes. The game finished and Sho's team won 4-1. They played a few more games for a few hours but most of them left after the third game. After everyone went home, Sho stayed until the sun set kicking the ball and dribbling it around his concrete field. The unknown woman who was still in the corner approached Sho after watching him play for a majority of the day and strategically asked
???: "What's life been like up till now?'
He turned around and flipped her off. He angrily said
Sho: "I've got my own questions. Firstly, who are you and where are you from? With those pretty clothes I could tell from a mile away you're not from here. Lastly, why do you care about what my life has been like?"
???: " I could tell from the way you look, and even the way you smell, you've had it rough. I've never had to live like that so I was curious about how you view your problems, and to answer your first question I'm Yoruichi Shihoin and I'm from