In those 2 months a lot has happened. Sho and Bachira became pretty good friends rather quickly, and unfortunately Ryuuji ended up quitting the club because he was going into middle school in another prefecture. They did get good news about a month prior, the coach at Suruga F.C. told everyone about a few practice games they were gonna have with an actual school.
It was almost the start of the week most were excited for. Sho opened his eyes and winced a little as he felt the sun hit his eyes. He raised his hands towards his eyes trying to block the sun and noticed the clear blue skies above. Sho clumsily got up, looked around, and saw that he was in his backyard. Quickly remembering when he woke up around 5 in the morning and taking a quick nap outside on the hammock.
Since it was Sunday, Sho didn't have much to do. He thought to himself for a good 5 minutes before deciding to go over to Bachira's house. Walking into his room, he quickly grabbed a football, and a change of clothes. Sho told both his sister and brother about where he was going, and for how long he was gonna be gone.
Running as fast as he could with the ball, Sho made it to Bachira's house which is a good 20 minute run from where he lives. Knocking on the door, and waiting patiently for the door to open. A tall woman answered the door and kindly said
???: "Are you looking for Bachira?"
Sho: "Yes ma'am we're gonna go play some football"
???: "You don't have to call me ma'am just call me Bachira's mom or even Yuu-san. Bachira is in his room right now so come on in, I'll get him for you."
Sho carefully made it into the living room, all the while dodging the paint supplies and what seemed like endless amounts of paper on the floor. He saw a huge black canvas right in the middle of the room. He was so enthralled with the painting that he started to stare at it. What Sho wasn't ready for was for the painting to begin staring back at him.
Bachira walked out of his room with his mother and they both looked towards Sho. Both noticing Sho looking towards the painting. Bachira called out to him but Sho didn't respond. Walking up to Sho, Bachira lightly shook him and said
Bachira: "Nyahaha, are you that interested in my mom's painting. Think fast!!!"
Bachira lightly karate chops Sho's head, getting him out of his daze. Sho then turns his head towards Bachira and awkwardly guides him out of the house. While making their way to the field to play football, Sho asks
Sho: "Why did your mom's painting look like someone or something with piercing eyes?"
Bachira being surprised by this says
Bachira: "You can see it too, that's my mom's monster. She says I have a monster just like hers living in my heart."
The 2 kept on talking to each other about that painting and even a little about Bachira's past. They kept the workout light. Bachira showed off his dribbling skills and introduced Sho to his monster. Sho gave some tips to Bachira about his dribbling and even showed off his new move he's been working on. They practiced together for hours upon hours until it was dark out.
After the workout both Bachira and Sho walked towards Bachira's house. Both began talking about the upcoming practice matches they were gonna have with Kuoh Shogakko. Kuoh Shogakko wasn't a very well known team, but consistently made it to the prefectural semi finals almost every year. Sho gave his regards to Bachira's mom and went on his way towards his home, excited for the days to come.
Sho made it to the Shihoin ryokan, the place he called home. He spotted his older sister getting ready for bed. Sho secretly walked up from behind her and hugged her as hard as he could.
Sho: "I haven't seen you all day Yoruichi. Where were you?"
Yoruichi: " Ufufufu.., I've been running errands all day. You're lucky I didn't bring you along."
Yoruichi went on about what she did today and the conversation ended off with them both embracing once more, wishing each other a good night's rest. Before Sho was going to go to sleep, he decided to finish his day off with a nice soak in the onsen. Admiring the atmosphere while a mist steam rose from off the water. Following the soak in the onsen, Sho went into his room, put his pajamas on, and slept on his futon with an easygoing face.