The three worlds of Venavia, Deorcine, and Opalus populate the same orbit and are tidally locked by each other's gravity and rotation. The pull of each planet is heavy upon their lifeforms, and when the first mortals arrived on each they could do little more than crawl for the stress of it.
A natural world filled with all typical forms of life. The influence of magic is present throughout but less so than its sister planets. Venavia is the centermost of the three and the largest with a global circumference of approximately fifty thousand miles.
A radiant and densely magical world. All flora and fauna are heavily influenced by the mystical energies prevalent throughout. Many creatures possess unique and unusual abilities and plant life is either very useful or very deadly. The regal and elusive Celestian elves populate this world and keep it largely shut to outsiders, leaving much about the world a mystery. Smallest of the three, Opalus has a global circumference of approximately thirteen thousand miles.
A perpetually dark, desolate, and magically dense world. Little flora or fauna exist, and what does live is vicious, elusive, and predatory. A jagged world with little to no surface water. Only three Delvdrin elf nations exist, and those are largely underground. Warring bands rove the black deserts and few people of the other worlds trust any of the natives of the planet, which has a global circumference of approximately fifteen thousand miles.