Humans: a diverse species of well rounded and unpredictable people. The most populous people of Venavia, these mortals can live nearly two hundred Venavian years. Almost all other races descend from the earliest humans to walk the three worlds, save for the Golaiths, Borikin, and Camigor.
Venavian Elves: very similar to humans, these magically attuned and affected mortals are uncommonly dexterous. Sharp featured and generally lithe, they live for centuries without signs of aging. Their appearance best matches that of the regional traits of their ancient ancestors as few enough generations are born among the elves for any distinct change over time. These people are fully integrated into the nations of Venavia.
Delvdrin Elves: like Venavian elves in most ways. They sport longer and more pointed ears and skin that is pale and tinted gray, their hair dark. Their eyes are completely black with colored irises of vivid hues. Largely met with distrust and fear wherever they go.
Celestian Elves: a haughty breed of elves with silvery, copper, or golden colored skin and white hair. Their eyes are solid white with no visible pupils. Their ears are quite elongate and reach almost past the tops of their heads. Tallest among the elven races, many tower above all the rest of the civilized races, only shorter than the massive goliaths and equal in stature to the borickin. These people are secretive and very few are found outside of their homeworld.
Goliaths: extremely tall and sturdy humanoids. Their arms are proportionally longer than a humans with specifically enlarged hands and forearms, the tips of their fingers reaching down to their knees when standing. They possess tough hides of gray and bluish skin in a variety of hues. The tallest among them nearly double the height of the tallest Celestians and boost a weight of more than quadruple the average human. These people dwell most often in the mountains and in colder climates and prefer peaceful and private communities. Good natured to a fault.
Dwarves: short and sturdy humanoids with thick and heavy limbs. They enjoy incredibly dense and broad set bone structures and outrageous strength. Similar in every other way to humans, they usually sport thick beards and braided hair. These people prefer to dwell underground in high elevations, mostly among mountainous reaches, and revere craftsmanship and mining above all other interests. The tallest among them just barely match the shortest of humans but easily doubles their weight with brawny bodies.
Halflings: short and stout humanoids. They appear as cherubic human children in many ways with proportionally larger hands, feet, and heads. Incredibly nimble and stealthy, and naturally good natured, more so than any of the other races, they are the most goodly of the races, though often regarded as lazily by the others, and the ease with which they can become portly encourages the sentiment. The tallest are as tall as the shortest dwarves and the average weighs only half as much.
Borickin: rough and abrasive humanoids with vaguely canine features. Typically taller than humans with prominent eye teeth on both top and bottom rows. Their fur like hairlines extend down to the base of their necks and their hair is kept long, with fur growing lightly in the places a human would most typically grow body hair. Some boast patterned fur and flesh and are considered the most beautiful among their people. The borickin rely largely on instinctually behavior rather than intellect but are an honorable people who fit well into civilized societies. They came into existence by the meddling of some unknown wizard, inspired by the success of the famous wizard Tolkien and his creation of the damnable orcs.
Dramaron: the bipedal offspring of draconic pairing with the mortal races, usually elven and rarely human, they generally appear most like their humanoid parents in the face and features. Muscular and elongated, they sport large hands with thick talons and stand up on the balls of draconic feet. Their hair is like thin flexible spines and their flesh is coated in tough, tiny scales that shimmer marblesque. They have long serpentine tails and two small horns near their temples. Their hands, feet, and tails all feature denser and darker scales that best match their hair and horns.
Camigor: a species of rodent like creatures that has developed into its stone age over the eons. Shorter than humans, these soft-furred creatures have vast regional differences and can possess a variety of differences in patterning and ear and tail shape and length, but are generally similar to the shape of rabbits. Their language is simple and they live in large family groups with a governing patron and matron. Their homes are hovels in dirt mounds interconnected by underground tunnels. Many of the other races consider them to be pests and misunderstandings between the simple creatures and the others they share the lands with have lead to bloodshed.