For the first time after years,..... I was happy. I still had the sorrow of my past but still.... with his presence, I can never look back or think about anything else. Link didn't stop eating chocolates and Kiet was worried that he'll gain weight. It was Sunday and I went to meet P'Wan.
"Hello, P'. How are you?" I said as I walked inside with a smile.
"I'm good. And judging by your smile your holidays went well I guess." He let out a small smirk.
"I guess. It has its ups and downs. But everything went good in the end." I replied as I sat in my seat.
"So, tell me. The problems you faced or the people you faced during the holidays." He asked and my smile faded slowly. I explained to him about the incidents I had and P'Wan looked normal.
"You must be disappointed in me. I tried my best to control it. But... I just couldn't." I said with my head down.