Chereads / when worlds collide / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2


A tall blonde haired boy with deep blue eyes. Suddenly, jumps out of the trees above, landing a few feet away from Yukia's shield. And, the Titans.

The boy seemed rather puzzled as he gazes back at the blue object in front of him. He honestly figured his kunia's would have hit them But when they cluttered to the ground without any of them moving a finger it really surprised him.

Yukia glares over at him, her eyes narrowing darkly. She didn't approve of some one trying to hurt her friends. That would not fly at all with her.

"Naruto!!!" a loud female voice screeches from the trees. Causing the blonde to winch. His face seeming to turn white.

A large group of people suddenly come into the titans, and, Yukia's line of sight. A few of them jumping down from the trees. Landing beside the blonde boy. With a few of them seeming content on  staying up in the trees.

A girl with shoulder linked pink hair stalks up to the blonde boy. What looks like hot Steam rolling of the top of her head, as she sneers darkly up at him.

"We told you to wait" she hissed, her anger clearly heard in her voice. Without warning the girl slams her fist into the boys stomach a bit hard. Causing him to crumble to the ground. His arms now grasping onto his stomach. As a few animated tears stream down from his eyes.

"Idiot" the girl growls under her breath.

All five Titans glance at each other feeling a bit unsure of what was going on. While Yukia looks over the new comers, taking in what she could on them they each seemed around her and the titans ages maybe a few where a little older, they all wore some sort of weird head wear, which was either wrapped around there arms, necks or heads. She tilts her head in silent question. Who where they?

Robin, reaches back into his utility belt. Pulling out a couple of his flying disc. jumping up into the air, he does a small back flip, before throwing the disc at the strangers, just when they looked like they where going to hit a few of them. 

A huge amount of sand rushes forward immediately grabbing hold of the flying disc. Crushing them instantly. Robin watches om in silent astonishment. His head turning to look at a red-headed boy. His masked eyes Watching as small shifts of sand swirl around the boys feet. Almost Like magic.

Who were these people? And how was that boy controlling sand? the red-headed boy looks back at Robin. The boys face void of any emotions.

Yukia lowers her shield by moving her hands back down to her side her blue eyes looking over the strangers pretty closely they really didn't seem all that evil. But then again she didn't know them and even though they didn't seem evil they still could be, she also realized her and the Titans were completely out numbered by a lot.

Without knowing what they all did could they really win this battle? Starfire flies up her green star bolts covering her hands the blonde looks up at her a bit surprised as did a few others who where standing beside him Starfire throws a few star bolts at them.

However, each of them were Impressively quick and, where able to get out of the way pretty quickly. Beastboy pops his knuckles a smirk crossing his lips.

"Watch and see how someone really kicks butt" he says mostly to Raven. 

Beastboy raises one of his eyebrows at her almost playfully. Raven, only seems to roll her eyes in annoyance. Was this really the time to try and, show of? They where completely surrounded. It really didn't seem to be the time for that.

Beastboy shifts into a huge t rex letting out a loud roar, shocked eyes quickly look towards the now huge green dinosaur Beastboy charges forward, another roar escaping from his massive lips 

"Man beast clone" a brown haired boy shouts doing a couple weird looking hand signs. "Two headed wolf"

A thick white cloud of smoke suddenly poofs up around him and, the little white puppy growling down at his feet. Blocking them from the titans sight for a quick second.

As the smoke dissolves into the air. A huge two headed white wolf now stood exactly where the boy and, the puppy had once stood. It was even bigger then Yukia's own wolf form. Which surprised her.

As Beastboy keeps running towards the newcomers. Another loud roar coming from his lips. However just before Beastboy was able to reach the huge two headed wolf. The ground underneath the green teen gives out. A panic look crossing his dino like face as he suddenly into the hole.

Beastboy, shifts back to his human form his arms panickly flailing out infront of him. Trying desperately to keep himself from falling deeper into the hole but to no avail. Black energy wraps around Beastboy's torso. Easily bringing him up out of the hole. And, placing him ruffly on the ground. Almost making him fall face first in some dirt.

After Raven, had saved the green boy from falling. Beastboy, could have easily gotten himself from falling into that hole if he had wanted to. It was unclear to Raven why he did not.

Focusing her attention back on, the tall dark haired male standing quietly in front of her. The boy wore a white hoodie that came half way up to his face. Dark sunglasses covered his eyes, hiding them from Raven's line of sight. Insect's crawled over the boys arms.

Raven, without warning sends a few sharp spears, of dark energy. Flying speedily towards the mysterious boy. However, just as the dark spears connect with the boys chest. Bugs seem to crawl out of his skin, covering up his body in a matter of minutes, as the bugs fall. Onto the ground. the boy somehow was gone.

Raven, couldn't keep the small shock that came over her pale face back, where had the boy gone? Not having time to think. Raven, jumps to the side. Quickly avoiding a swift punch aimed at her back gazing back over her shoulder.

Raven, spots the dark haired boy doing a small backflip. Getting some distance between them. Narrowing his eyes at Raven. Almost like he was thinking of a way to beat her. Raven, wasn't sure though he hid his emotions quite well. 

Cyborg, fires his Sonic cannon at a blonde girl who easily pushes it away with a powerfull gust of wind from her fan. An annoying look crosses the robotic teens face it sucked that he didn't have any of his other weapons with him.

Cyborg, was starting to get a bit tired his Sonic cannon was using too much energy and without a way to charge it up he would run out of energy for it quickly.

Yukia, let's out a low growl. Her pointy white teeth flashing in the sunlight as she pulls her lips back. Holding her ground. Though Yukia, really hadn't made a move towards Naruto. With the blonde male just standing there as well his blue eyes wide. 

Naruto, could not believe a minute ago a small girl with long red hair stood in front of him and, now it was a huge blue wolf with pointy white teeth. Glancing over the others who also stood beside Naruto.

Yukia, lets out a low breath. While slowly shifting back to her human form.

Why were they just standing there? Did they not see her friends as a threat? There was clearly more of them and they could possibly kill her and the Titans easily. So why where they just standing there??

"How do I stop this?" She questions herself her blue eyes narrowing. looking over her shoulders back at the Titans who still where fighting some of the strange people. 

Robin was now fighting with another dark-haired boy. The boy had pretty big eyebrows, he seemed to kinda enjoy fighting Robin who was only getting angrier due to the boy easily dodging his attacks.

Yukia throws her arms up in front of her in hailing deepily. Which makes the blonde boy kinda back up and go into a fighting stance. Naruto, was more then ready to fight her if he had to. He wouldn't let any one hurt his friends no matter what they could do. Besides it wasn't like it was everyday that he ran into someone who could turn into a huge blue wolf. The others around him also tense up. Taking on fighting stances of there own. As they watch the red headed girl.

Yukia, drifts her eyes over them once more determining for sure that they weren't enemies. She wasn't bothered by there fighting stances. She couldn't blame them for being suspicious her and the titans where far from Normal. She knew that well.

Yukia, only hoped she was making a good call here. If she wasn't she could put her friends in danger and she wasn't wanting that.

A few small blue bubbles suddenly shoot up into the air getting slight eye raises from the many strangers in front of her.

"What's that?" The pink hard gitl wonders worriedly backing up beside the blonde boy. Her eyes raised.

"Its ok, there mine" Yukia insures them all gently. Getting several confused looks from a few of them. "I'm going to try and stop the fighting"

Tilting his head Naruto, continues to watch the weird girl infront of him. How would she stop the fighting? She was weird. But then again so was her friends.

The small blue bubbles dart towards the titans, almost at blinding speed.

Beastboy, had just been slammed hard into a nearby tree slumping to the ground. A low grunt coming from his lips. As he goes back to his human form. The huge two-headed wolf creature leaps at the green teen his mouth gaped open wide. Just before he could get to the green boy.

An almost invisible force pushes against his chest. Seeming to be trying to keep him away from the gren boy. The wolf looks back at the green boy a stunned look clearly written on his face. What did he do? And what was that blue thing surrounded him?

What just happened? white smoke poofs up around the huge white wolf. As it vanishes, the brown haired boy now stands once again infront of Beastboy. His puppy laying on top of his head. Tilting its head in silent question.

Not far from them Starfire fires a couple star bolts. The green energy heading straight towards a tall male a black hood covering over his head, the hoodalmost made it look like the top of his head had cat ears. Purple makeup covering parts of his face.

The star bolts she had just thrown hits a small blue bubble. Protected the male from the green energy.

A bewildered look coming to his face. Starfire lands on the ground her green eyes glancing over at Yukia. Knowing exactly who the blue shield belong to.

Robin leaps into the air quickly avoiding a powerful kick from his opponent. Robin, knew it was powerful because when it hit the the spot he had been standing at. The ground had cracked slightly from the impact the black-haired boy grins up at Robin his teeth sparkling brightly.

"Nice" the boy complements impressively. His eyes raised. "Not many people can dodge my fast speed attacks, and, you done it amazingly"

Robin smirks over at his opponent. He had to admit this boy was strong. What ever he was doing really was impressive. Reaching back into his utility belt.

Robin pulls out his bow staff before taking of towards the black haired boy. His staff out infront of. Throwing his staff out. Robin aims a powerful hit to the boys midsection. However before the silver rod could make any form of contact with the boy.

A blue bubble was placed around the weapon holding it up in midair as so it wouldn't hit the black haired boy.

The boy quickly jumps away from Robin by doing a couple back flips landing a few meters away in a crouched position.

"Huh?" The boy speaks up tilting his head to the side questionable. "When where you able to do that?"

"It wasn't me" Robin informs looking to Yukia. In wonder. The dark haired boys eyes following.

Cyborg and, Raven had already stopped fighting having noticed what Yukia was doing. If they keep going Yukia would continue to try and stop the fighting. And, eventually get tired from having to hold up her small shields. They where small but if she keep using them they could easily drain her of power. And right now that wouldn't be good.

"Yukia what's wrong?" Robin asked letting out small huff's of breaths. It was clear he was getting tired as where the other four.

"Yeah, why did you stop us for. Is there something wrong?" Starfire questioned her green eyes gazing over the strangers as the words leave her mouth. her and the other Titans still felt very tense.

And, Yukia knew they where this was a new place to them and to her so why did she stop them from fighting? she could be wrong and these strangers could be completely evil she would have put her friends in danger but at the same time she also knew they where all tired and could probably not last much longer.  Yukia let's out a breath and looks back at the Titans. Regarding them all with an unsure look.

"There not our enemies" she tells them, with her blue eyes gazing back at the blonde boy standing before her, Giving him a small half grin. "And, where not yours either"

"How do you know?" Beastboy questions with a tilt of his head. Though he still keeps watch over the strangers.

"They did attack us first?" Cyborg points out sounding questionable, his robotic eye raising at his young teammate.

"Well, you see.." Yukia causes a small nervousness coming over her all a sudden. She hated the attention she was getting it was very nerving.

"There's so many of them" Yukia points out, trailing off once more, her head barely turning back to the titans. Naruto, tilts his head at her words. Wondering what she was getting at? This girl was just weird.

"I only have seen a few of them fighting us, if they all had wanted to they could have attacked us all at once and possibly overpowered us. Killed us possibly, and we don't even know what all of them do" Yukia finishes what she was trying to get at.  Her eyes drifting to her feet. "I feel unsure about it to. But we won't last long in this fight. It needs to stop"

The titans all glance at each other taking in her words. Before they each look over the strange people. It was very true they where out numbered they possibly wouldn't be able to fight all them. No matter how hard they tried.

"O I get it" Naruto chirps up loudly getting a small sneer from the pink heading girl standing beside him. Silenlty wishing he'd be quite for once. 

Yukia feels herself relax removing the small shields from around her friends. She  honestly, forgot about her shields being around them.

"No more fighting ok?" She muses carefully a light smile on her lips as she looked over her friends in turn. One eye closing so she would be winking at them.

"We will trust you on this for now" Robin speaks up his untrusted gaze looking over the strange people in front of them.

"Robin you know I won't do anything to hurt you guys" Yukia sighs lowly. A saddened look crossing her face. "At least I hope you know that"

"Yes I know but there still strangers and it's not like we can trust them right up" he tells her in a serious tone Yukia nods her head at the titan leader

"Then trust me, if I'm wrong you can take your anger out on me" Yukia tells her friends in a gentler voice her eyes softening Naruto seems to widen his eyes at her words. How much did she care for these people? They looked so weird, yet she didn't seem to care.

"Who are you guys?" The pink heading girl speaks up carefully keeping herself sort of behind the blonde boy. 

"Where the teen Titans" Robin introduced them Getting several confused looks from the strangers ignoring them for now. Robin points to his team in turn. As he introduced them.

"That's Raven Cyborg Beastboy Starfire and Yukia" he stops before pointing at himself . "And I'm Robin"

"Your names are a bit weird" the boy Robin, had fought earlier pipes up interestingly his huge eye brows raising.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki" the blonde introduced happily pointing to himself. He then looks to the pink heading girl standing beside him a small smile crossing the girls lips as she waves nervously at the titans. "That's Sakura" Naruto says with a light blush on his cheeks having noticed how close she was to him.

"I'm Kiba" the Brunette Beastboy had been fighting introduces coolly. He points up to the puppy lying on the top of his head  "And this is Akamaru"     

"Arf arf" Akamaru greets waving a paw at the titans. With his tail wagging back and forth behind him.

"He's so cute" Yukia muses, a few small hearts floating around in her eyes. She loved dogs despite being able to turn into a huge wolf. Akamaru barks thankfully at her words, seeming to be basking in the attention.

"I know right" Kiba says braggingly. A lop sided grin crossing his lips. Kiba points to the dark haired boy, now standing at his side. An unreadable expression on the boys face.

"That is Shino" Kiba introduces his teammate.

With Shino, nodding his head silently at the titans. Placing his hands into the front pocket of his white hoodie.

Raven sends a look to the quiet boy, at the moment she wasn't too fond of him and not because of his bugs. Or because she had to fight him. She really wasn't sure why she didn't like him.

Kiba then points to his other side to his other teammate. A shy look coming to her face as her silver eyes gaze over the Titans 

"This is Hinata" Kiba concludes. Hinata sends the titans a nervous wave.

"I'm Shikamaru" a tall dark haired boy introduces himself. A low uninterested yawn escaping from his lips. As He points two. The two people on either side of him. 

"That's Ino" Shikamaru points firstly to the platinum blonde on his right side.

"Hi.." Ino greets shyly, keeping herself a little behind her to teammates.

"And that's Choji" Shikamaru points to the brown-haired boy standing on his other side.

A pouty look crossing over Choji's face as his stomach rumbles. He was so hungry.

"I'm Rock Lee it's nice to meet you" the boy Robin had been in combat with introduces. His dark eyes gazing over to another dark haired boy standing a few feet away from him.

"That's Neji" Lee tells the titans cheerfully.

Neji gazes suspiciously over the Titans. Narrowing his pale eyes. And, quickly earning himself a warning glare from Yukia, what was his problem? She may have stopped the fighting earlier but she will not stand for someone trying to hurt the titans. If he where to try and hurt them, she'd defend them, in a heartbeat.

"And her names Tenten" Lee says pointing to the Brunette standing on his other side. Tenten waves slightly at the titans a small smile barely noticeable.

"And lastly I'm Kankuro" the puppet boy Starfire had been up against, pipes up pointing up into the tree at a blonde girl.

"Her name is Temari" Kankuro tells them flattly, apparentlyhe really didn'tcare about sll this introduction. But since everyone else had done it.

Temari only crosses her arms over her chest, not seeming all to interested in what was going on anymore. This situation had just gotten boring all a sudden.

Kankuro then points to the red-headed boy on his other side who still didn't seem to hold any emotions not that the Titans could see, and honestly out of all of them the Titans sort of felt more uncomfortable with him aside from Yukia who just smiles at the boy. 

"And that's Gaara" Kankuro finishes boredly. His eyes rolling as he turns His head away from the titans.

"It's nice to meet you all" Yukia says when she was able to speak, she smiles over the group individually eyes seeming to shine with slight interest as she gazes over them. She turns her head back to the titans giving them each a reassuring glance.

Yukia, guessed it would take her friends a little while. To trust these new strangers, it took them forever to truly start trusting her. Yukia was sure despite her and, Raven  getting along. The female titan still didn't trust Yukia.

Which really Yukia, was fine with. She knew well she had to earn that trust. And that  could take awhile.

"So how did you do that bubble shieldy thing?" Naruto asked Curiously his head tilting slightly to the side, as he looks at Yukia awaiting her answer.

"And turn into that huge blue wolf?" Lee wonders, with Yukia turning to face them. A small grin coming over her lips.

"I've never seen someone do those things before" Choji points out while walking, beside Ino, and, Shikamaru.

"I was born with the ability to shape shift" Yukia answers honestly. A thinking look comes to her face as she tries to figure out how to go about explaining her shields she never had to explain them before and was unsure how to go about doing so.

"And my shields I am not sure when I started using them, it's been a long while" she decides to tell them the unsureness heard in her voice.

Yukia, suddenly slips to her wolf form. noticing several of the young ninja around her  tense up. A few of them going back into fighting stances. It would take them a while to get used to her shape shifting powers, it wasn't something they seen everyday. Someone shifting to a huge blue wolf was uncommon.

Luckily once they realized Yukia, wasn't going to attack them. They seemed to relax. Yukia sends the tense ninja a small wolfish grin. Before lifting her muzzle into the air. Sniffing to make sure no one else would come out and attack them.

"What are we to do now?" Starfire speaks up shyly her hands wrapped nervously around Robin's arm. Causing him to jump up suddenly casting her a small glance.

Robin, smiles gently at her. Turning his head back towards his other teammates.

"We need to find some shelter" he decides. Getting nods from the other titans.

It was getting dark and, if they ran into any enemies at night. him nor the other Titans would be able to fight them off effectively.

Yukia, shifts back to her human form her blue eyes filled with some slight concern, as she cast them over her friends.

"A thunderstorm is heading this way, a shelter probably would be a good idea for the night" she informs her firends, her blue eyes casting over to the young ninjas. "You guys are welcomed to come to if you want, I'm not sure how bad the incoming storm will be. But perhaps it would be best if we stayed together"

Naruto grins brightly at her words, the young girl seemed rathee nice.

"Thank you" Sakura pipes up gracefully. Getting a caring nod from Yukia.

"I wouldn't mind finding shelter for the night myself" Tenten soothes brightly. With Lee quickly shaking his head in agreement.

"I agree, sleep will make it easier to get back home" he points out smartly. "Though I could probably stay up all night, and make it back before morning"  

Lee, suddenly goes on a splandering ramt on how strong his youth was. And, how fast it would take him to get home. Neji sighs irritatingly choosing to try and block the hyper male from his head. With Tenten, sweetdrop at the green clad male.

"Let's get moving then" Robin speaks up turning to walk onwards. With the other titans trailing quickly behind him. The leaf and, sand ninja following close behind as well.


Yukia Bits on her lower lip nervously as she walks. A worried sigh escaping from her lips. She inwardly hoped everything would turn out ok. Yukia, didn't want to think of the titans being hurt or even worse killed. But the thought continuesly jumped into her head. This was a new place for them. And, she wouldn't allow herself to relax to much.

"What's wrong" Naruto suddenly asked his blue eyes watching her, as he took step beside her. Having Noticed the troubled look that constantly flashes over her face.

Yukia's eyes watch the titans as they walked a few feet in front of her. Turning her head to gaze over at the blonde male walking beside her. Naruto's eyes showing some concern. Which internally bothered Yukia.

"O nothing" She quickly answers him. Though she wasn't able to keep the worried look from flashing into her eyes, once again. Cursing at herself. She sighs deeply.

Naruto, was actually quite tall compared to Yukia. She literally had to tilt her head up to look him in the eyes, Naruto's eyes. Yukia, randomly realizes, where just a tad darker then hers. Where hers where more of a crystal blue. His where almost a bright baby blue.

"Are you worried for them?" Naruto asked curiously. "I notice you keep gazing over at them, like your scared someone is going to come out any minute and kill them"

Yukia watches him her eyes slightly widening at his words. Before she nods her head once at him.

"Yes" she admits looking back towards her friends "I'm very concerned about them actually"

"What is it your worried about?" The Blonde questions tilting his head curiously.

Yukia comes to a sudden hault, her eyes now on the ground scowling saddly at her feet. As small short Flashes of her nightmare make there selves known in her mind.

Yukia, found It hard to shack the dream from her mind. She could literally see the dead bodies of the Titans laying on the ground, not breathing not moving just still, blood splattered on there clothing. Soaking the ground beneath them in a deep red puddle. Shaking her head. Yukia blinks away a few lose tears that had some how managed to find there way to her eyes. Maybe she should tell them about that man? It wasn't her favorite topic to talk about, But its best they knew about him. She guessed.

"I'm sorry if I asked something personal," Naruto said backing up his hands going up in the air in a surrender like manner he wasn't wanting to upset her or offend her, he was just interested about her is all.

"Your good my friend" Yukia insures him placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. Naruto smiles back at her relieved that she wasn't mad at him.

"I was just remembering something I was hoping to have forgotten about" She admits to him quietly.

Yukia then begins walking again. With Naruto, following close behind her having come to a stop when she did. Yukia peeks back at him again. hesitating on rather or not to tell him about. 

"You see" she slowly starts releasing a small breath into the air before speaking once again.

"There's this really evil man. I honestly have a hard time talking about him. But I guess I should tell you who he is. His name's Debalo. When I was younger, he killed my family. and, has tried on multiple accounts to kill me as well as them" Yukia rambles? her eyes peeking over to the titans. Not sure why she told Naruto about her family being killed, he probably wouldn't care about that. 

Yukia, knew well if she continued to talk about the dark man and, everything he had done to her, she would end up in tears. He's done so much bad things to her. Things she wasn't even sure how to go about talking about.

Plus Yukia, wasn't the type to really cry in front of people she liked hiding her feelings behind the happy mask she covered her face up with. Bringing up the sad memories really wasn't her style.

A low sigh escapes from her lips. Yukia, hadn't even told the Titans about her brother, her parents or anything on her past. It was too painful for her to try and, remember. If she could even remember what happen to her family. She was so young when they where killed. And, she barely remembered anything.

"You where alone?" She heard someone say in a hushed voice, bringing her out of her thoughts

Yukia glances over her shoulder back at Gaara it was the first time she had heard him speak. His voice was low and if he hadn't been walking a few feet beside her. She wouldn't have heard him. Yukia glances straight into the boys eyes. Her own eyes suddenly widening, silently noting how nice his eyes where.

"Yes, for the most part" Yukia answers after a few short seconds. Pulling her attention away from him and focusing back on the trail infront of them.

Not realizing he'd also turned his head away from her.

"So what happened?" Naruto asked the curiosity heard in his voice clearly.

"I've not told anyone about my past" Yukia murmers lowly. Drifting her eyes over to the titans. Noticing they had also stopped walking. There eyes now glancing back at her curiously. The girls past a total mystery to them.

"What happened friend Yukia?" Starfire asked an empathetic look coming to her face having lost her parents at a young age Starfire knew what it felt like to lose her parents even her sister didn't want anything to do with her anymore. 

"After I lost my family I had lived alone for, I want to say six or maybe seven years, at the time, that my family was killed I was unaware of my powers as far as I knew I didn't have any. Continuing my journey on my own, I managed to find a small farm, the man I guess wasn't real used to strangers being there or maybe it was due to me trying to still breed. But either way he tried to kill me, l was scared I never faced someone who wanted to kill me before. I never had the problem, it was, the first times I had actually shifted to my wolf form. In my family the first shift is hard, it's hard to gain control over it..."

"Did you kill him?" Beastboy asked Interrupting her his green eyes raised in interest.

Yukia comes to a stop causing everyone else to also stop around her, there empathetic looks burning into her skin like sharp knives she hated theses looks. This was why she hid her past she didn't want those sympathetic looks her friends where giving her, and some of the ninjas as well. Shaking her head at Beastboy's words.

"No but I wanted to so bad, being the first time I turned it was hard to keep myself from not killing him. I'm not sure why I didn't kill him? I know I injured him pretty badly and maybe got some blood in my mouth so I guess I didn't like the taste of  human blood or something it was weird. I did steal a few pieces of breed before leaving the farm. Once I shifted back to my human form of course"

"A few days past and I was still alone. Until I somehow managed to run into a huge pack of wolves. These wolves were not normal wolves either, they where a lot like me they where shape shifters to, they took me in and raised me up they had become family well at least that's what I saw them, has however they didn't see me as family due to the non pack blood and the blue fur I was mocked and laughed at, as well as beaten, their eyes grew cold and dark towards me and I was pushed away" taking in another Breath Yukia falls into a silences. The memories stinking painfully at her heart.

"Is that the pack you told me about. The one that said you where bad luck due to the blue fur?" Starfire asked remembering. Being told that once before.

"Yes" comes the low reply. A silent tear running down Yukia's check.

"Bad luck huh?" Naruto repeats a saddened look crossing his face, as he looks away from the girl knowing full well how it felt to be left out, having been there himself.

"Keep going Yukia" Raven encourages. With Raven hiding her emotions, it wasn't clear to Yukia if she was sad or not, she hoped not she was not liking being the center of attention it was starting to crawl under her skin.

"I got tired of the pack treatment so I managed to run away, I know running away from problems don't solve much and maybe it didn't but that same day I had made my way into the Titans city the first time I had really came face to face with Debalo in a long time he tried getting me to join him and when I refused he tried to kill me that's how I met them the Titans saved me, more then they realize. They gave me a new reason to live and that was to protect them no matter what" Yukia narrows her eyes taking a small pause from talking. The titans giving her grateful looks "However Debalo wants to kill them because of me, he knows I care about them, Debalo wants to kill those I get close to I'm not too sure why the reason is unclear to me, it scares me to think I could actually lose the ones who mean the world to me because of him and there maybe nothing I could do to really stop him" 


(Another one done please tell me what you think?)