Chereads / when worlds collide / Chapter 5 - Chapter 5

Chapter 5 - Chapter 5

When worlds collide

~Chapter 5~


The intents feeling of something being pulled out is unimaginable. Loud cries of pain continuealy escaped from her lips. Unable to hold them in.

The girls vision had slso begun to get real foggy. Making it real hard to see the people standing around her. Even her high wolf scents seemed to be failing her, at the moment. Not knowing who was around you, was quite frustrating.

And who ever it was holding her hand. Yukia would eventually have to apologize. She was holding there hand awfully tight in hers. Hopefully she wasn't hurting them to much.

"It's out" Ino shouts after a couple more long seconds. Of pulling the deadly weapon out. And, Throwing it into the thick brush. Ino gets to her feet whipping her arm over her face her eyes barely gazing down at her Pink headed Frenemy.

Sakura, whips small beads of sweat from her head, her chakra descending from her hands. As she sits back on her knees. Her keen eyes looking over the wound one more time.

"It's is over" She says with a tired smile crossing her lips. "For now that is, I can't do any more for her out here"

Sakura, begins to wrap a white bandage around Yukia's injured shoulder.

"We need to head, to the village Lady Tsunade, could heal it up better there" Ino points out lowly.

"You sure that's a good idea? they are strangers how do we no they won't just turn on us" Neji questions dully his silver eyes glaring over the titans slightly "they were the reason that guy attacked us after all"

"It's not like we asked him to attack us" Robin snaps at Neji. A dangerous look coming to his face.

Causing the pale eyed male to roll his eyes, uncaringly at the titan leader his arms crossing over his chest. Robin scowls at the young hyuga his anger rising ever so slightly.

"Debalo has been trying to get her for years" Cyborg puts in his robotic eye watching the girl as she breaths in and out even with the sword out she still had a very painful look on her face. Cyborg could feel his stomach twist up, her face usually held so many smiles.

"If you don't want us in your village will go elsewhere" Robin puts in stubbornly his arms going over his chest, not that they really had any other place to go.

"I'm sorry he followed us here..." Yukia speaks up apologetically her breathing, heavy as she spoke. "It wasn't any of our intentions, if anything I would love to leave the Titans out of the conflict with him but even if I tried" 

Neji gazes over at the girl his pale eyes narrowing. Yukia breaths out another heavy breath. A low groan escaping her lips as she goes to stand up, her legs wobbling beneath her weight. It was clear she shouldn't even be trying to stand up. Yet she was way to stubborn to sit around and, let everyoneelse help her. Even though if it hadn't been for Raven, ready to catch her. Yukia, would have fallen face first back onto the cold ground. Her eyes blinking as they cast up. Trying to make out who it was beside her. Sighing deeply, still nothing. She couldn't see them at all.

"I... would.."Yukia stutters her head drooping. "Thank you, for helping me, but I have no clue who it is helping me"

"I'm raking it" Beastboy soothes sounding kind of far away to Yukia. "You can't see huh?"

"No" comes the low grumble a pout appearing on her face.

"Let's head to the village" Shikamaru mushroom sighs.  "I'll explain everything to the hokage once we get there" 

"If you like I can make a sand bed for her?" Gaara says calmly  his teal eyes casting over to Yukia. Watching As she continues to struggle to stay up on her feet.

Even despite Raven, helping the young girl stay up on her feet. It wasn't hard to tell. Yukia, was still having a hard time finding a proper balance.

"Thank you" Raven eventually replies, her purple eyes watching as sand suddenly comes out of the huge quord on his back.

Using his chakra Gaara, easily Hardens the sand into a small bed, just big enough for Yukia to lay down on it. Raven gazes back at him once more. Could she really trust him with her injured teammate?

"It's safe" He insures her coolly a small almost unsee able smile comes to his lips. The first smile Raven had been able to see on the boys face. Nodding her head. Raven Helps Yukia, up on the small bed of sand.

"You should try and get some rest" Raven mutters in a low monatoned voice.

"But Raven I'm ok" Yukia cries out. Trying to sit back up. She clearly was not liking all this unneeded attention.

"Um could you make handcuffs or something there's no way she will lay there to long" Robin suggest with a little chuckle coming from his lips. Yukia widens her eyes a betrayed look coming over her face.

Yukia, lays back down against the sand pouting to herself. Crossing over her chest as so they wouldn't get tied down. Yukia, pokes her tongue teasingly out at Robin well where she thought his voice was coming from even in her bad state she still managed to keep her cheery personality up. Robin only shacks his head. Leave it to her to act like she was perfectly fine when she clearly wasn't.

"Dang traitors" Yukia grumbles under her breath as she continues to pout to herself. "I'm perfectly fine"


Beastboy shifts to a dark green dog, his nose up in the air as he takes in the many smells around the area. A small lake set close by. The trees above swayed back and forth almost like they where dancing in the nice cool breeze.

Beastboy, could make out the scent of both Neji and Kiba both ninjas keeping a quite lookout up above in the tall tree. The group had eventually decided to take a quick break, that way everyone could rest up and regain there strength.

Beastboy sort of hoped he would be able to pick up the scent of food of some sorts. An apple would work perfectly. but there was none not a single fruit tree around there anyways. Beastboy lets out a low sigh before sitting down beside Raven, turning back to his human form, his green eyes gazing over at, the beautiful ravenette sitting beside him.

Beastboy would never tell anyone aloud what he really thought of the girl. But Raven was actually quite beautiful to him from her deep purple eyes to her long silky hair even her pale skin was beautiful to him the way she laughed in rare moments even if the jokes where aimed at him.

Beastboy partly Scowls at his thoughts in his head, it was unlike him to think such things about Raven, but perhaps he'd always thought those nice things about her. Raven looks back at him a glare slowly forming in her eyes why was her green teammate looking at her?

Beastboy widens his eyes his head shaking back and forth as he realized how long he had been staring at her

"Sorry Rae Rae" He whispers apologetically A sheepish grin crossing his face. As he uses his nickname for her.

Beastboy, quickly jerks his head away. Though his green eyes still peek up at her from his lashes. A few times, despite the nickname he gave her not being one she particular liked, all that much. Her name was Raven how hard was that for him to say? But for now, she decides against snapping at him. Just as a small shiver goes up her spine, Beastboy having noticed her shiver raises one of his eyes in slight concern at her.

"Are you cold?" The green teen asked kindly easily taking of his upper shirt. He still had on a purple tank top under his shirt though not as thick as his usual doom patrol uniform, he would be ok for now.

Beastboy, hands her his shirt, and sits back against the tree his arms resting under his head. His green eyes hooded trying hard not to stare at the girl beside him again, Raven widens her eyes slightly, a small blush coming over her pale checks. though she quickly has to shake it away she couldn't show her emotions due to her powers going crazy

"Why did you do that I have my hood to keep warm" She tells him tonelessly though her voice is rather soft she wasn't wanting to snap at him. Not with him being surprisingly nice to her. "You could catch a cold without your shirt"

Beastboy shrugs his shoulders at her words, another sheepish smile crossing over his lips.

"I can just shift to an animal with thick fur to keep warm, I'll be fine" He simply tells her with a dismissive wave.

Raven shacks her head. pulling his doom patrol shirt closer to her, welcoming the small warmth it brought along with it. Raven could easily make out the strong smell of his Cologne the smell actually quite strong, Raven actually liked the strong smell. The silent girl wouldn't admit it out loud, but she was actually freezing out here even with her rob on she looks back at him a small smile coming to her lips.

"Thank you" She whispers lowly to him not wanting everyone around them to hear her,

Beastboy shifts to a green wolf, curling up into a small ball his tail covering his nose up blocking it from the wind as it blew by. The thick green fur on his back dancing slightly.

Starfire and Robin sat a few feet away Robin slung his arm gently over her shoulders holding her a bit close to him, Starfires head rest comfortably on his chest, her green eyes half way closed.

Robin could feel his heart thump in his chest at how close she was to him, taking in her wonderful scent with a deep breath, even if it was faint he could still smell the strawberry shampoo in her hair, he pulls her a little closer to him, his head resting gently on top of hers.

Cyborg lends against a tall tree a few meters away from his friends his lips curved up at the corners as he watches his teammates it was cute to see Robin be so gentle,  towards Starfire the masked boy was good at hiding what he was feeling but it was clear how he felt about the beautiful tamerainan.

It was however, kind of weird seeing Beastboy being nice to Raven. Beastboy would usually do anything to get on her nerves, so seeing him being nice to her was a shocker. Cyborg smirks deviously to himself he would defiantly be picking on the green teen later fir it. He wasn't going to let Beastboy forget this any time soon.

Cyborg, turns his head to his young teammate. Yukia, was asleep on the made up sand bed a peaceful look clear on her face as she sleep.

Yukia turns over on her shoulder a pitiful look crossing her face before she turns back to rest on her back. Cyborg could guess she laid on her injured arm. Poor girl it was hard to see her hurt. But right now there wasn't much hecould do for her.



Yukia's pov


"You will never be a part of our pack" A male voice explodes "the only reason your even here is to serve. what more would anyone want with you"

I laid on the ground my ears Flatting against my head. my head resting on my paws

"I....I am sorry sir" I whimper lowly my blue eyes trying to avoid looking him in the eyes

"look me in the eyes when I speak to you" He snarls "I am your alpha and you will obey me"

My body seems to shiver at the venom in his voice my eyes sort of glancing up to him his deep brown eyes filled with so much burning rage. I couldn't understand it what did I do that was so wrong? A growl escapes from his lips as he bends down his sharp canines going around my neck he picks me up into the air my feet flailing below me. I let out a low yelp as my body is slammed hard onto the cold ground. The breath in my lungs feeling as if it had been knocked completely out.  I bit down on my lower lip holding back the whimper that wanted to escape my lips. Knowing the brutal treatment would just Intensify if I showed any sign of weakness the alpha lifts me up once again and throws me away from him I hit a nearby wall in a heap and slide to the ground a low grunt escaping from my lips. I could feel something hot and sticky slide down my face the alpha growls before turning to leave

"pathetic" was the finally words the enraged alpha spits out

The door to the room I was in slams forcefully behind him leaving me in the dark empty room alone once again. I had no bed due to being able to turn into a wolf plus I would barely use it anyways shifting to my human form my red hair falling to my shoulder blades my hair was mostly on knots due to poor care. I pull my small legs up to my chest my head resting sideways on top of them. A small sob escaping from my lips

'I'll never be able to escape here' I think internally

I wipe a hand across my face feeling a warm liquid stick to my hand pulling it away. The room was dark but I could still see the crimson red lines of blood my blood. I hated being the little punching bag the pack always seemed to beat on especially if I didn't do what I was told or I stepped out of line I was only twelve and I couldn't do much to any of them even the alphas children where of limits I jump up when the door opens up again a wolf with white fur steps in her gold eyes look over the room before landing on my crumbled body a low growl escaping her lips

"Your so week" She growls with a dark sneer on her face

I shifted to my wolf form and prepare for another beating the white wolf walks towards me her teeth-baring dangerously at me. I close my eyes as her teeth wrap around my front left leg I bit my lip as her sharp teeth clomp down on my leg she chuckles lowly as a loud crunch echoed of the wall an uncontrolled yelp escaping from my lips. The white wolf not letting go lifts me up and slams me onto the ground her huge paw pins me to the ground underneath her not allowing me to move her nails digging into my shoulder blade I continue to try to hold back a whimper the older female then releases me and steps back some of my blood spattered on her nails she smirks before turning to walk out leaving me alone again shifting back to my human form I try standing up only for my legs to buckle up under me sending me falling back to my. Luckily I managed to catch myself before I face planted the ground.

'Dang it' I growl to myself using the wall behind me. I stand back up my legs a bit wabble under my weight I looked over to where I knew the door was a cold sneer crossing my face. 'I hate this place'


Yukia sits up on the sand bed a small tear streaming down her checks it had been a while since she had a dream about her past or a nightmare yea a nightmare that she was really unable to run from no matter how hard she tried even though she was with the Titans for about a years she still couldn't get the past out of her head maybe she should have just stayed where she was at least the nightmares would go away, and she wouldn't have to worry about her friends being killed by Debalo. Yukia tries her best to stand up putting what little strength she was able to gain from the rest she had been able to get into her legs. However, her legs seemed to buckle up under her. Causing her fall to her knees. Her injured shoulder slowly increasing in pain it hurt pretty bay, but really it wasn't that bad she could handle the pain. Sighing lowly Yukia runs a hand through her hair.

"Are you ok?" A rugged voice comes from in front of her causing her to jump a low groan escapes her lips when another small pinch comes over her shoulder.

She glances up to see someone walking towards her, her eyesight had not completely come back to her, yet she was only able to see blurs, but she recognized the voice and the scent she was getting used to it.

"I'm ok" She answers feeling a hand brush across her uninjured shoulder

"You should be resting like everyone else" She heard him say coolly. A breath escaping from her lips.

"I can't sleep Gaara" She simply tells him feeling him pull her easily back to her feet. And placing her back on his sand.

"Why?" He asked her calmly.

"I have bad nightmares" She answers him honestly another sigh coming from her lips "They make it hard for me to get any sleep" she tells him lowly her blue eyes hooding as she spoke

"If you don't mind me asking? Why are you still awake?" She asked it wasn't necessarily late but everyone else either was resting our keeping watch.

Gaara looks at her silently. He wondered what she would think of him if she knew about the Shikuku would she fear him like most of his village did, one of the things he liked about her is that she wasn't afraid of him but that doesn't mean she wouldn't be if she knew about his secret would she fear him then?

"Do you have trouble sleeping too?" Yukia asked him carefully he shacks his head at her question before realizing that she couldn't really see him

"Something like that" Gaara answers her in a low voice.

Yukia barely tilts her head at his words, but remains quite.

"We should head out" Neji's voice rings out, after a couple seconds

"Ugh" Shikamaru whines as he turns over on his side getting an annoyed eye roll from Neji "a couple more minutes" the Nara cries tiredly  

"Lazy ass" Temari huffs lowly to herself watching the Nara as he pretends to ignore them all.

"Come on Shikamaru, Naruto we have to go" Lee chirps up happily as he wraps up his sleeping bag.

"What a drag" Shikamaru groans lowly as he turns over on his back his chocolate eyes barely opening gazing up at the beautiful blue sky. Watching the white fluffy clouds float around.

"Zzzz.... Ramen" Naruto soothes sleepily drool rolling down the side of his mouth. Sakura deadpans at her teammate of course the crazy knucklehead would be dreaming of ramen.

Stomping over to him Sakura takes in a deep breath before excelling

"NARUTO!!!" she blows out at the top of her lungs the blonde quickly bolts up in his sleeping back his eyes wide open. Naruto slowly turns his head to face his pink headed teammate scowling sleepily.

"Hi Sakura?" Naruto replies her name coming from his mouth in a question "What's up?"

"Where leaving" Sakura explains getting, a tilt of the head from the blonde, his eyes blinking slightly at her words. "Get up or will leave you here"

"Not sure if that's a bad thing or not" Kankuro mumbles under his breath his voice holding some annoyance as he watches Sakura and Naruto "I would do anything to get away from her"

The tall male getting a dark warning glare from Sakura. Which he skillfully ignores.

Naruto slowly starts to pack up his sleeping bag grumbling things under his breath as he does so.

Yukia looks over to where she believed Gaara was her concerned expressions back in place. Yukia hoped he was ok she could tell by his voice earlier there was something wrong but maybe she should just leave it alone if he wanted to tell her he would right? Or maybe he didn't trust her enough to tell her anything they did just meet them all. She couldn't blame any of them for not trusting her yet and she really wasn't sure why, but for some strange reason she did trust them.

"Thank you for the help" Yukia soothes instead a smile coming to her lips, as she tries her best to stand up, of course she easily falls back to her knees. While Cursing lowly under her breath the whole time.

"You will not lay back, down will you?" Gaara asked her calmly. getting a shack of the head from Yukia.

"If I could shift I would I don't like staying still for long" She answers him while scratching the back of her head with her uninjured hand.

Gaara slightly nods his head. He gently grabs her uninjured arm. And Places it around his neck he then puts one arm around her waist. Using a little bit of his strength he helps her to her feet allowing her to use him for balance if she needed to, a huge grin crosses Yukia's lips

"Thank you" She chirps happily a small uncontrolled pink coming to her checks.

Using his chakra Gaara easily pulls the sand back into his quord before slowly walking over to his siblings who seem to watch him suspiciously. Even the leaf ninja seemed to send him weird looks, though he easily ignores them. Everyone was getting ready to head out the leaf packing up there belongings. Yukia was cheerfully happy to be sort of walking, right now she was still unable to walk in her own. Gaara was really a good friend.

... .......

"We should be able to reach the village today" Neji speaks up boredly. Neji focused more of his chakra into his legs before jumping onto another high branch his byagugon activated.

"Hopefully I need a nice hot soothing bath" Tenten chirps up in a dreamy voice she could not wait to reach the leaf village; the girl could literally feel the hot steaming water from the hot springs washing over her skin. Shaking her head, Tenten refocuses back on jumping to the next couple branches.

"I can't wait to see Gai sensei" Lee chirps happily from in front of them a bright smile coming to his lips at the mention of the green clayed jonin

"What a drag I got to report all this to Tsunade when we get there" Shikamaru complains as he jumps to the branch infront of him, he just wanted to lay back down and take, another nap even though they just left the spot they had rested at

"If you don't mind me asking what is this leaf you keep mentioning?" Starfire asked curiously she was flying over the leave ninjas, and had been wondering about it awhile did they really live in the leaves?

Raven flew on her right side  with Beastboy on her left the green teen had shifted to a huge green hawk. Robin and Cyborg   where on the ground walking with a few of the leaf ninjas that where also walking on the ground.

"The leaf village is there home, it's like or city" Robin answered her simply his masked eyes peeking up after the beautiful Tamerainan girl "they don't live in the leaf's Star"

"O ok" Starfire replies with a bright smile coming to her lips her eyes gazing back at the spikey haired boy.

"Yeah, it's the best place ever" Naruto pipes up as he jumps to another branch his chakra keeping him firmly on the branch as he turns his head to gaze at the titans "especially the ramen"

The blonde rubs his stomach as images of a steaming hot bowl of miso ramen pops up into his mind bits of drool rolling out the side of his mouth and down to his chin.

"Of course, Naruto would be thinking of ramen" Sakura says with a roll of her eyes.

"It sounds good" Cyborg's voice comes from the ground

"O it is" Naruto says with a bright smile crossing his lips

Maybe he could get the robotic teen to love ramen as much as he did of course if they could stay. Naruto let's out a Yelp when a kunai suddenly flies by his head he was able to jump to the side in the Nik of time just as the pointy weapon flies by his head. The kunai continues to go till it hits a nearby tree with a loud thunk. The kunai sinks deep into the trees bark it's hilt noticeable now. Naruto glares towards the direction of where the kunai had come from a view sweat drops on the side of his head.

"Who's there" Naruto shouts pulling out his own kunai, and focusing some of his chakra into the blade a light blue color quickly surrounding around the sharp blade.

Naruto pulls his arm back before thrusting the chakra filled kunia forwards throwing it into the brush the kunia aimed at him had come from.