After listening and going through the lyrics of all of their songs. I must say, it wasn't that hard! It was only five songs, but I think they underestimate my capabilities. Whatever, I will just show them how good I really am?
In the background Emma walked in circles, anxious and worried. Haley said "Do you want to practice? I think we might have some time!"
Suddenly, the man from before entered the room, "I hope you girls are ready?" he said, with his eyes on his wristwatch.
Haley sent a wrly smile, she said to the man "Yeah... we are!" "Good" he replied, before walking around, running a tight ship, with his stern bushy eyebrows.
I think I will call him, as Mr. Bushy Brows. hehe.
"Ahh" Emma exclaimed, holding her fragile head. She said "Now what are we going to do? Where is Ash when we need her?"
"Oh calm down, you are attracting bad juju here! Sheesh!" Dominique said, while chewing her gum.
Emma said "How can I calm down? we are going to look like fools?"