Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace and not evil, to give you an expected end,

When I recommit my life back to Christ in 2009, I never know what his purpose was for my life. I come back to him because something has changed indie my heart. I became uncomfortable in the environment that I was in.

I am a very shy person, so you would never get me to go up before a crowd to speak because I am not good at public speaking.

After a couple of years back in church I pray and ask God to reveal his plans and purpose for my life. I said to God, I don't want to preach or prophesy, I want to lay hands on the sick and say to the cripple be healed and the get-up and walk.

Little did I know that what I tell God that I do not want to do is what he have in store for me,

In July 2016 for youth month I was asked to bring the word one Sunday morning. I was nervous and all. I bring the word and I think I did pretty well.

Two years after that I was asked to preach again and I was told that God have called me to the Word Ministry, now I became fearful.

Why? Because of what people might say about and because of the person I was, bitter and angry, answer anybody who said anything about me that I don't like.

So I run from it day in and night out, I stop going to bible study for a while and I became sick for some time and I use that sometimes as an excuse just so no one asks me to preach because I do not see myself as a preacher.

In Psalm 139:7 whither shall I go from thy spirit or whither shall I flee from thy presence?

It does not matter where I run to God will always there what he call me to do will not change

I start to do things I'm not supposed to do until one Tuesday night in choir practice God corner me and said it is time now, it is time to stop running. From there I cried unto him to forgive me and to create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me and I surrender my all to him that night He has changed me and given me boldness.

I get scared at times when He showed me some things at times, but I am making myself available so he can do as he pleases.

I have realized is not what you want to do but what God wants you to do.

He said His plans for you are perfect and he will not give you more than you can bear.

If you have told me that I will be preaching five years ago I will tell you, you are a liar.

I am amazed every day that God can take a battered, broken, and nobody and turn her into somebody using her to mend the brokenhearted, to minister unto a broken soul, I have just humbled myself and walked into the purpose that God set before me.

Pastor Leroy Hutchinson wrote, "Purpose has no Shame".

Romans 8:28And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to the purpose.

Remember God is God and He works all things including your life. Nothing can happen without God ordained it.

Be a purpose-driven youth, no matter what age you are… Walk into your God-given purpose for 1 John 4:4 says ye are God little children and have overcome them, because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.

I never knew I could make it, I never I could stand ever knew the Lord would've kept me All year long. Lord search my heart and purified my soul Wash me and mold me, and make me whole Place within me a clean heart and let your Spirit fill my life

You change my life and set my spirit free. You pick me up and let me stand. You're always there when I need a helping hand. You touch my heart and melt my eyes into tears