Chapter 688 - 689.The Father.


[Name:Dreamur Manuel Osirius Zakhiele Verthralus Dernexus]

Species:Monster A%o@i¶a$#on




Title:Glitched Angel, Dreamur Monster, Gene Core, evolution master monster, Shaper of Flesh.




Bearer of children:Shub-niggurath


Humm.. other fragments fused with others...more family or enemy,s...I can now feel them in the bowls of creation... where he son...Sradus...I can predict 15%of my will is the other 5% is Sradus...hopefully they are not insane... or went out...

Malal:the world where I was residing got them...many spawn...I fought back.... trying to protect trying to survive...the vortex is no help...they infiltrated my body like parasites...I tried to battle...they burrowed.... ate...and what was left behind merged...I was growing hungry I ate in response...I gorged on myself on my memory and my will...all collapsing...the knowledge of the mass fueled my I was expelled from reality in a land of madness....death and power grew...I opened my maw...biting killing eating...consuming large amounts of flesh...bloodlines...and memory,s...the time flux now became my stomach...digesting their existence....itself...I am Mal... The amalgamation they call me the maw of time...the devourer i....don't know why.....but I am being called somewhere...I followed the instinct eating my way through creatures....beings...monsters..... snacks and food...


Fuck... it's coming here....the devourer the imminent death the Fey Mallam...

It's bulldozing the enemy forces...and screaming at the top of its lungs...


, the thing... it's an old Eldredge feels ... familiar....another fragment?.... it's not a prince....but... it's powerful hopefully it's free of ill will...

He was a shifting mass...a Boar of circuits...small fey-like wings and a thick main ....tusks like the enemy,s got trampled...and eaten ...he stopped...before me...he sat down...and rested in my shade...on my roots...resting...the humanoid avatar is in Dc...taking care of the Vacation house...Malam..he was sleeping...he is sheep...are abundant...the mindless ones got close...and got the large Boar...

Phew...he is friendly and I can feed him...if he gets hungry...the making of the ship is out of energy I regenerate...casually...I hope I can communicate...

Sradus:Malam...can you understand me?..


Sradus:How come you came here?...


Sradus:Who is Lal?


Sradus:Good to know....are you feeling all right...are you both hungry?


Sradus:Let me check something.....

After analysis I made a core...and gave it to Mal and Lal....they ate it....and they glowed....after a few minutes the wings on the bore separated...forming a Galvanic metamorphic Fey...he smiled...and he said...

Lel:Plejure to meet you, brother...I am Lel,s Avatar clone...the skill is very useful....our relationship is like Ichigo and his Hallow ...Mal is my instinct...and I am his logic...and I hold some of our memory,s from before....

After the separation...the quadrupedal boar shifted transformed and stood on two stocky legs...her form her large breasts....muscular form...tucked mouth... she now resembled a boar tusked Orc woman...her voice also became female.....the fey shifted as well becoming male....and larger to about that of a kid....

Sradus:Well that was not expected...

Mal: Thank you, brother...

Lel:I am glad we this is your home....we had one .....but.

Mal:Stinky grotesque things kept attacking. I destroyed everything...

Lel:And we had to return to the outer parts ...we ate and ate...after a long while...we found no other had our you...

Mal:Yep feel just like us...Family...

I will rest...Lel do what you want to...I want to relax for once...

Lel:I will go find a you have some brother?

Sradus:I will send the avatar go get some...

In the DC world...a goat teleported to the closest library then it copied all the books,s and made a clone from the Librarian...

The tree that is my body grew and formed a library the knowledge neatly arranged..and the clone... made out of wood...and metal... panicked...looked at itself...screamed...then saw a Fey go through the books,s...

Mal:Can I get a burrow under your roots?

Sradus:I will make you a room...

Then it was constructed...and she rested...sheep wandering in from time to time...


I woke...the power and will that made me...sent me to do a job... I am ork...I am big...and I will kill eat and sleep...

Grimm was falling...I hit the ground .....and a creator formed...I am a big green mean machine...I turned seeing humans....weaklings...I walked following the watch. I found the laboratory of the insane doctor...I ripped and tore my way...I was accosted by a Nemu...I grabbed its hand and shoulder as I ripped the creature to shreds due to my tactile telekinesis i took the brain...and chomped on it...yummy treat....I kept destroying and killing and finally, I got my hands on him...I used my power to its greatest extent as when I ripped him into bits...only atoms were left...

He was turned to mist...

I blood red ...the heroes tried to stop me... I was stopped by Endever...he tried burning me...the lair-off vacuum made the attack worth less...I ignored him...I am a Juggernaut an unstoppable thing.

Next was Mount Lady....she was passed then Marko and finally Allmight...I grabbed the attack...and they were surprised...I did not budge...I opened my the blood was covering my eyes...I winded up a fist and punched him...the hit gave me access to his whole biology..muscle, and cells...he was stuck in a building...the heroes were surprised...I walked to him....and grabbed his torso...I then leaped out of this place...I arrived at a forest...and my mission parameters...I began to chest split open... spider-like legs emerged..inside a smaller mouth and big insectoid eyes...I inserted the nerve dampener and the pain was suppressed.

Then I started to open his wand up...he was conscious...he saw a barrier around him...I took flesh and intestine from the orc's body and added it to him....fixing his damage....with care...and he did not scream...I tested the new flash and finished the process...he was wide-eyed and his face was paper...he turned his head to the right and puked his guts out....the bits that were necrotized I added some protein and energy...his body began to smoke...and he popped back in shape ...he was surprised...his strength is back...I moved to his face...I immobilized him...and replaced his canines with tusks,s I then released him..the chest sealed up and I jumped ..finding the fragment...

I grabbed the monster...and started dismembering it...again and again... until it could not regenerate anymore...I was done...and stored the fragment..and I was transported out...

Dremur: Finally the last reachable peace...

Name:Dreamur Manuel Osirius Zakhiele Verthralus Dernexus]

Species:Monster Abomina$#on




Title:Glitched Angel, Dreamur Monster, Gene Core, evolution master monster, Shaper of Flesh.




Bother of children:Shub-niggurath


Finally, I am complete...the four parts...are undecided...I need to contact the other two...hopefully, they are like Malele or Sradus...

I was currently resting in my chair...Crona on my lap...we checked the TV shows....and I stopped on the something spy family...I watched this series a very long time ago...funny My Spy Famali...

I shrugged i focused... made an Angel creature and uploaded the basic me beginner package...and the tactile telekinesis .....


In the hospital, a woman made of stone was giving birth to a child...her husband was on the verge of his bioelectric field was deployed to its maximum to survive holding her hand. ...after a few minutes, she finished and a baby sculpture was extracted ...freezing its movement the moment it was seen.....they were afraid I was stillborn....they tried slapping my ass...nope hard as a rock...they wrapped me in a cloth...and I was able to move...they figured long as anybody looks onto me...I will frieze...and the moment anybody does not...well, I am free to had to close her eyes to feed me...and such time passed...

At 4 years of life...I awakened my quirk...time slipping...and shape stone... which allowed me to move...even when people looked....I was homeschooled even if I have a perfect memory and such.

At kindergarten, I was at all times frozen ....bothersome that I can move...I was brought to School...and I am very fast...close to Peanut,s speed know the scp that can and will snap your neck...I had been enjoying my wings came in....they are like a second part of hands...I can use each feather like individual fingers...and the camera,s glitch... allowing me to day a villain on the street watched by a video camera...he used his power to destroy my stone body...

Everybody was upset....they watched my video...on a recording, the police were surprised as they saw me stop the recording...and a voice was heard...

Jake:Get my stone...I don't like being video only...

The police were surprised....then they recovered my stone and brought it to me...upon coming in contact with was put back together and then I entered it...with few blinks, I was reconstituted...and they questioned me...I wanted my parents...they were happy to know I was all right.

And I answered them...

Jake:Anything that records my form ....the form of an angel I am aware of them and can send my soul if it's on the brink of collapsing my body I mean...a feature of my existence...the only way for me to be gone forever is to have the stone turned into nothing and all memory of me in all of you to be gone ...eradicated...but I can concentrate on a maximum of two different perspectives...myne the video and the family photo at home...for now...

Police:And your quick,s name?

Jack:Weeping Angel... pretty explanatory... it's a sad quirk...and very deadly...

Police:Why would you say that?

I was silent then as he inevitably blinked I appeared in front of him with my hand around his then shape mold myself going back...

Police:Point taken... Any other dangers we may be aware of....for the record of course...

Jack:None that you need to be aware it's too complicated to explain...

Police:We have time ..or are you not willing to announce the details?

Jack:To be exact... you are too dumb to understand...the only half as fast thinking as I am Nezu from the UA academia...better understand...I am a monster... Both intellectually and life while...I can't die...even if I try...I will come I was seen by more than half the population on this planet...I am a friend...

Don't make me a villain...I enjoy testing and relaxing...

Police:Right you are free to go...and take the recommendation....we do t need a villain as dangerous as you...

I spent some more time than I was brought to be tested and I joined the Ua ....the test...was easy....I had eradicated the form being I ate scrap metal...and made the whole body uniform....while constructing joints and plates outside mimicking human skin...but just like plate armor I blinked from robot to robot as my speed was quite fast...the enemy,s were gone...I was on the roof fingers were like wings spread out and formed tendrils-like structures...segmented like spines...and sharp...covering me was a kilt-like cover...

Behind me appeared a giant brought its hand up...and smashed my stop moving as it came in contact with my body...I immobilized its body and moved...I then focused and its boots and whirring separated it went to pieces...I still holding the hand...I smiled...and dropped the limb next to me...I sat down ..and then I was allowed to leave..the body shifted to the civilian configuration i got home and after a while, the answer came...I am in...and 1A classroom...

Next day... I was dressed in the uniform...I made my way to the classroom...I stopped at the door then students looked at me...I was metallic and with wings... an average face...I smiled....then the lights flickered...and I took my seat...I feasted on the table...after a while, a carte piler entered and took a seat...Deku and the rest...

We were brought to do the test...I was left I am quite slow...they noted when they turned their heads .....I would become very the group... I changed ..and then as the one with the highest score, I was asked to throw...I made a vail....and sat it up... I threw it without my quirk....then with force...I shot it...I got a high score...then again with my quirk...five times the distance...I then returned....and they saw me again slowly...during the other tests, they looked down or in another direction...I had passed all of them.....

We had finished the test...and I met All Might...I had asked if he would like to be healed...he was skeptical...but agreed as he saw me...and he noted that I was in his mind....and then from his eyes to the rest of the body turned to stones his hands covered his eyes...and the skinny statue I touched and remodeled his guts and chest ...leaving only an outside scar...he,s body grew and an All might Marble...weeping angle was made...he panicked.....then I reversed the process....he felt the stone crawl off and cover me...adding a lair of stone...

I smiled.....the body being nice and cozy.

He was surprised....and chilled to the marrow....few minutes into my state made him feel afraid frozen scared....a nightmarish experience....after a few minutes he he had a pitty for me...

All might:How can you keep going?... I mean ...sorry...I was .... please...

Jack:I was born unmoving .....I got used to it...humans are very adaptable beings the feelings about it got numb...and when my quirk awakened it became easier not worry...

All Might:Thank young Jack...

Then I went back home...from roof to roof I glided...and flew...nobody could catch a glance at me...I arrived at the home...

I entered my room....filled with metal and five statues made of different materials...

I am happy and I hold my best Hero body...I designed it to be easy to destroy and fix...I entered it...the carbon doll...resembling a grey angel..wings a mix of tendril and membrane...I can move with ease and speed...I have speed durability and the ability to dismantle the they are designed to pop off.....

I continued designing more body,s...I had saved people before....but now...I can do it in public...many villains they felt it...the stone prison of their body,s...I managed the zone around my home...mother was adamant about not getting coth...

After some time of training, I got to enter the Joint for simulations....the enemy was fast...I was seen by the portal guy...I jumped in his mind...and took control....from a butler now a larger angelic creature was present....I got rid of the name....sent them to prison the villains and captured the hand's guy...I was powerful....and I had to fix his mind...I closed the crack,...and the portal personality was burned to fix the original owner...he wanted to repent...we made a contract...and he landed while I returned to my climbed up from the floor... And he landed...the mist sent to form wings...I told them...

Jack:Profesor I think this one is your friend...I had fixed him...but he decided to stay in the weeping angel for him... it's more comfortable than being in a living corpse...


Oboro Shirakumo:I am back...

They hugged...and I finished modifying his design...the warp gate...turned into a Cloud gate...a golden cloud...he could control...retaining all the characteristics of the two quirks,s...

I smiled...and we continued the the end of it...all might come as a Villain...Oboro was brought to become a teacher...after a while the festival started...I was in my doll form...I allowed everybody to go ahead...while I used my tendrils....and shot and glided to the end...I was the first...and got the highest point count...I was not chosen by anybody...I had to Angelify a few loners....we made a pyramid and captured a good number of points...I was again at the first spot...

Then the next one-on-one fight...I covered my eyes...and took the posture of the weeping angel...the explosion head...tried to blast me off...his explosion covered me... and using it as cover it entangled him and threw him out...with fight was Deku....he was very very...I moved slowly....he tried throwing me no luck... I ended up grabbing him....then with him in my grasp...I possessed him...and saw them...fragments...deku as well was here....they saw the body turn to stone...large wings of green mass grew in wings... wrapping the body forming armor...Deku was paying I was completely obscured we became unstoppable....a perfect vessel...I made a smash upwards.....the clouds parted...the body was not damaged...and the quirks were all in use...we smirked...I dropped him outside the I possessed again my vesal...I was deemed the winner...Deku now had access to the black rope...

I smiled and figured...if I had an ability or device to allow me to be obscured I would be unstoppable...the last fight came and I was against the half-hot and cold...I walked to matter what ice he threw at form carved right through it...I opened my mouth and said.

Jack:Got you...

Then he noticed... an his memory, holding her mother's hand...and his younger self...he turned in obsidian and lapis two wings grew....and I flew up....half the face demonic the other angelic....fling a bit...I enjoyed the show...they saw our form....a show of ice and fire...was made...Endeavor was surprised....and worried....I flew to him..... a few meters and using his voice I taunted...

Jack:Your father would be disappointed...a son missing the others hate you...your wife hates you...even this body hates you....this power will never be're a pitiful small child...crying for his father...for his affection as he is the only one that truly gave you unconditional love...I pity you Rageing Fier...

I then flew out of bounds doping the boy...and entered the body...saving the obsidian and lapis...essence...I smiled...I was cheered...and then I was given the I said...

Jack:This was saw the possibility, it's the only thing that limits your development is imagination... My quirk was very restricting...very dangerous...but you can see my control and mastery...I am eager to see you grow...I am trembling in anticipation to see what a wonderful world we can make...together...goodbye.

After a while...we were brought to a training space...a big forest...they came...Daby ....and the others....I took control of the a flaming angel...was made...we captured...the invaders...and after that, we locked them...up....

A bit of time passed...I followed the plot...and before they could kill Midna...I possessed her...and since she was at death,s door she couldn't revert....then a while longer I had to help recover her limbs... And finally A few of her ....joined my crew of weeping angels...they would have died...but now they are teachers... their quirk,s changed over time... I had met All for One...he tried to take my power...he saw my body fall to pieces...he smiled...then screamed...his body turning to a mesh of hundreds of metals minerals.... until he was a weeping angel...I control it...he was happy?...

Jack:Why are you not afraid?

Afo:This is as far as I go...I am happy to have reached this extent...I can't do saved managed to change the world...I finally end....tell me who are you.....I learned everything I could...but no luck... You are a monster...a creature everybody fears and loves...they see you as the symbol of the inevitable end...I am curious...what will you do?...

Jack:I have fulfilled my creator had tasked me to gather essence...the outer shell you and all my partners formed... will keep adding more and more...sending it to him....this world is a power plant in a were the chaos to stud the more essence can be made and are but food...a shep to be be cut the wool...and used for material...

Afo:So that's it... I'm I feel it... you're eating me...from inside out...goodbye...

Jack:Well I'm done here... Let's go to another place to this completely under my control...

Then the angel vanished...appearing in another wor... I was... looking at...the being was wide-eyed...

Dr. Who:Stop.... don't blink!...a weeping angel...the loneliest beings in this multiverse...lonely assassins they call them...then he I appeared before him...he was sweating... I then moved...his eyes going wider...and I touched her neck...the blond beauty was dumbfounded...she froze...and the next moment I hugged her...

Dr. Who:To be honest I'm not that much of a hugger...

Jack:Sorry...I found your reaction very entertaining...and cute...

Dr. Who:Just to be clear...I was a man in my previous lives...

Jack:My name is Jack....and I have no fixed gender miss The Doctor...

Dr.Who:Do we know each other?

Jack:nope...but I know of you...I would have hugged you in any form you would her doctor...

Dr. Who:Hold up...only one being calls me that...

Jack:The toy maker.....but I'm not of his kin...nighter an ally...he should show himself time... warning...just to be of use....I will live as only your essence is active in this universe...goodbye...

I left...and when she turned the corner to follow...I was nowhere...

I teleported I arrived in a forest...I followed a kid...dark hair...white shirt and green pants...I saw him get to a crash site...behind him a hair and blue clothes...I waved from the trees....he was equipped with a familiar device...I appeared as he was to grabbed his hand.... stopping skin matched the device... and a green plumber badge was on my chest... where my heart would be...

Kreeg:Nope ..don't hit the Omnitrix... it's a tool of precision... Select a species that is not made of literal the wooded may call me Kreeg...I am an Angel...a Weeping angel...and a temporary plumber...

Ben:Can you tell me about the wristwatch?

Kreeg:The wristwatch is a device made by a Galvan named Azmuth...he wanted to bring peace...but the watch is coveted by an insane Chinera sui generosa ranking of peaceful race...a sole warrior in his species...of creatures resembling the Octopi on this planet...but the shape of human you...but bigger...for the functions of the grants you the host ability to temporarily transform your body in that of one of many sapients Alien Races...the one you were to turn into is a Pyronate...a race of literal flame head, could name the form Heat Blas...if I am to guess...the purpose of the device is to bring peace...and harmony in the universe...ow he sent drones to recover the device...take you human friend and hide...I need to dispatch them...go to your grandpa he should be able to help...tell him you got the Omnitrix and that Vilgax is not dead hurry... You're not experienced enough to fight ....hurry...

They ran...listening to me...and two drones...saw me...they charged blasters...and I grabbed...tree branches...and shot the drones...I grabbed the dismantled bits...and covered them in stone...shifting the material and forging a fling disk....for my use to fly...the tech was changed...I flew as the knowledge I collected....and the ability to visualize every last detail...with the ability,s I can make anything...

I finished the big droid...then stored the material...I flew over to the van...and landed...Max came...

Kreeg:Welcome Max can call me Cadet Kreeg I was brought to this place by the distress signal...and the omnitrix....first things first...I should take a native design...

He saw my marble turn to flesh...the toga becoming textile...I step off the platform...and it spun and formed a smaller halo behind my head...the wings becoming fathers,s and tucking in my back...perfectly hidden...

I extended my hand and he shocked it...he felt the change was a complete one...I took the badge and tucked it in an inner pocket of the toga...

Max:So what is your home planet's name?

Kreeg:Tenzalore is my home planet...the planet where nobody can lie...a nice place...and the tomb world of a great in ruins due to a great war...only monsters like me reside there ...but I am a bit different as you can see one of my parents was I and my mother are left...she is stuck in our home world...

The discussion progressed and Gwen came she said...

Gwen:So you're the stone come you're human now?

Kreeg:Sorry before..I forgot to mention I am half you're half Anodite...and Ben is capable of he does not have the same spark you're truly a lucky girl...

Max, I need to train Ben he will become more than he is capable of handling and Gwen will need to ground him to reality and teach him the right way to do things...I can only train his body for the basics of combat...

Max:We can go to Mount Rushmore...there is an abandoned facility you can take residence there...for the time being...

After a few hours..we heard of an incident.. with Ben and dealt with the thought as he was in the Petrosapient the cameras recorded I sent a message to Vilgax...a copy of me in his mind...while I thought Ben...Vilgax was turning to Geid a large angel... fully regenerated...and very easy to control...I had docked the ship...and met my new subordinate...I sent Ben and the rest to enjoy their time...while I them some knowledge...I left a clone to manage the Base...I with My GeidGax angel went to spread my influence ...

I had scanned the basic Omnitrix...when Ben damaged the Omnitrix and came to me to help fix it...a long while passed...I managed to change a few things...and make it so the codon stream would send the many DNA samples and store individual chambers,s...individual homes...after a few years the Replica Chikatrix was made...renamed CarnalTrix...I finished the final details...and activated it rotated...glowed red...and the first of the protocols was activated by one all samples were checked and finally fixed...for failsafes...the watch was now different in design from the normal one had two ability,s that affect the host...Endless inexhaustible regeneration factor...both manageable...I sealed the CarnalTrix...and sent it over...

Dreamur:Ow it's done the copycat onnitrix with halfbreed aniline girls... let's...see...yep a hivemind controlling the many bodies,s...and master time limit as the host is not transforming...good... let's send it to a make another base me to own it...done...perfect human...and now we add tactile telekinesis as it seems like the ability...and done... an average 14-year-old Transilmanian boy black hair black eyes and ...done with the copy of the mind...find a universe...and done...


Even after everything...I was awake again...another me another copy of the original....why am I doing this myself....ow.....wath, this...a red Trix...its a gauntlet....metallic tubes enter under my skin... it's integrated completely into my body... feel it like a second field covers it...I moved to check the aliens...I have all of them... accessible 10 alien packages at any one time... I found an Ectonuright sample...I activated it...the dial glowed pink..and detached...a disk that rotated and formed an Ectonuright human High breed...she opened her chest and face eye... covered with white-grey and black stripes...she is pleasant to look at...

G.F.Trix: Hello name is Trix the integrated Ai of the Carnal Trix I will follow all your may I serve you today in this body you have chosen for me?

Vlad:A pleasure meeting you my can call me for the form you are in... I did like the original being...that wore it...I like it better now that you have complete control over it... please go intangible and hold onto me from behind...I want us to spend as much time as we can get used to each other...

Trix: All right Vlad... what are our current goals?

Vlad:Find where we are and then go with the plot or break it completely... We have ways of hopping to other reality,s...

Trix:Correct...both Alien x and Galvan forms can achieve the desired result...

Vlad:How doni unlock other samples...of Alien DNA...for more transformations you can have?

Trix:The first DNA sample you chose was that of the ectonuright sample is part of a species with little in the way of genetic divergence...only talent and personality hold regard to the form we take...the strongest specimen Zscare is the oldest and the most experienced as such stronger and his form followed as such...this sealed form of mine is result of your genes being flipped and adapted the children this body will produce will be pure Ectonurite,s with little to no human genes..but they still will be compatible with human for further reproduction...of the you desire to see this forms released state love?..

As she said love her eye changed to purple and a different voice emerged alongside that of Trix,s ....

Vlad:Welcome Zscare.... you're awake already...

Zscare:Yes don't need to worry...I inherited only bits of his memory...I am for better terms his daughter...and I will appreciate it if you call me Violet ...Trix is a nice host....if you need me ask her to shed the outer I am bound forever here...with you love....have a nice day...

Then she kissed my cheek...nice soft and cold....

Trix:As she said if you need her assistance just tell me, master...she is completely obedient just as I am.

Vlad: Thank you for your assurance, Trix. I will call you BelaTrix from now on ok? For short Bel.

Trix:I appreciate it, Master Vlad.

We then went off to search for clues...I had to ask Bel to possess some people for pocket change...and visits to food places...and if the person was not that good we would indulge a our carnal desires...about five weeks,s have passed....I found we are in Jojo,s Bizar Vladat DNA will be available for Bel to use.

We made our way to the town....and found his home...we had learned he was still young...we I remember where Dio would set his base...and after some time we got there...and started enjoying life...for a while until he showed up.

Dio:You join me and conquer the world...

He was very the time I was on a walk with my lovely Violet she was hugging she floated like a cape... and some of her tendrils wrapped around keep herself tied to me...I tapped the Carnaltrix and a yellow light scanned Dio...he panicked...but didn't the light was not hurting him...

I saw the flaws and I can optimize his powers...but I don't want to...I rotated the dial and the vladdat gene sequence was available I smiled and Violet returned to her the watch then I activated the gene...Dio saw a disk leave the strange device on my hand and then in front of him...a female blond Vladdat without eye pupils and a big sharp smile wing membranes between her hands and waist...she was dressed in a full body purple suit like in the show...revealing only her face...but also having a dress like extensions...making her more beautiful...I turned to myself and bit my neck....absorbing some life felt nice...Dio now was baffled...she had four claws... arranged like human hands...

Trix:Master sorry...the urge was with the sample optimized you have also gained minor features of the DNA sample... congratulations you ageless...once you mature of course...

Dio:Who are you, woman? And are you not a Stand user?

Vlad:You can call me Vladimir Tepesh and she is my Partner her name is Trix and she is controlling the new sample body...we unlocked with your half-assed vampiric body... She has no wickedness like you...and I am no Stand user...I am a Meta human...

Dio: Whatever join under me or die...

Dio could not say anything else as Trix spat a control meddle it attached to him...and he was stuck mid monologue...

Vlad:Here me Dio Brando my name is Vlad the are a disgrace to the name of vampires...sunlight is just an inconvenience to my Trix right now....and with an isolated suit she can even walk in the sun...unlike you...a simple ray can kill you.....

I was stopped as his Stand punched me in the face...I got pissed...I grabbed his face and with a very large amount of force I smashed his face on the ground....crushing his skull...over and over... until he regenerated no more....he was alive...but his soul stood. Didn't was there...unmoving I lifted him and with a slash...Trix had beheaded him...I stored it in a box and we left his body was found ....and it turned to ashes...we stored him as a Spy from the Tf2 game I used to play...he can speak. But nothing the mechanism is keeping him docile.....

Ai.Azmut:Message to the owner of the Omnitrix replica....the original world has been destroyed due to two idiots...benjamin Tennyson has failed to convince Serena and Bellicus to restore the universe...and I will assist in unlocking more DNA samples...a trade from me to you host of a counterfeit at least you named it right...Carnaltrix what do you say?

Vlad:Inan done here yes I will activate x and try and convince them...

Then Trix flashed and a female Aline X appeared....naked...but the gold braw and panties...she touched me and we were in the space...

Serena:Greetings I am Serena voice of love and compassion

bellicose:I am Bellicus's voice of anger and aggression.

Trix:I am Trix the Ai of the device...and partner of Vlad...

Vlad:As that is that..means I am the voice or reason...

Serena:Anplejure to meet you, Vlad...

Belicus: Now that the introductions are done...we have motions to process...

Vlad:I propose the reconstruction of the universe the device you reside in so we have a base of operation and a safe space for other deliberations...

Belicus:Motion is meaningful enough to be passable...

Serena:And so we can save all those poor beings,s that were deleted...

Trix:I agree so the motion has passed.




Then we were brought to Ben's Alien X, and then the universe was fixed...I placed a motion to accelerate the time in our mindscape so we could pass more motions and lose no time outside...Trix had detransformed Ben...and then ....we left...but Ben was curious...

Ben:Waight...who are you?

Trix:I am the partner of my host...I am CarnalTrix a custom model of your Omnitrix produced by Kreeg and owned by the a partner to Vlad I was requested by the Ai in the Omnitrix to help...with the crisis this may be a one-time Vlad, Belicus, and Serena are passing motions one after Vlad uses the ultimate weapon against the two as he is the voice of Reson and Compromise goodbye Ben tenison...

We left...arriving in another world Trix walked for a while...and found a nice view...she saw the show...of ideas to solve their impasse...starting with the first...and one after another he was having fun...and the motions that were too dangerous were filtered for further reviewing...about a month outside passed Trix had seen the world change...things happen and she met Generator Rex...the DNA unlocked Upgrade and another sample from a guy unlocked Gutrot...

A very long time passed and Trix pulled me out...I was in top mind aged a significant bit...I saw her transform...and before me stood galvanic memory she hugged me and brought me to a bed...I slept with her around me as armor...another month passed...I slept through it and then I woke...I was in a room...I got to my feet and felt the corner of my vision a Trix small 2d representation we talked...and then I met them...Rex the director Agent Six the doctor and the talking Monky...I taped the Walch and Trix separated my natural shields,s back online....the nanites no longer being a threat...I had Viola come out...

Viola:Darling...long time no see... where are we?...

She hugged me....and moved to my back her tendril wrapping around me and absorbing small insignificant amounts of lifeforce...making me cool and comfortable...

Vlad:I am grateful for your assistance...I am Vlad how may I help...

Six:We saw your partner Trix as she calls herself in a high-concentration nanite zone...she was not affected when we made track...and she was friendly enough...after a while she helped but always returned there...she then returned with you in a similar suit to the slept for a month.. what are you?

Vlad:Bese line human up...Vladimir Tsepesh the impaler and owner of the Carnaltrix a device that permits me to release my carnal desires on any Alien hybrids it unlocks, and I control the Trix the AI of my device...and I have about two sapient Aliens the rest are just body,s for Trix to use...she is immune to these nanites...I was not awake...for a I you need help with something?

Then a storm was activated....and I followed Rex...we got to the place where a mechanical being and Ben!.. I had Trix become my galvanic metamorph suit...I defused the situation .. was recognized by Upgrade..and Red was understanding as the alien had the same symbol on his chest....

I had to explain who is who and that truly is not Ben's universe...I asked Trix to help he does not get transformed into an Evo...I I felt his being...I came in contact with him...and using my tactile telekinesis compressed him...with a scan, I unlocked nano mech..and using the gene adjuster...he was stabilized.....he stopped his docile....I analyzed his being...and I smiled...I then stored the Alpha in a container...returning Rex,s brother was surprised...I had handed his kid fixed.....I wish Ben flew off To the reality break....on the other side with Viola left...he was surprised...I won't turn in an alien but I have sexy alien girls at my call....I truly we flew...the vladat fling power is useful... We had gone and spent our time together.

I had a long time...things happened... Ben and Gwen found us ....but...we left..the portal was opened...and we left...I landed and watched the world being different...

I stretched and felt new...I smirked...and the being before me stopped...she was hungry...

Vlad:Violet captured her...

Violet:Shure darling...

Then the hungry alien woman was possessed...I touched her neck and I infused my abundant life she recovered sanity hunger was satiated and damage fixed...she fell unconscious as Violeta left her body...I shrugged and

Violeta:there was a human woman here...and a man...he is alive..and was partially vored by her...he liked it...uhh...the alien was operated on and a herbivore...this is a hospital ship...made for research the languages are bothersome...Love?

Vlad: Yeah I get it ... I feel looters coming...I will get Trix to take over the ship...thank you for scouting Violeta.

Violeta:Taken care, darling.

Then I switched the form to the galvanic metamorph she smiled and sank into the ship as it was covered completely ...

I smiled and she brought the entire crew here...they were panicking....the human was calm...


Vlad:Vladimir the impaler human... where are we?

Guy:Space...I and the crew got betrayed by a guy my predator friend was mutilated and the ship is Purple and we are here...

Vlad:Trix deal with the intruders and release the crew...

Trix:Right master...

They were set down...they saw their predator friend tied on a bed...sleeping...

Crew: What have you done to her?

Vlad:Transplanted some life force to fill her hunger and fix her body and mend her mind...she will wake eventually...

Guy: Thank you, Vlad...about the thing...can you tell you are here?

Vlad:I am part of Vladat descent an alien race that visited our home planet...the vampire stories are due to a disease they left behind that causes sunlight tolerance to fall to an intolerable level and then hair to fall along with the other symptoms I am immune...and as that happened I am fine...I used the device to teleport for fun...and this is Trix the AI she took over the ship...

Trix:Done I stripped them naked and tied them on a pillar bothersome pirates...

Vlad:Good job BelTrix I will switch you to nano can rest on my shoulder...while you use some drones to manage this place....

Trix:Right master...

Guy:Is that an omnitrix?

Vlad:Similar concept but I summon body,s for Trix and some may have sentience like Violet for what you will...I am going to interrogate the enemy...

After a while ...and now the shriveled body,s sitting bearly alive...I left them....the crew was surprised...and afraid...the man came to check for bite marks...none...he then came to me with questions.

Guy:Why are they shriveled but no bites...

Vlad:Vladats don't drink blood ....they drink life itself...bioenergy to be exact...and they have about percent left... enough to recover but not be trouble as for your friend she will be fine..


I left.. watching over the ship and navigation chart...the adventure began...maybe it would be fun...


Deramur:Well that reminds me of an old long has it been ....they should be all dead by the eternal expanse of the universe...Boring... Let's send a gaster to mess with the world...


I woke...the body...of Gaster his knowledge and my own...I am a force of mischief....disposable and free.

Looking around I found myself a place... an arena...I saw a green man .... think he was speaking Chinese...and his soul power was so pitiful...while his life force was so great. I could kill it.

I aimed my blaster at him...and he dodged....and kept energy regenerated faster than I could use it...I began to laugh he shot at me blasts...they missed...each time angered him more and more...he even came close to kicking and punching me...he,s fold went through the blue bone around me .....he got hurt...and he leaped back...he felt it his vitality was damaged and his soul cracked...a little but it hurt him...painfully...I now with his blue soul grabbed it...and he tried resisting lunch he smashed into walls of blue bones... until he passed through an orange wall...and then faceplanted on a bone wall...he got angry...he resisted the force and stood on his feet.

Cell:Who the fuck are you!... Just showing up and attacking where are you from...who made you do this...did Goku or Bulma hire you?

Gaster:☟︎☜︎☹︎☹︎⚐︎⬥︎ 👌︎◆︎☝︎ ✋︎ ✌︎💣︎ ✡︎⚐︎◆︎❒︎ ☜︎■︎♎︎ ☟︎✌︎☟︎✌︎☟︎☟︎✌︎✌︎☟︎☟︎✌︎

[Hellow bug I am your end..]

The cell was dumbfounded...he heard Wingding....the font...

Cell:Hold speak Wingdings?

How the hell is that even possible...I mean a man can read windings...but speaking it that's just ludicrous.

Gaster:❄︎♒︎︎♏︎︎ ♓︎︎■︎︎⬧︎︎♏︎︎♍︎︎⧫︎︎ ⬧︎︎♋︎︎⍓︎︎⬧︎︎ ⬥︎︎♒︎︎♋︎︎⧫︎︎✍︎︎

[The insect says what?]


Are you even saying... it's one thing to recognize it and a second to understand it...

I give up just Die!!

He charged a strong Kamehameha and blasted towards me ... I contested with my bigger blaster and teleported behind him...I grabbed his badly damaged soul and before he could shout scream or do anything else...he went a wet noodle...the blasts vanished and I was looking at him..his soul...a newborn I smiled...and the people around saw me much on it form liquified...and covered cell...his armor liquified and before everybody, a black coat covered the nude body...underwear and everything else followed...a perfect vessel...his soul consumed my liquid body now is under complete control of his empty vesal...

Tattoos formed on his two cracks, and a top hat and cane followed the final settling in...the core now overlapped with my soul...and they changed setting near each magic and ki pumped through by being...I found two souls residing in my stomach...I flew down and expelled them my body did not regress but became a bit thinner and taller ...showing the final adaptation of my being...the two did not wake...I had extracted the infinite ki generators...and settled them with monster cores... their body,s changed...slightly...the blond woman became weaker physically while her power grew exponentially and the black hair boy became a body powerhouse... with not much energy power level..

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