Chapter 689 - 690.The son.

Gaster: Ow what a pleasure...heroes...prepare and I will beat the shit out of you as it's needed to grow your strength for further power so you can survive in the future....

Then they were grabbed their soul pulled impacting bone walls and orange walls...they were bitten bruised...and tired...they were floating ahead of all they inch of their lives I smiled and dropped them down to the floor...Lapis and Lazuli were recovering...I left...the portal making it easy for me to leave...I landed on a was filled with energy humans and awakened animals.....

I was on the road...I was eyes changed to Compound as wings and a hard insectoid shell formed on my limbs...I looked like an insectoid that turned humanoid and the clothes covered my body i felt great powers...the humans were pitiful, and I waved at them...used as a workforce...beasts...rule...hehe...

I went about and met a beast...awakened and proud a was arrogant...then it was pelt meat bones and organs steeped in blood...I stored the materials...its followers were afraid and ran ki-magic-void was liquid around me and forming a moving mass...of death...any who got on my nerve were sealed and left to fend for themselves I enjoyed the natural design ... I had to haggle and got myself some trinkets...the ruler beast was wherry but I did not care....I had gone through the many different places...a fine place...I had got few materials...and finally ... I left...this cultivated world,s was done... I left to course more chaos to other places.

Dreamur:That was fun enough... let's send a monster...unreasonable .....radioactive and monstrous.....


I woke the main body is being attacked...I detached from the tail...I am small compared to the main body... which is in an indefinite state of sleep...I blinked my two eyes...I am skeletal...with strong muscles...and my chest is a rector...small and complex...I have a basic cooling system and the ability to adapt and evolve...the gene complexity of this body is very high I jumped off...and landed...on the ground....I leaped off...the humans having noticed my presence...I kept running...I am about twice the height of a human my tail is longer twice my height...bone and a very sharp tail...I ran hid..and entered the water...the gills opened on the sides of my chest...I swam and my tail busted my speed...I had to choice was ....go big...or stay small and improve in other ways...

I started by growing a lair of flesh with the ability to shift display colors and mimic other materials' shapes and colors...the cuttlefish I ate helped with this shift...I had compressed but I was still taller than humans...I still had my tail...I wrapped it around myself...and with focus, I flattened it forming a cloke-like hands..clawed but human enough....I walked absorbing the expelled radiation from the big body...

I saw a human...I miscalculated my size...I was four or five times a human's size...I am about 2.5 times more than a human now...

About 14,75 feet pretty core throbbing with power...vain glow red...muscles bulged and compared...the radiation is being marrow growing more refined...and my skin becoming more tuffet and elastic...the pigment evolving and adapting to my desire...he sent me here as a shin Godzilla Spawn....huff...I felt a third eye on my forehead... it's closed...I can utilize the radiation way more will is one with the body...I feel I can make a spawn of my own...or I can have other organisms bear my spawn... an easier way to reproduce...

I had been spotted...they did not act hostile...I kept absorbing...and refining....they saw my size grow shorter...I reached 10 feet tall large and bulky yet also somehow skinny proper skinny compared to my height my hand was the size of a human torso ... I had formed a human form...a disguise the red veins were not bones in the forearms and hands were changed...they are like slime...or better said as stretchy and dexterity at a very high level they were larger human hands...with sharp nails, I was munching on any lost fragments of the main body...they knew to not approach me I was clearing the radiation and any chances for more of my kin to be born...

The humans watched prepared...and avoidance of humans was an odd behavior they even noted ways I hid in plain sight...using my tail to resemble rubble or another pile of things...they even knocked on my disguise when I was asleep...

After a while, they sent a female death row inmate with a weapon...she used the blade to try and open my see my reaction...she was not pretty...she was tattooed and had few piercings....she had tried to stab...but a hand exited the cover and grabbed her hand then she turned to the others and then she was pulled in the the close and turn the exterior being black and white scales...making a strong seal... and elastic...

As she was now inside she was straddling my crotch...the weapon discarded as her clothes no longer existed...she could not see anything but two red dots and the sharp teeth opening...I extended my tongue and licked her nude and shaking body....she tasted nice...the tongue was slick and smooth and moved to reach her panting mouth...and then entered her going down her through forming a small bulge...she panicked and tried to recoil only for her to feel two large palms grab her waist and chest...

I allowed her to breathe as my tongue went down to her I licked the probe and infiltrated... She squirmed and moaned then notice a long hot rod growing between her ass chicks and pass them...resting her back on it...she was going to die....she believed so if what she felt was what she believed it was...she felt hot....and her desire took over ....she started leaning on me while she moved her ass on the large shaft...of the monster...that maybe will eat her...after its carnal desires were fulfilled...

She finally hit the level where she did not care if the meat stick wood killed her...she got to her feet and sat on the tip...her wet juices used as lubricant she sat...slowly with force, she managed to get the tip in...she then allowed herself to fall...and with a pop it entered hitting her womb ...and then stretch her insides...she went partially dumb...she moved her hands on the bulge on her veins were visible from inside her,

her eyes went wide as my hands moved to her thighs as from a seating position she was pulled halfway and allowed to was funny her face...she fell... an inch lower on the monster's dick...then again and again...she was getting her bearing, she felt the abdominal muscles stretch...more then humanly possible.... She finally hit my crotch as the bulge reached between her breasts and to her shock..light was small openings were visible up...she saw not a monster...but a handsome muscled man with blood-red eyes and a mouth smiling wide with lust teeth sharp as daggers...

The tongue reached his belly button his hair white as snow...and longer than his tongue the woman blushed the rough skin under her was the ragged pants he wore...the monster dick emerged from an opening in the pants and moved up she saw her stretched cunt and finally her abdominal muscles that parted allowing her stretchy skin and baby room to move with the large meat stick...the nerves stretched did not give much pain as the pleasure was overwhelming...the fucking she received took time...and she felt it... an hour to get her touch his crotch...then two more orgasm filled hours to get me off once...her belly filled she rested on my chest...

And her back on my stomach as my tongue was inside her mouth...adding more mutagenic material and changing her...the body grew slowly her flesh absorbing the radiation and seed her body grew...larger muscles thicker and longer bones her heart as well grew more muscled and stronger....her skin darker as scales grew over her hands and legs...the process was orgasmic the bulge shrinking and when it finished the change she followed the new instincts and started moving...faster harder...better and tighter she had her tongue out her human teeth now sharper...she continued the self impalement for two more hours as four orgasms were extracted from me...

Back to having a bulging belly, she sat on my chest... breathing heavily and resting...the member slowly retracted as her walls closed and allowed no seed to be spilled out...she slept...I was well I reshaped the tail in a cloak and a handbag where she was sleeping I placed it on my she kept sleeping...I a fast speed the researchers found nothing but shredded cloth,s and the weapon she had...the hilt holding a recording device.

They listened and saw the woman when the light was allowed in...not caching anything but my human hands...and the monster pillar of meat...the females blushed and the males were horrified...they now knew they could be transformed by the juvenile Gojira they found...

I smiled and arrived at a cave...I furnished...and arranged...I sat and had her rest on my tail shaped like a bed...I had to think and of me shifted to become more complex and malleable the human and monster forms mashed....making an optimum ratio so they saw me as human yet not like them...a psychological weapon...the next day she woke....and felt her body now more like me...she felt the instincts take hold...she growled and tried setting herself as the Alpha...I grabbed her....and brought her body over to me...she struggled...and I got horny...I had my member point at her rectum...and after a small bit of lubrication she felt the tip at it...she fought to not allow me in...she couldn't do it forever...I kept pressure... until she slipped up and the head entered...he gave a small whimper...

And then I with force and no care had her fully impaled...she screamed...cute...she trembled and squirmed...I did not give her time to adjust as I used her to assert my dominance I even mate-pressed her...enjoying the tighter hole...she was bring me more pleasure...and in turn her pleasure...she was fucked silly in less than an hour...she whimpered and her human mind surprised the new she started speaking...

As her struggle ended promptly she instead took the initiative to be bred...and satisfy my wrath... The end came and her belly was filled with nutritious radioactive energy....and seed....

She bowed and was submissive...I smiled and sat...she came closer and cleaned the pole that subjugated her...then I grabbed her and sat her in my lap...she was soft and good for cuddling...she was panicked for a small moment... until she heard a very odd vibration that calmed her and released upon contact a simulation that accelerated her digestion and pregnancy she felt life stir in her womb and after a month she had to feed herself on my seed and she birthed an egg a fertile one...if it comes in contact with a source of energy it can hatch and will birth a hybrid of Gojira Shin and a human...a giant humanoid...female...since the genes were extracted form my pet...

I had stored it under the sea and left it to hibernate...the mate stayed in the cave... trying to figure out her mind and instincts at war...she needed to do as her Alpha asked...she needed to escape...and tell the humans about her egg...but the alpha would not want that....but if I don't the humans may keep dyeing ....she was trying to convince her instincts that helping humans and telling them about Alpha can help them...more then if they think he is dangerous...they may hurt Alpha kill humans...No they will capture and test they dare think they can capture Alpha!...

By the time I arrived, she was struggling on the floor, she smelled me...and she tackled me...snuggling into me...taking deep breaths as she muttered Alpha ...over and over.

I patted her back...and she looked up...she saw me with a calm smile...I used my tail and she was moved to my back... my tail wrapped around us forming the cloak she felt safe and warm...I another highly irradiated place...for my further growth in core had finally crystalized...and my blood is no better than liquid nitrogen I gathered many tasty minerals and radioactive materials...the growth was slow...but very volatile...I had met more humans...they were told to stay away from the cloaked Giant we had hunted for the needed energy....when the place was cleaned I varnished and kept hunting.....I even swept the hospitals and felt humans witch were poisoned by radiation.....

The researchers...were curious....and kept watch...I had even found a sull on durable fabric..... which I took and made swimwear.

About five years...I was relaxed enough to go on a beach...I was stretched on a towel my partner on my chest as I and I were tanned and relaxed.... lizard,s basking in the sun.

I was adapting to absorb solar radiation... time optimizing the efficiency of my absorbing rate...I have to optimize my energy System...collect and use veins glowed goldenly...they kept watching us... analyzing my behavior and body motions... The girl...was next to me...her veins glowing a mix of gold and red as her body shifted in a slow process.

I smiled enjoying the heat...the sand shifted crystalizing...and crumbling back into dust...the process was slow...and only my tail was inserted in the sand...I from time to time exhaled and let out a cold breath making a falling snow cloud.....Cooling us the humans kept their the cold was only a meter around us....a deterrent and a cooling mechanism for the mate so she does not overheat and go in a cooling period...weakening her body greatly....

Days passed...we relaxed...the night bolder was when we sat during the was warm and rough...sleep is nice..then humans could keep watching and we enjoyed the peace...time passed more humans got more daring getting closer to chat with Beta...she had found a balance...she growled at other lesser males ....while trying to dominate females she perceives as a threat...for her position...the humans learned I don't talk..not because I can't but because I am lazy...and when I tried speaking the hole beach vibrated due to the ridiculous bass and tone...similar to the giant,s of the Epic the musical...

Five years Japan requested that I become a citizen and choose a name...

Name:Shin Zaraky

Age:7 years

Hight:10 feet

Weight:2 Tons

Power:Solar, Radioactive,


Mate:Jana Rippevice


Hight:7 feet

Gender: Female

Weight:0,5 ton

Power:Radioactive minor, Solar Greater, Mate seed,

Status:Taimed Docile and Territorial.

They had lessened the watchers and set a guy with a wife...naibers...

Relaxing is all I can do night I started humming...the sound was very soothing...for some reason...

I enjoyed the calm tail filtering things in the sea...mass was accumulated...and used...over time...the pads on the soles of my feet made it easy to not crush the ground under me...

I finally reached the maximum mass.....and a change occurred...the energy level was full...and the new organ was finally complete... with the tail forming a sphere with a perfect seal...and with lightning firing off, space was seen cracking as the ball was swallowed and we left...this reality...the crack sealed shut and the only thing left was black obsidian glass...

In another place and another time...the void ark that the Darlecks were in was impacted and swung out of its trajectory...being replaced by an identical obsidian orb ...mie orb...after a while they came ...the doctor... watched the shell...I felt he was close...I emerged and the tail took form again behind me...Beta hugged me...still in hibernation...I touched the ground...and the humans saw a giant eyes were gold with red veins and black sclera...

My mouth bearing a big smile I knelt on a knee...and the hole building shuck...

Shin Zaraky:Shin Demi-Kiju a pleasure meeting you Her Doctor...

The whole building stopped vibrating...and his eyes went tail moved and the intruding Ciberman got impaled and drained of their energy I spent it and on my back, two spikes grew and bent to follow my ribcage...good handles...for Beta...they contained a bit of blood charged with electrical power...then two more such rib constructs followed one with sunlight energy and the other Radioactive ... I got to my feet and went up...following the anomaly...I got to two handles.....I stretched my tail and pulled on the handles activating the rupture and sucking in the blond...and I got onto the doctor...then it closed...he was not very happy but understood it needed to happen...I had then requested a get to another place...

He reluctantly agreed and he asked if I could act as a conductor so he could call a friend I agreed and used my tail...I had plunged it into a dwarf star...and changed the energy in my hands...fueling the tardis...the process died my hands in a dark orange color...and when he finished his chat I had managed to gather dwarf star metal...which I promptly chewed down on...the doctor was surprised and with his sonic screwdriver he recorded as the metal covered my core and fused with the flesh around the core...the new beating metallic heart was hot...and the excess metal was spread evenly over my hole skeleton...adding a ton to my weight...

Also getting me a small gravity field ...we were dropped off in a different place...then I said my goodbyes and left...Beta followed...we landed on a planet... I felt great amounts of energy...the landing zone was of sand and heat... comfy...we walked and walked.... finally reaching the edge of the sand...I found a forest...Beta hopped off and we kept walking...any beast felt fear and ran...the energy in the air was pulled by my gravity... entered my body...and was absorbed...this was a slow process...while Beta felt the energy and did as well try and absorb some...she mostly enjoyed the flora and fauna...time to time going and sample fruits or vegetation...I tasted it as scaled flame-ish colored hands were obvious to the people...when we encountered them ....

Native: Hello are you lost?

Shen:We are sightseeing...and a bit lost...

The voice was normal...then the world did not shake the metal was absorbing the excess sound...I would have produced...

Native: All right then if you follow that direction you can get to the road...from there if you keep walking you can get where you need to eventually...have a nice day.

Beta:Goodbye as well.

I nodded and she hopped on my back...I jogged to the road...she enjoyed the speed...with enough time I got even faster...adapting to the travel was fun while I ran now I have a translucent visor that covers my eyes...when needed...I added leaps from time to then fall through a golden door...I and Beta emerged on the other side...and a silhouette of a humanoid it invited me to an inn...Beta got to her feet...and we explored...first was a large mansion it looked cool...I made a tour of this place and I used some liquid in my storage horns to convert to currency...the liquid sunlight cost a nice amount...while the electricity was not so much...

We went and got some souvenirs...then ate and finally, we swam in the big lake...on the beast gills opened and I relaxed...Beta went on the human side as she was mostly human...I fell asleep and the ki in the air being more than outside accelerated the absorption and my fourth set of horns grew they were filled with lifeforce and power...the cultivation session ended when my body grew...bigger and bigger....I look like a kaiju...I am big as a kaiju....shit...a proper environment got me to grow to the proper size.....huff...I sat on the edge my feet still in the pool...I called a worker and asked for someone to buy a personalized size-changing method

He was called Jon or something with aviators and black leather...I spent the needed amount of the currency and got the skill...I immediately used body returned to the ten meters...the state now was stuffy but it was all right better stuffy than destroy accident...I felt a smell of drake matter I went with Beta to a room and we slept...relaxing I got a 15-foot size...filling the room...and Beta slept on my soft belly...she rested tail covered the whole room...

Five days after I woke... So did Beta... we both food and another technique was the ability to consume efficiently metals and make alloys... inside myself... then I could apply it to myself or others... and craft things... as I am resistant to the materials... and heat...

I started making things...buying materials...and focusing... on finding the best alloys finally, I focused and finished my first art piece...a full plate armor...with black scales and gems made out of the compressed essences of my reservoirs...

The finished product was done...and Bets equipped it...she was fully covered safe and comfortable...she smiled and liked the gift...

I kept working on more and after a while people watched my crafting using the tail as mold I made more odd useful or creepy things...I even got a request for a Manekin as smooth as I can make it... It was made after a southern body shape....the days passed I had fun...and after a while, we decided and left...

The innkeeper was nice to the boy Lex as well...he requested something... I did my best work for I knew...and felt it...he was the owner...

As we left...we got to the portal...and it glitched...we were sent somewhere else...we got to this new world.

Beta:Alpha this planet has no conscious what do we do?

Shin:Explore and gather knowledge..kill and enjoy our life... simple.

Beta: All right Alpha.

Shin:You can call me Shin.

Beta: Thank you Alpha...Shin.

We walked and wandered...

Finally, we arrived at a big village... seems familiar...we entered...and the ninja stopped me...gave me some questions and allowed us to enter...we went and after an hour found Ichirachi ramen...I asked if I could pay with gold..he agreed.....we then both had a large amount of food...the pay was generous...and then we went to a forest in the was behind the four stone heads...I grew to my relaxed size and Beta took her sleep on me...

I had woken...and she did as well...some humans were poking at my cube...they backed off as the cube became a wooden box...that then crumbled...and showed me and Beta on my lap I was getting up from a wooden bed...I saw them get surprised and the wood entered my body...a plant spirit had chosen to be part of me...I had a tattoo on my back...a large oak sapling... an awakened being that desired nothing but to follow me as a similar being...a being that consumes radiation...we developed a symbiotic relationship that fed on my radiation the excess and I can control its build things and such...

As we both have immense regenerative capabilities I smiled and they saw wood pillars grow and I used them to stretch...the cracking sounds were like gunshots When I was done I was limber fully stretched and came close I saw he was a uciha he was not sure how to answer... I was full of Chakra and four more powers...

Energy,s...I smiled and answered casually...the uchiha had sent a member to tell the leader a giant can use makuton...I was broth to the Hokage...the old man was as wide eyes as my ten-foot self toward his short stature...I sat down with Beta she sat on my left thigh and under me a wooden platform formed under me...

I sat comfortably... We talked...I introduced the plant spirit...and they saw its roots interwoven with my muscle flesh and bone spikes...the tattoo it formed has at all times half of it in the tattoo form so it can get all the energy it needs to grow and prosper...

The discussion ended with a good fare well... I returned to my day and sold some gold and got money and then food...very much food...I rested and with Beta, we rested...well, I had returned to the forest and built a home... where we rested all three of us...after a while the root tried to apprehend me...Beta took offense and turned them into biological and radioactive waste...I had to absorb the radiation to not allow the people to get sick and die...

I had been attacked by more people each becoming piles of biological waste ..... Ambu I had told them of their master...the guy called Danzo and that the next day he would die...if he sent other minions...

About 5 years...passed...I and Beta saw things change...the Konoha had watched my presence...many tried to study me...but they saw....more like felt my radioactive presence...all tried to seal and control...the tops of the mountain became a zone where nobody came...well unless it was a shadow clone...I sat and watched the process...after a while, I got bored of watching I absorbed the radiation...and we left...the space-shattering method...a while after we energized making a hole through space...and time...we landed like a meteorite...

The impact was nullified...and I felt someone hold my ball...he went down...and dropped us down...I tail...and they formed a clock over my body...the white hair was skin now was grey...bone plates covering some parts of me. I stretched bones snapped and wooden pillars grew out to the ground...I got my full-body motion, I stretched my back, and the wood pillars retracted and I turned to see Superman...

I scratched my head and asked...

Shin:So... where am I Kryptonian?.. Beta did you wake up?

She was still sleeping on a part of my tail...

I huffed and wrapped my tail around her as I got a bag on my I waited...he did not respond coherently...I scratched my head and was curious...he then taped and spoke with someone...after a while...I had made a pillar to sit on then one for him...he sat as well...he was calm...and after a while

A green man showed up.

I felt a mental probe and a connection.

Manhunter:Greetings visitor My name is John John's and I will act as a translator...

Shin:My name is Shin I am a Kiju a titanic being...I was traveling...and it happened that I arrived here...can I borrow an empty place to set up a house...if no one bothers me I shall not bother others...

Superman: That' name is Superman...and I have a few ideas...

Shin:Can you tell me Kryptonian why are you so far from home?

Superman:How do you know of my home? and that I am a Kriptonian?

Shin:I met a few of you a while back they learned the sun breathing but it was a very long time ago...but I remember it clearly...then a fragment was expanded...arrived at a different place grew...and split...this went for a while and then I was separated...and decided to evolve differently from my other kin, compression sociability and company... I am for better terms a passive creature...

Jhon:Fortunate for us...I feel the very high amounts of energy...planet destroying peaceful actions are required...

They talked a bit...and they asked if I could cloke shifted and formed two titanic wings....we flew up and glided down...the process was repeated and we arrived at a mountain... I found a nice place and landed ... I used the wood to form the platform then kept growing the support walls and bark shaped as scales in the whole house making me and Beta...we sat and enjoyed the view...Superman and Martian Manhunter saw me take a seat on a wooden chair... where I to me more chairs and things...for relaxation...Beta was resting in the bed...the air was body radiated heat... enough to make the house worm...and nice...

The heroes decided to keep watch for a few days and I was visited by Batman...he left free recording devices...and videos...they were collected by Plant Spirit San and made a bucket of flowers with the devices on the tips...while then Junior superheroes were sent to watch over us...

Beta had fun talking with the females...while I chatted with the boys...Beast Boy was surprised...and a fan of Kiju...I had released my body,s size...and gave Rawr..a fun act...I returned to observe my smaller form and I sat...a nice day sat and enjoyed the reaction and when he switched I slept...Beta occasionally came the tail covered us and we did what we wanted...each session used to fule and grow her.. The change is slow but noticeable.

We were monitored we enjoyed our stay here ....few years passed...I felt an energy calling to me...the sky was covered by demons...I opened my wings...and flew .... I grew...and while the Justice League battled the Darkside...they were told a large winged titan was flying to them...they backed off...and with a bite...the heroes saw limbs be left where Darkside once stood...

The shadow of the large being left...munching on a juice snack...munching and breaking the package...the former king of Apocalips now nothing but ankles down were left...

I returned as the omega mower was assimilated and formed a bone crest on my chest... an Omega sing...

As the other four reservoir horns are connected and look nice...I gained a few new abilities,s I flew back to the house and sat a body becoming smaller and more compact...getting to 8 feet tall...the bone slowly turned metallic....and my grey skin slowly took a marble-like was nice my larger forms are still there for mento the energy filled my tail it split and weaved as they became more complex...and easier to use as I desire...I split the bundles into three and then fluffed them up as I sat on a larger than me been fluff ball.

The parademons retreated the Granny and her son came to see the being that killed their master...seeing me relaxing on a bean bag...and not the throne of a king...or something more dignified...she saw Kaliback be grabbed by a gray limb... a boom tomb was opened he was then thrown into it...while multiple tendrils grabbed her.... dragging her to me...she saw my eyes glow...purple and red... She shivered....and gave up.... he was picked up and sat on my lap...she is old ... experienced....a good figure...and I asked...

Shin:Tell me your name mate of the prey...

Goodness:I am goodness...

I made a dome...and she saw my clothes detach and form more tails...I followed by undressing her... she was well-built even with wrinkles...I touched her heart and felt no fluctuation...I spit in my hands a green substance...concentrated vitality...I started with her chest... spreading it evenly all over her...the skin was revitalized...and pulled tight around her flesh fat organs and bones...I saw her panic...but calm as the process calibrated her wrinkles...and her grey hair turned pure white...I then removed all but the tendrils holding her thighs and biceps...I had her on her I released my landed on her toned abbes and as it got closer it slid to reach her large bust....she was panicking.

Trying to pull her arms and close her legs...I had shifted her position as I slid my hot rod in between her large breasts...back and forth...the process was pleasant and my pheromones sank into her body... preparing her for me...she opened her mouth willingly as the hot rod,s tip entered it...I kept pumping and she took the occasion of my member being close enough to lick, suck or get it deeper in her mouth...I acquired and started to get a blowjob and a titjob from her...with those black lips...her eyes were focused on the monster in her mouth...I moved us ...

She did not notice as I was in a sitting position she was kneeling.....and enjoining herself longer pumping she took the initiative of bobbing her head up and down....I relaxed...and as it went on she took it deeper and of her hands in between her thighs working on her new narrow cunt she has... finally she was reworded and her belly accommodate it...she kept the member down her gullet for about a minute to then be pulled off my hand...she tried to resist....her lips keeping a firm an angry kitten...she woke from her lust induced actions and pulled back as she took a deep breath...

Her body was assimilating the ki-infused seed...with minor traces of the omega energy.....she blushed as she gave a cute burp...maybe I see it as cute...since my own can shake the house... whatever...I saw in her eyes a the floor was wet...I pulled her up and relieved her...she turned and her tones ass was set to sandwich the meat stick...she slid up and down....lubricating the monster with her juices...and with a thug from a she was preparing to aim it at her slides and slipped deep in her ass...she could not hold it and she orgasmed...

The belly bulge was small but with the thugs and pulls...she slowly fit the rest.

Her belly muscles did not part but extended and accommodated my girth and length I allowed her to move up and down on her she was given the chance she used it to its fullest...she bent forward and her ass moved up and down...over and over...she was enjoying her herself...after few dozen minutes she felt her belly grow with my seed...adding to the bulge...witch was steely converted in energy for her.....

The intercourse continued...her body changing...becoming lighter and black scales covered her front limbs and knees down....while a tail grew to look,s like that of a crocodile...

She was wearing a big her instincts were controlled as she was a new god...a being with a very rich experience...she felt the urge to take the lead...and dominate...but she knew it...and felt it in her bowl,s she is but a reword to I defeated Darkside...and now rule apocalypse...I finished the gene and body modifications as she stayed impaled and we relaxed on my chest...a feeling of fullness as slept like a baby...

We woke the next morning and Beta came to see me with a woman on my chest both of us covered in a blanket...she smiled...and jumped at the occasion to attack the new female so she could make herself the dominant one...

Goodness woke up to be tackled off my she entered a scuffle with Beta...after a few minutes, the scuffle ended with Goodness keeping Beta in submission in a such Goodness became my new Beta, and the former beta the new Omega...she returned and took her seat as my second in command while Omega came and sat next to my feet sad...

I omega and beta were covered in my fluffy tails...this rest continued for a few days... until the new leader of Apocalips came to retrieve the onega power...he was Lex Luthor...the moment he saw me he shivered...feeling the world he recognized me...the alien that ate Darkside...I grabbed him...he struggled... which was in vain...I produced some blood infused with Omega energy i made a cup and said.

Shin:Drink my blood absorb it and become my second beta you and Godness will rule the Apocalips I care not for petty use the power as you want but know this my blood is dangerous if it is used to make any clones it will grow out of control and grow to a titanic form and rampage until all that it hurt it is gone...empty barren land...drink for the power to rule Apocalipa and keep the problem off my Beta ...

Lex gulped down the blood his body changed growing and being empowered... Finally, he smiled and made a bow...and returned to the planet with Goodness....they became close...I don't care they are mine from the moment my cells fused with their own...

I felt their will and they felt my own...the omega took the chance to mount me and snuggle...she was meek and pitiful...she rested healing from the few scrapes she got....slowly grinding on my pelvis...after a while, she used like a proper Omega...a toy for me...and my beta,s ...more time passed...and I met with Supergirl...and Flash...they met me...I was building a garden...and Flash was feeling...odd about me an 8 feet tall human with feet and hands covered in scales...using antoolnconected to the back of his pelvis by a black tendril.

I saw them stop...And Kara waves at me...

Supergirl:This is Shin...he ate Darkside when the big league was in trouble he likes a simple calm life...with some fun on the side...

Flash:Fun? what?

Kara blushed and said:Intercorse, cloud watching, dominating Darksides moat loyal woman, and many other things...we keep a Justice League member around in case he wants to spar I clashed with him...he was considerate to not use his claws...he is very strong and his regeneration is close to instant...the lasers come in different flavors....

Flash:Wait who is he having intercourse with?

Supergirl:His Omega...she is there in his seat... Coiled like a cat...she may be close to my strength but she can not fly and has limited lazer,s before she enters a cooling hibernation she recharges faster when they mate...

Flash:Can he help us with my predicament?

S.girl:Let me ask...

I heard the discussion...I have already learned the language ...

Shin:*sniff sniff* oy Kriptonian girl your friend is not from this frequency do you need help sending him back?

The two were wide-eyed as I spoke in a thick Transylvania accent of my claws glowed and I cut reality...I touched the speedster and focused the portal it rapidly went through many different universes....and it ended on one...he was he saw himself back in time...the time went and when he left...I threw him back to his reality with a light shove....he ran and I smiled... Kara saw as the realities shuffled once more without my link...I focused on my signature and everybody saw a giant female Shin female Godzilla...she was beating the shit out of some Titans. I focused and ..

Kara:Is she ...

Shin:My daughter...with Omega my firstborn princess of all beasts...she is similar to my main body...I am she has become fond of humans... enough to help them...I think I am done here... I will collect my house...and leave...I am taking Apocalypse with me...

She saw the house be surrounded by a bubble as it turned into a marble...and set itself in my chest...under the durable skin...I patted her shoulder and next some of her energy transferred to me...and my ears lengthened becoming elves... I smiled...and a bigger marble flew from a boom impact my it moved and fit in the omega crest...a golden red gem.....I then jumped and left the fragment that contained the law of Omega to slowly the energy and its production method remained with me...

I landed on the other side...and my landing made a crater...deep and with many lines across ...the world was awake...and body exuded energy and it was absorbed by the planet...its core growing...very minimally.

I felt humans prepare and get their titans of metal...flimsy things i grew in size as my hair moved to cover my torso and face allowing my eyes to be visible along with my maw i smiled as I gave a loud world covering Rawr an echolocation me a planetary sweep...I left for the closest volcano to the breach...I impaled the ground as wood grew seeing the vulcano...using it as nutrients for the tree an offshoot of my friend... which stretched its roots to find more top surface vulcanos...I settled my house and sat the seat accommodated...

Three hours and they located and sent a metallic flimsy titan ....they observed with helicopters and I swung my head back....and revealed my human I took a seat they noted my height and my seat shrunk...I watched the big toy stop...I waved at it... and I saw human cars come...they stood on the first stair of my house...they reached my knee as they arrived at the chair....bean bag?

One walked ahead and introduced itself...

Dr.Newton:Hellow I come with questions ....

Shin:Human...your planet is called for assistance...I heard it and may call me Shin part of the species called by most of your kin and revealed as Godzilla it's surprising the planet likes you and is fond of you...

Newton:I have managed to study the kaiju...

Shin: Those things are not kaiju in anything but height...and maybe weight... Nothing else...they are drones built and born in mass with poor design poor essence and poorly built to destroy....nothing like true Kaiju like true Titans!

Call them Abominations if you want to label them...

Newton:Understood Titan..can you tell us why those Abominations are here?

Shin:To destroy and prepare the world for colonization... which will kill its consciousness and such I came in the calculations...have you located the portal?

Newton:Yes it is in a crack at the bottom of the sea...under observation by my forces..

How can beings so large exist?

Shin:The planet births many potential species that can become kaiju but they failed the test of time...and such became lions turning into cats...or Woolf's into dogs...kind of thing...the thing is they were artificially made to the beings beyond the portal...

Then a faint sound was faint...but they started to hear...

A song...the tails moving to produce the making many vibrations...the humans were curious....they realized the song I am producing is Eminem Without me....the lyrics modified

[Chorus: Eminem]

Now, this looks like a job for me

So everybody, just watch me

'Cause we need a little controversy

'Cause it feels so empty without me

I said this looks like a job for me

So everybody, just observe me

'Cause we need a little butchery

'Cause it feels so empty without me

I will show you something about me

And they will fear Me!

The humans will know of my butchery

Of this invades mockery

And just watch as they die

Strive to watch me and learn so you don't follow their heresy


As I kept butchering the song...I entered the water and swam to the portal I focused my power and with a beam, I pierced through the portal and shot their planetary core...and saw it blow up... I then walked back to the house... Then the song long finished I slept...