Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 687 - 688:meeting with mother.

Chapter 687 - 688:meeting with mother.

We arrived at the cave where I woke up my army of sheep few have intelligence... they just have instinct and fruit...or thorned branches they will be absorbed by the roots...I found the intelligent ones to be my most useful they are the group leaders of my army...

Rhok,zan: They're not children....wooden dolls? you started developing in fruit making....a fruit so feeds the tree with its kills... I'm so soon you are going to your zone yes?..

Sradus:Yes the inheritance is clear...I wanted to go out first...and was lucky to help your dream self...

Rhok,zan:Lucky you...I feel a new universe....they changed...and are spreading...and such as per my rules I will bestow on you a gift...even if you're Eldredge...and half monster...the monster can sustain the gift... what do you say, son?

Sradus:I gratefully accept it, Mother...

Rhok,zan: let's get started then...even if you are immune you can still appreciate the form they dreamed me as....and a reword is in order...for the son that helped me out of that troublesome situation...come to mommy...

I came close and I was hugged...after a while...the Avatar she made of the fragments in the souls of the human cultists changed and formed a pendant...the blessing she gave me...a tool of learning...and an Avatar she is called by many of her children when in need..of help...she is a master in Avatar making and control like her guide her sheep were they are needed...the skill Avatar was gained...and I used it...I gained two sets of visions one that was where my soul resided ...and then the other where no soul was but I could feel touch and talk...

And it may get summoned in my stead...meanwhile, I walked and sat down...I contemplate and decide to enter the next zone...the battle a domain where each spawn based on strength....battle...

I went in...

Name: Sratus

Race: Eldritch/Monster

Bloodline: mother of Thowsand Young, Gliched Dreamer.

Eldritch Name: Drlan Agritglez Norn- Frognia Faust SRadus Eustache. Osiris.

Form: Newborn (Perfectly Born)

Hierarchy: Higher of The Lesser Spawn

Attribute: Evolution/Birth

Strength: 1,000

Speed: 1,000

Magic Energy: 1,000

Activity: 1,000

Skills: Tree of origin, Branch Avatar.

Explanation:Grow branches that can grow anything as long you know if they're makeup and purpose fiction or not.

Talent Ability 1: Eldritch Spawn

Explanation: Being an eldritch spawn, you can do a lot of things, but the basics are seeing souls, being able to travel to The Outside, Understanding resistance, and many other minor effects.

Talent Ability 2: Eldritch Blood

Explanation: The eldritch are a race of chaos and destruction, and it is very easy for them to destroy their surroundings just by their presence. Eldritch Blood gives you a better affinity with disorder, death, and destruction.

Talent Ability 3: Chaos Addiction

Explanation: The eldritch are bringers of chaos, disorder, and depravity. The eldritch are attracted to chaos so much to the point that they actively seek it.

Items: Mother's affection.

Number Of Souls In Possession:



I entered the portal...and found myself in a forest...walking for a bit I found the portal...invasion portal ...and finally my giant home tree...I remodeled it...and grew my guards and my caretakers...I sat down ... practiced the avatar-making...after a week I was invaded by a spawn of the savage kind....and his group of slaves....I was requested to join or die...I grew offended...and my sea of sheep....fluffy bundles of wool and razer sharp maws...met them...and returned to me with more souls and food...I made a stable clone...and sent it to be summoned...

A few hours and it was summoned...I was in a ball with more kin...rocketing to the ground....we were kin taking shape around me...we were five...I emerged last...a bipedal black humanoid with white wool from my ankles to my wrists and neck...I am nude...only wool clad...I felt Stepfather call...I answered...I made a Mount and rode to him..a large skeleton ...Overlord to be exact...holding a letter... which he finished reading...and saw eyes white with black rectangular teeth sharp beard in a smile.

Ainz:Hellow I presume you are Wooly... Miss Shub Niggurath had written a I would help you the arts of exchange, you will bless....mothers and their children...for safe births.....

Sradus:It seems Mom has taken it upon herself the right to give me a nickname...but I like it...and yes ... I will assist...and if needed educate on those concepts...I shall help when needed the ideas of the mother will act as usual and I will do as needed...

Ainz:Ideeas?..can you elaborate...

Sradus:The children that you summoned around with me, we at birth are named ideas...I am the next step in our life cycle...the acknowledged I am like you...real...thing...for now...

Ainz:Can you summon a mount for me as well i need to get adequate time....

Wolly:Shure pops...

Then a branch extended and made a larger ram made mostly out of wood with moss on its back and flames in its eyes....skulls for hoves...and looking very cool...

We rode and arrived at the Royal Fighter Gazef....he saw me next... I waved at mount a normal fluffy sheep about twice my weight and body strength...I observed them talk...then start a duel...I saw him stop time...use an Instakill and delay magic....he saw me and the mounts be unaffected...the pendant was glowing and an eye was blinking.... watching him...

I saw the spell end ..., and then he dropped ... I still smiled...and waved my hand ....taking a scan...and storing the data...all but soul...

I extended a branch and a skull formed next to me...from the skull, a spine...then ribs pelvis, and limbs....followed by flesh akin...wool...and finally I uploaded the program and they saw before everybody saw Gazef Wooloff...he blinked...then saw his human body .....he panimed...calmed..and said...

Gasef: What kind of magic is this Baah?

He covered his mouth...

Wooly:The wooly kind ....welcome kin Gazef Wooloff to the team...Baaah!

Ainz:Wolly...did you revive him?

Wooly:Nope...I copied his body and cells...then made a replica...he has no soul...unless I make one viable...has all the memory...but is completely loyal...Wooloff!Jump!

He jumped...and very high at that...Ainz ended following the cannon...we returned to Nazarick and he introduced me as his apprentice and friend of Nazarick...then he introduced my follower Wooloff...

The twins were happy to meet me...another young one...Albedo was worried...and Demiurge.. smiled...I frowned...went to him...and said...

Wolly:Love Tap!

Then swung my hand....he was sent flying and hit the a cannonball...curiously no damage was made...he let out a grown...holding his gut...but no damage was detected nighter on the wall...I returned and said.

Wooly:That was for desecrating the act of Breading...and for being a womanizer!

Silence was what met me...

Wolly:Ainz sama please send me to the flesh pits...I need to fix his childish way of trying to make halfbreeds..I have to teach the demons proper manners...if they're as childish as Demiurge...

Ainz looked at me...then at Demiurge...and ordered.

Ainz: Demugee tries to improve and learn the arts of breeding from he is the son of the Outer goddess Shub-niggurath a goddess of fertility even if it's aberrant kind...

Demiurge:Understood my ledge I will improve!

Wolly:You will even if you lose your evil .....ok where did you set the flesh pit?

Demiurge:This way apprentice Wooly.

We walked and passed through a portal...and I saw demos fuck human females ... with Barb while...kinky demons...I used love taps to knock them out...before Demiurge could protest I threw money at his as I said.

Wolly:Take my money and shut up!...

He couldn't stop himself he grabbed the stack of money...and could no longer speak...he tried his best...but no power is law-based...

I checked the females...and used a helping agent...then checked the males....they are powerful... too powerful...not viable...I turned to Demiurge...and said.

Wolly:The fault is due to incompatibility...excessive injuries....and level difference...while the make specimens were too rough...not being aware of when the female got pregnant and the barb I said childish mistakes....even a kid wood notes the difference both inside and girth...the pointy hurting bits...and the excess of violence...typical demon children...

Now get up!

The demons got up...and then waited for orders...

Wooly: Which of you are succubi or incubi?

None said anything...I figured....such..

Demiurge:What does it matter if they're succubi or incubi?

Wolly:Those demons are meant to help breeding...I have the whole demonic breeding process in my inherited memory,s of when Mom was trying to make half-demon worshipers..for her harem...steamy stuff...get me those demons...and il teach them a simple spell...


He brought me five succubi and five incubi i checked them and through them cell storage and injections...I sent the succubi to drain the balls of the demons....then used the spell to get the male incubus to hold the seed... And then they injected it into the human females...I checked for impregnation and ....half of them were...

Wolly:Send the mothers,s to the daycare...for nourishment relaxing, and childbearing....the rest repeat until pregnant!

Demiurge: Does this make them part succubi or incubi?

Wolly: It's very rare but a welcomed addition to the next generation... easier cross-breeding...this method is for demons-devils...the others had different methods...but similar to the more different the parent species the lower the impregnation rate...but with the incubi and succubi there is always a chance...

Demiurge:Very interesting...

He fell on the ground....from an unexpected love tap...

Wolly: Don't! And do as you're told not as you think overthink everything....if you mess up the process il hit you again!..

Demiurge:Yes... sorry....why am I apologizing?

Wolly:Love tap brings the karmic value closer to my own....pure neutral...anybody I love Tap will realize what they did wrong ....and if it's indecent they will it's natural...I hope you don't have the ability,s affected by karma level, my work here is done...goodbye...I need to read some magic books,s from Ainz...

He nodded and sent me to Ainz,s room...I knocked and was greeted by a maid...I entered and waved...I politely asked her to get out...she did so... I snapped my hand/hoof/claw the door glowed blue...and the edges froze...

Wooly: OK now they can't hear us...Sato do you want to proceed...I can give you a wooly body for sex food and shit...

As I said that I emerged from the body...a pure energy form.... complete Eldredge horror of the shub-niggurath form resembling the monster form of Wooly from Amanda's this energy form in the Avatar the body...just another creation of my expertise...I then said.

Wolly:The only ones that can do this are you and me...for we have the intellect and our body,s are exclusively made out of energy...mine Eldredge-chaos... your Death energy....what do you say?

Sato:I would appreciate a human body...even if it's covered by a bit of wool...

I entered the body...and smiled...

Wolly: That's the way...I can model it as you like...the hair will be wooly and it will grow accustomed to your energy flow... it will be a perfect fit...but don't use death magic will destroy the body....just emerge from it and store it like an item...

I followed his instructions...even added a pair of a crown...he dressed....and got used to his body....he called for food...and we ate together...the maid was surprised....the master now was human...and wolly...I requested the books on necromancy and alchemy....he agreed...I had followed him everywhere....reading...Albedo jumped on her master's new body.... joyful to know he now had the tool she was used to doing things with...she used a teleport to get them in his bed...Demiurge was questioning me about the change Ainz had happened...

I made a body....of equal looks and fell on the floor...I exited the wooly form they noted my true form ... I entered the clone...and got up...then I absorbed the original clone...

They were wide-eyed...I can make I can make inhabitable body,s...I explained they need two skills to do the body....and to be able to enter it without destroying it.....

Shalter:Can you make me one...preferably with bigger boobs....or just older in general....?

Wolly:Fine... let's go to your room i need to design it from scratch and get some of your blood to make it compatible...

She was eager...I constructed the body...making her older...still beautiful...I smiled...and I was was a work of art...I checked for defects....then she turned to blood and entered it ... possessing it the body opened its eyes...she smiled.....and she was clumsy....she still needs to get used to it....she wore her resized dress and underwear... I left...Demiurge told me there are a few shadow demons that desire bodies,....and for his research...I made was sentient so I did not let him be used...I sent it to my main body...which was fighting a few invaders...

To be clear I made two bodies, Dumitriscu if she was part fluffy sheep...and her request...she did not like the Dumitriscu copy...well for me to puppet or a soul to inhabit it...

I had been shown to my room...I rested well...after a few days I woke up...this avatar was quite different than expected...I had been woke by Ainz....his form matched the skeletal body.....I was going with him to check the spells I managed to gather...and remake for my use .....

Grap heart, summon undead, life drane touch, Greater creation, make liquid, refine, dismantle, prestidigitation, seal material, Black hole storage.

Ainz was surprised...and he was happy...I had then talked with him...gifting a how-to-summon-me circle if he needed help...I left Wooloff with him...and took the Dumitriscu's body.

I am happy with the spells...

Name: Sratus

Race: Eldritch/Monster

Bloodline: mother of Thowsand Young, Gliched Dreamer.

Eldritch Name: Drlan Agritglez Norn- Frognia Faust SRadus Eustache. Osiris.

Form: Newborn (Perfectly Born)

Hierarchy: Higher of The Lesser Spawn

Attribute: Evolution/Birth

Strength: 1,000

Speed: 1,000

Magic Energy: 1,000

Activity: 1,000

Skills: Tree of origin,

Branch Avatar

, grasp heart,

summon undead,

life drain touch,

Greater creation,

make liquid,

refine, dismantle,


seal material,

Black hole storage.

Talent Ability 1: Eldritch Spawn

Explanation: Being an eldritch spawn, you can do a lot of things, but the basics are seeing souls, being able to travel to The Outside, Understanding resistance, and many other minor effects.

Talent Ability 2: Eldritch Blood

Explanation: The eldritch are a race of chaos and destruction, and it is very easy for them to destroy their surroundings just by their presence. Eldritch Blood gives you a better affinity with disorder, death, and destruction.

Talent Ability 3: Chaos Addiction

Explanation: The eldritch are bringers of chaos, disorder, and depravity. The eldritch are attracted to chaos so much to the point that they actively seek it.

Items: Mother's affection.

Number Of Souls In Possession:


Human:7.889 billion souls...

My avatar glowed blue and it was gone...I got all the knowledge and new things...I summoned the vampire body..and...refined a few Eldredge and human souls...making a subordinate soul...and with little vampire blood she Dumitrescu maid...she bowed...dressed adequately ordered my minions and started the make of a House...from the starting tree...I had made another clone...and then sent it to the got sent a few minutes after it was summoned...

I opened my eyes to see a woman...the thing is...she was odd...her eyes filled with such level... it's unnatural....she said.

Mandy: Hello my name is Mandy...I summoned you for a kiss! As your second male spaw in this book ....and the first was a red spawn...I did not know if he would do as I what must I do for that kiss?...

Sradus: I give you the book for my summoning and how to well get a wish answered and made true...ok go and do what needs to be done you can rest on my this if you need to be rest...dear.

She got excited....the first ritual was a basic upgrade to her body so she would be more durable...for further the third ritual she was tasked to pleasure her patron....her body was now supernatural stretchiness....the process was argued...and she was bearing a large stomach after the act...after two more rituals, the stomach was empty as two swans were out in the world to make more...and more...person by person collecting souls and mass...while their mother was turning darker and darker each soul a cell of her body followed changing color...

She continued the rituals empowering the spawn...and bringing more and more pleasure to both of us...finally when she was completely black...and I got all the souls...we kissed and the world ended....I got my soul. My relatives....dream broken she I descended the reality broke...whoever was that I waved goodbye... until the next time...

I woke in the teleporter...I had more souls now...a few about

Human:7.889 billion souls...

Eldrige:7,063 souls

A bit excessive....but good...maybe another time...

I returned to and I returned to my body...I guess it's nice...I went about for a few days....then returned to my teleporter...I waited a day...I got teleported...

I was in a to it was a mother....her belly large....she knelt...and asked me to bless her...I did so....the birth was easy...painless...I covered the child in a soft wool...and gave the woman a thicker wool coat...I then both were duty ended...I was in my wolly form...I saw Monster side is used as cover...the gods noticed an emergence..but not what emerged...I walked....and night a the bright idea to charm me and use me....she had love slaves...I was not affected.....

Ishtar wanted she recognized me as a male young...and pleasing to me as my form is human...she "charmed" me... brought me to her room where she undressed and had my member grow...she then told me to please...her...I probed....and entered...half erect she was filled...I kept the pace...Until I started growing more...she started panicking and I was getting in the mood....she was about to cry out...only for a branch to cover her entering it...then I went in for....her mind became cloudy...I kept pace...and the next morning she was broken....mindless.....and branded by my superior will...she did as requested....she was broken....but to her followers, it was not obvious...her harem ....of both male and female,s .....did not give a damn...I got resources...I got minions....and now a goddess cocksleave.

The other Gods and goddesses noted the new member of her family the odd thing isI wore no clothes as my wool covered me...alongside wood branches... leaves, and the dungeon was useful for level grinding...the monsters were easy to kill....and each time Ishtar slept with me...her soul would be fragmented and stored in my base body....

I had lived here for a while...and managed to join Hephaestus leaving ...the broken goddess as I requested to be thought craftsmanship forging and such....she was curious....the partner of the rapeist goddess was interested in crafting...I was accepted...and she wanted to help...I was a new race... after all....she noted I was not from here...

Hephaestus:Sradus who are you?..

Sradus:For now your apprentice... But I am a monster...mostly at least...

Hephaestus:I figured that in the past month... what is the other part?

Sradus:I don't think you would like it stands in complete opposite to you...and this world...even if I am not completely one....the outer and the bowl of creation is not a present place...for an origin...

Hephaestus:The outer....that were abominations Eldredge and actual monsters come from...

Sradus:And this Avatar is two of three... out of those...

She realized....and her curiosity grew...she asked if I could help with the taint of ichor...then primordial kind...

She revealed a black corruption of the eye...I emerged from the body...she widened her eyes...but stood still...I focused on the old ichor. .. grabbed it and it was condensed in a ball of energy...of life and energy...the mixture fortunately was affected by life drain touch... I consumed the primal energy.....and then the energy body flickered....the divine changed...fusing and adding to my fragment... developing my monster side...from boss monster to demigod monster...

A process turning my energy body...becoming more....the Eldredge....shifted to a demigod...essence...even if it acted the same...I feel order...and then chaos... also me...two sides to my existence...mayhem now was brewing the two sides did not coexist...nighter repel each other...I re-entered the body...Hephaestus was help ended up doing something to me...I was exhausted...I fell unconscious...

The next day I woke...she had me on a bed...while working on another project... I felt my divinity being in balance with my outer divinity....the avatar is in balance...the original not influenced....when we merge...the divinity must be greater.... or better defended ...the alchemy flames are now accessible... an innate part of my divinity...

I had grown more wool and transmuted cloth,s... an item infused with souls ....many human souls...forming a blessed garment...a restraining Jacket....a full body defense equipment for my Divine side... also acting to hide my outer I decided to call it...Sealing jacket...the color a bright white and golden lock,s and belt buckle,s...I walked checked and felt it was well-fitting...her eyes were wide...the energy it produced was dazzling...but it was just divinity...the flames of those she had stars in her eyes...I gifted her an amber...just for the gift she unintentionally gave me...

She ate it and bright crimson flames were made...with the effect of Alchemy my own....

Human souls: 7.000 billion souls...remaining...

I left after she hugged me...I allowed her to do so...then I got my work tools,s ....the tools I crafted with her supervision...they had their spot on my sealing jacket...I went to the Dungeon with my two large Sheep....wolly fluffy sheep...I had reached the dungeon city....a nice place...I kept going.....the dungeon feeling a creeping doom...I found the Black Dragon...I had now a copy of the draconic bloodline...a body template and a mental map...I grew my first Draconic Sheep...the dungeon was emptied by me...I left....and I opened a dimension to get me home...

I saw it differently...the inner divinity and the outer divinity....were calm...I found my base body...I hugged...and he hugged back...I fused with myself... The fusion was




The fusion was made and the vessel shifted.... changed shape... My feet and hands resembled those of Alestar..from my ankles to my neck and wrists thick curly white wool covered face...human...two floppy ears on the side teeth were sharp and clean...long tongue...licked them...I feel blood blue gold and 50%Black...the mix was volatile...but the 10%Ichor is enveloped by the 40%Abominable blood...I can make my monsters by allowing beings to drink my blood...and on their luck....they have 10%to become holy beasts.....40%Monster and 50%Eldrege

I smiled. ....the sealing suit...on the ground....the many souls...forming the seal,s and enchantments...I took an Eldrege soul...wiped it clean ...and added some it became alive...a living piece of clothing...I made another avatar....and it covered it...then it went to the teleporter and I was whisked off to another place...

I blinked....the room was..... empty.....I saw a woman...she was sickly and starving...I didn't wait for her to say anything....I used my power to put her to feeding...and accelerating the digestion and absorption of needed nutrients...I finished the care...and she woke....but different.....I saw extra limbs and horns....and she was stronger.....she saw my bewildered look....then she jumped and hugged wooly glory!...she then asked if this was a dream...I pinched her but...and she blushed....and left me to stay on my feet....

Rebecca Doodles:So ... I summoned you hoping to make a cured me and fed can I repay it?

Sradus:First clean the room...I desire for us to go to the beach...maybe hear you sing and can I hang out here?.. I don't know why but I feel like something that is the here... I will collect it ....but I need to have a home base...

Rebecca:Shure it can be should I call you?

Sradus:You can call me Wolly...and I am an outer being...partly as my father is an inner being...from reality,s like this...

Rebecca:Is it not a bit cute?

Wolly:You don't want to know my true name it may drive you completely insane.....

So Wolly it is!

Rebecca:Shure...wolly...can I hug you?

Wolly:Rebeca! I am a Demigod of get too handy and you're getting I have it?

Rebeca:But what if I want you to dirty things to me...?

Wolly: Don't play with me, woman...I sexed a goddess of beauty and molestation to fragments.....she was she is just a figurehead...for a falling guild group...

Rebeca gulped....her demon half getting excited...

She curled her red hands around me...fluffing and patting my wolly the sealing jacket was half on..only the pants with the waist hanging the other half... sleeves tied to keep them on...I freed two of my hands...grabbing hers...I shape-mold my body...making it a bit taller than her, and the jacket followed to be my size...

I had smiled sharp teeth glimmering...I opened my maw and got closer to her neck...and I nibbled on it biting or pain...she squirmed laughing as my hands tickled...her...she was having fun....the fight ended with her on my lap...relaxed and sleepy....we rested....after a while...I woke.....feeling him getting near...the fragment...of Dreamer...

We woke ..and she smiled..we got up... I was shown the kitchen...and I prepared some food...with both monster magic and soul energy...that I daily extract from the souls of both me and my avatars and have access to...she was surprised...the magic condensing in many foods...and drinks....after that she called her friends...and her father?... I saw me...noted my jacket...and that I was cooking...while she was eating...he smiled as she was healthy....and happy...

I had finished making food ....and told target is near...I will return if not then this Avatar was dispelled...

Rebeca:Take care me if you need help...I am pretty and strong...

I smiled and left...after an hour...I found it....a living armor...about to engulf a person...I Love Tapped it ....and it tried to resist...I impaled and removed the Lucifer crystal...and finally...I saw it inside...the soul was there insane...with the red corruption...I stored the armor...and the be sent to Father...or I can pass it to his minions.....Yeah, I can do that...

I finished the mailing ritual and opened a wormhole...Dremur was in an Avatar session and turned to see me...he smiled...and I threw the fragment...

Wolly:Another fragment of your,s...take care pop,s...

Dreamer:Thanck,s kid...take care...and grab this...

He throws a cylinder...I grabbed it... opened it and a mass core was inside....a core that has its gravity....and the container is a storage for it...if it's out everything will flout away...a relaxing thing in a room....nightmare if you are outside...

Yep, Pop's gift...

I had left...and arrived back at Rebeca,s room....she was working....again....I hugged her from behind...she noticed it and I moved her onto my lap...she kept drawing....I watched looked fun..... We had stayed there for a while...when I got bored...I started exploring... checking her body... until she started grinding...witch I responded to....she stopped...and focused on me... and was getting bigger.

She stopped focusing on work...then she turned to me...swit a big smile she pressed her front on my chest...she was blushing....and she lowered herself to face my member...the bulge stretching the living fiber....that parted and it was was thick...large and covered half her face....her eyes widened she moved back as she licked to the tip of it....shee suckled....and then started bobbing her head ....within a minute she was balls gaging ..only pleasure.

She is a workaholic ....she got me off in twenty minutes....then after cleaning it ....she got up...sliding her skin-tight pants off...making it a show...she was soon naked...and with her chest around my member....she was enjoying herself...and finally she took me...the play went from very roughly as her instincts took over....we finished the mating after about three hours....of play.... went on the bed and she cuddled on my wooly body....a perfect temperature being released....her extra limbs coiling around refusing to wake from a Heavenly dream... I rested ...Chaos called to me.... I formed a clone...a allow my presence here...a beacon to not allow any other kin to come here...

I left this clone...and returned to my base...we refused and a new avatar was made and set...a few hours passed and it left...

A summon was made...I felt the body pass a barrier...and I landed ...the man before me had a seal on his hand...the book I remembered...and a copy of how to summon me...I chuckled....and he got off guard...falling on his ass...I felt him as my Avatar a Berserker...I Baaaah!...and he saw intelligence...I focused and spoke.

Sradus:You summoned Wooly the thousands and one son of the Mother!


Rejoice! As I will make our wishes come true!Hahaha!

The man gulped...and used a command seal.

Player:On the power of the seals as your master. I order you to be sane!...

Sradus:Seriously...Baaah! used a special thing! Baah for that!

Master: Sorry! Let's go we are preparing for battle... let's go and kill...

We left the room and he guided me to the enemy,s...funny coincidence I met Hercules...and I eliminated him...all his twelve lives I got the Master of his...and ate her...then we kept at it until I reached...the cup of evil...pure distilled human evil...I grabbed it...the divinity was rumbling and overflowing... It consumed the evil and grew in density but not amount...I felt nice...and presented the cup to my master... pristine and clean of corruption...

He smiled and wished....and I was liberated...I teleported back....fusing and then another avatar was sent...

I smiled grinning a world of monsters....a world of giants and heroes and ...I'm in DC....the power is nice...I saw Superman...Wander woman...and others...they saw me emerge from a circle... I saw...him...a lord of Chaos...just like me...I opened my eyes...and grabbed the gem...the hero widened his eyes...I saw the kids as well... I ripped it out and destroyed it... I had a very angry look...I made a fist...and started to love tap,

The chaos lord was on the ground....hit over and over... saying...

Wolly:Apologize you useless excuse of chaotic primordial!

Apologize for the attempt at killing millions of kids and children babies and infants,s...

Apologize or suffer until you dissipate!

Klarion screamed...and wailed...his body acting like a ball bouncing on the unharmed terra ...the heroes were wherry...some kids laughed and Superman was form of wool covered in a restraining jacket...the cat...captured...I stored him and the cat...a cage of order...a metal make...then magicians backed off...

Wolly:I greet the heroes of this world...I am the thousand-and-one son of the Mother The Black Forest!

Constantin: coming?

Wooly:Nope... it's only my kin will show up...and I'm half no worry...

Dr.Fate: That's easing on the mind...I welcome you... which god managed to make the Mother fall for him?..

Wooly:No god of yours....

Constantin: Let's get this were summoned since kids and baby,s were in danger?...

Wolly:I was summoned by the world,s will...not Gaya, not the elementals...but the planet will many deaths would make it sad...and since my Fater visited a world similer....this one remembered him...and as his kid...I should be similar... enough...

Before they could say anything... teleported...out of there.....found a nice place and relaxed....the beaches here are so wool provides the perfect sunbathing a few hours I was found by the Justice League..more precisely Berry Allen...he saw me...seating on a wooly beach towel with popcorn and a coca cola .....that is somehow cold no matter what ...he was exhausted ....he huffed and asked if he can take a drink .... I nodded...and he did... continued for two minutes... until he figured he needed to turn the bottle to a sitting position ...for the refreshing liquid to stop pouring...he placed the cap and took a chance to breathe...

Wooly:You know...usually, I find a crazed woman to perform unspeakable acts equal to her lust for me to be summoned to don't get me wrong...I like this reality...I don't need to do my usual stick if you guys don't disturb my leisure time ok?

Flash:Fine but can you hold onto this ....we would appreciate knowing where you are...just so you know don't bother you...

Wolly:It is an acceptable request...

In return, I pulled out of my wool a cone of pristine ice cream...for both of us...

Wolly:These are normal...take one..

He did so...and tasted it....plane 80% chocolate 20% milk, sugar, and other additives.

He then left...I stored the thin on my wool and continued my day at the beach...happily.

After a few more hours, I was craving something....with the beach empty I brought a tendril and grew a house on the beach...a simple Mokuten house....I slept and the next morning I met three goddesses knocking at my door...waiting for me to help them get a golden Apple...I agreed...we flew over, taped the dragon ..took a single apple...returned...and switched it with a poisoned one...Wonder Woman stop them...before half of all males were killed...but the moment she bit into it...she screamed...the apple sprouted tendrils wrapping her and transmuting a giant apple... which then sent an appetizing smell to the closest two people...making them ravenous and then apple former goddess was eaten alive...

The two goddesses with bellies gorged filled beyond the maximum upon finishing eating...blew expression was neutral...I pulled the apple...and many seeds from my wool...

Wolly:Dayana I will plant the seeds and use the apple to grow them...I have no wishes I can't achieve I will return to that beach...I made my house in...good day Dayana.

She couldn't say I was no longer there...I landed and extended the space in the house...and made a garden...sowed the seed and planted the apple...all grew nicely...the part of the house that had the garden grew two square vases where the garden was split to be visible...I saw humans note it...and I was visited by Batman...he night....

Batman:I was keeping an eye on you and noted you modified the house....can you explain?

Wolly:Come il show you the garden.. it's nice...and it has a viewing window from outside and inside...just don't pass the barrier I don't need an ant-size Batman going around this would be funny but no thank you....

We walked ....he saw the new plants...he stared at me in the manner meaning explain...

Wooly:These are plants gods stole from the world... I took seeds and grew them...I will give you some samples maybe they're useful....but they will not grow anywhere but here... I may be expecting visitors...soon...

Batman shrugged and gave him the prepared samples...then he left with a goodbye...I sat on the porch and poison ivy came over...she was attracted by the fertile place... she was stopped by a wood tendril rooting her in a spot...behind her Harly she was worried...she saw her fried go nude and searching for something...Harly saw me....and her friend tied...she was calming down....

Harly:Oy sheep you know why Ive is behaving like this?.. Are you Pan by any chance?...

Wolly:She is searching for the place of extreme wood...or lifeforce to be being my garden may have to do it...I am not that old fart...and my name is wolly...

Harly:And what must we do to get there so she can return to normal?

Wooly: Promise me you will do no evil here... I don't need to be bothered by the Justice League ok?

Harly:Yea can you get us there?

I grabbed...the securely cuffed Ive and we walked the left we entered the garden and She fell to the floor...liking the grass...and started rolling...I shrugged...and when she finished...she sat looking like a panicked animal where it was and was curious why the wood cuff, didn't bend to her will....she struggled....and stopped...she heard me meeting the Swamp thing...and showing him the garden...he saw Ive...

Swampthing:So she got here first...expected...the call of this garden as its very powerful...and lay here...if you don't mind...

He went to a tree and he relaxed...I saw it have a begging dog face...yes not only eyes....but the mouth as well...

Wooly:No evil...or il put guards here to throw you out when they see you!

Ive smiled and the cuffs,s dropped to the they burrowed in it...and she sat on her back...making grass angels....

Huff....troublesome Pbaaple...huff...I saw Harly watch from the balcony...she had a I heard her guts rumble...I made a few monster snacks...and sat next to her ...she thanked me...

Wolly:So is Joker dead yet?..

Harly:How did you know?...

Wolly:Who do you think killed him?

Harly:No idea ....he was found stuffed with that... I have no did you do it?

Wolly:No wool on my back I suppose...the insane woman pretending to be you...I cursed her...she was obsessed with Vor...for some I gifted her the ability to turn like a plastic man until she was in his belly there she expanded and wollified...into well woll and he died choking on it...nothing much for an attempt at killing children...even if he was not the one to do the spell he gave that magician the get were I come a Demigod of Fertility...what he did was unacceptable...

Harly:Uhu...I will not say a word to anybody else...I don't want that to happen to me as keep my lips shut.....

I calmly watched my eyes glowing blue...frost...crawling...under the drink, and they were chilled...the frost on the way vanishing to nothing...Harly she noted it...I took a sip...of the slurry...I smiled...

Wolly:The thing is... I can do whatever I desire... I already destroyed a whole planet... gathered all of its souls...and felt nothing...I am not completely a they are made of love happiness and family...and their souls shape their body,s...I am made of chaos family love and all terrible presence itself brings chaos...we crave and grow with it...the Chaos kid... who wanted to do all that he wanted...had an effect on side of Order demanded I follow my Inner divinity...the part that is a god of Fertility and guardian of mother and child....the only problem with the necessary death of a few as i am not a hero from here...death is my Mercy for myself...and Wruthlesnes on ones self is mercy for everybody...

That is why I now watch you and those two as guests...and not intruders...

Harly:R..right! curiosity is eating at me ....wat are you a boy or a girl?... you're just too wolly to tell...Aha, that's why your name is Wolly...

Sradus:My father gave me the name of I am a boy....mother calls me Wolly as I give the best of you want one?

Harly:I never refuse hugs...come here.

I came to her...then hugged her...she felt safe and like she was worth she had a purpose and it was worth following it...then a calm...she fell asleep...nice...I got curious and she hugged me....we became a small pile...and I fell asleep I opened my eyes...the next day...I was met by Wonder Woman at the door....she entered...and we got to the Garden ...she saw it...noted Swamp thing...Ive and Harly... bought sleeping resting...I patted the edges floor...she to me...I made a few snacks,s...

Sander woman:Why here?...there is nothing special, things of build your house on a rarely used beach.....away from humans and hard to get to... I...did get here with flash,s direction,s....Why would you kill easily as well...

Wooly:They killed themselves their greed was too much...for them...they bit the apple of doom...and they paid the reproduction I will not hurt those that don't mess...with me or with new blood..and their mother,s...

I didn't want the many possibilities, s they represent to be gone... I want as much chaos as possible..and if their actions oppose that...well you saw what I did with the Chaos lord...

After a few weeks,s...I felt another cataclysm...Parademons flew over the world...I got annoyed... I focused....and went in the sea....rutted and grew....I became titanic...and my branches enveloped the world...I cot them ...and hucked the portals....bringing them to me... putting them in a cage of wood...and bark...they were stuck...I then felt another open...I grabbed it and DarkSide....he struggled....his eye blasts.....doing nothing....I smiled....and he gulped...I feel my snack is here... I opened my maw....and three him in...he was impaled by my tongue....then the parademons and portals I closed my maw...and chewed....all turning to minced meat....I gulped....and absorbed the power...the omega effect being consumed by my monster half...elevating it....but just a bit...

I saw the Justice League around me...I saw them wait... I finished....pulling myself true form comprising...I flew to my body....and entered it....the nanobots in the many parademons infusing in the flesh of my body. I gained technical control ....a useful power...I opened a link...and the boxes were brought to me...for my usage... I sent them to my other side...I smiled...and sat...they wanted answers...

Wooly:Ask Constantin about Shub-Niggurath as she is my mother...

And don't say the name...if you don't want to get her attention...use one or the other...not both ...ok let me rest... stretching like that was uncomfortable...and you saw my true body...feel lucky... I am tired...Baaaaah.....

I went on my bed curling up and wool fluffed up... I resembled a large wooly boll...Superman... stayed...waiting for me to make...he gave up the second day...I have to process the omega force...and the nanites...about 3 months later, I white fur having a few black stripes...I woke...and Ive and Harly were in the kitchen room...the whole house was a bit different...the kitchen had human food...I sat wool returning to a smaller size...I scratched the side of my eye....and I teeth revealed their sharp teeth...large unnatural the void wants to bite everything ....

I closed and felt all right...the black metallic wool retracted...and I took a few steps...nice and crisp...I clenched my fists and I went out...using the wool I made a portal...a way to return I once planted my roots here... it's now marked...the gods know I am here....and they are afraid...I arranged the mark....and teleporting space...I made a clone infused with the energy....and I clone...arriving at the teleporter ... I made a the tree, so I could pass... I entered it with the avatar and I returned ....the gods are outside of my home...I feel it...they are anger...I walked out ....Zeus was furious...he saw me shift...the wooly persona shed...

Sradus: What do you want grandson...

Zeus:Whom...are you...

Sradus:Son of your such your uncle...Say ....why are you pay your respects....or to dethrone my your father the brother of mine Kronos did to father ...and you to him...say...did you expect for me to be at least part of your family...yet not...I am the son of Dremur and Shub-Niggurath fear me I am a god of abominable fertility...Pervert!

Zeus and the gods form resembled a wooly god...while my toga was made of flesh wood metal and living white pure cloth...they were surprised as on my head a crown of thorns, metal spikes, and teeth was visible .... telling them I am a prince... entity... both mom and dad acknowledgesges my presence.....

I took my first step...they saw my being...and Zeus leaped to punch me...his hit connected and my toga moved with the wind...the house was not moved...sand moved...the wind moved...I did not...I smiled and hugged him....he felt an overwhelming familiar love...not a perverted one...he fell on his knees .....the other gods...became worried...I extracted his godhood....he did not feel it...his form rested in my wool...Poseidon used a wave of water to impact me...I grabbed the wave.... grabbed the man and pulled him....he also got a hug...then he stopped struggling...and his divinity joined the orb of power...the others followed...even Ares was stripped of I am not a fighter...I am a hugger...

The gods were sealed...content and eternally resting...I Hades...I got him as well... I left...and returned to the house...the Olimpus was in that hers ... I used a body...a copy of a primordial Titan...and infused the it mixed and became a went to the throne and it sat...there...doing its job...I dressed it in the wool scarf thegods's body,s are resting...and growing...accustomed to being knowledge fountains...

I enjoyed the show...then I left...I walked out...and rested...

After a while... I sent the avatar to another teleport...

I was sent after a day...

I opened my eyes...and saw humans...they were wide-eyed...I blinked... scratched the back of my head...

I an odd place...I turned to see to him was an egg...

Bebedy:You monster listen to me and eliminate the trespassers!

I opened my palm...and a golden apple appeared on it...

Wolly: Hello my name is Wolly I am a monster...and I can grant anyone any wish you need just to eat the golden apple...but you must know...if your wish crosses my interest you turn in a giant eatable apple...and the next two people will eat it and blow careful because one of you all will eat it...

Bobedy:Give it to me.

Wolly:are you sure?...

Bobedy: Yeah gimme.

I handed him the fruit and went behind the z fighters...

He gook a bite...and the egg smoke formed...and before all of us ...a fat buu stood there...I pulled an apple and said...

Wooly:See my apple, grant wishes...but the only rule is to not be used for mass genocide!...

Buu eat can help!

I threw the apple at Buu...he grabbed it and ate it...becoming unsealed...and the kay inside him modified the wish to become unsealable...and untainted by evil...the energy in his body changed... completely tainted by kay,s...a good boy...the power of Bibidi becoming unaffected...he came and sat down...the white substance that left buh formed a smaller buu...malnourished and insane...I grabbed it...and with a beam from my hand turned into white chocolate i smiled...and ate it...some of my wool turned my face became eyes only visible...I went to Bobedi....he was trying to get out...I opened my maw...and bit down...he screamed... I bit....and again...and again...the fighters..were disgusted...and I finished...his knowledge magic and otherwise are my own...

They saw my mouth hands night...

Wolly:You saw do I look?... Human,s...what do you intend to deal with me?...

Vegeta: He is dangerous...but his power level is insignificant...

Goku:He ate a guy...potato...guy?....he was evil....oy wolly will you promise us you're not evil?....

Gohan:Well I don't have an idea.. what are you?...

Wolly:You can call me Sradus ... I am an Eldrege...I am the thing that demons and gods...fear... I am not a mortal...nighter. you see this just an the Multiform tecknick... So what now?...

My wool changed...becoming bandages... wrapping my whole body.... leaving my hand feet...and face...two horns being black...eyes white simple ...mouth dark with white teeth i smiled...then I updated the color scheme and everybody saw a boy ....demonic yet human...I modified the straight jacked and added the bandages buckles and belts to my form...I smiled....and enjoyed... I tapped the ground and vanished.....

They were surprised...they had buu with them.....the kay was confused...Goku would not allow him to kill Buu....even if it would be possible....they returned to their life...I was relaxing on the lookout...and the bandages moved to form a hammock...Popo....kami...saw me...they were not sure what they needed to do...I slept...they did not bother me...

I smiled...and the next day they hammock now was going....I watched the humans come to train...I hid....and watched...I saw Picolo...I used a spell...and used it on him....he went to a secluded area and made an was crafter after my design...a female...namekian...she is cute...a small child beautiful she will be when she is a big girl...I whipped his memory and stored the egg in my pocket kept safe and in perfect place to hatche...

I returned to my watch...they worked hard...I rested...after a while, I made an ki...was accumulated enough and my partner reached a strength bigger than SS3 and beyond ....she spent much time being molded trained, and made to be mine....a sexy warrior with a pure lustful hart... towards me...she and I had made an arena...and if they can defeat us they can keep the planet .... hehe..

The Z-fighters came...Buu and Satan as well... finally they saw me...,

I saw my Warrior wait while I floated behind her...they noted me...and they battled... First Vegeta... fell was Buu ...and last the being the fusion gotenx....he fell...Piccolo came...and my lovely Picola....said.

Picola:Helow pop,s...

Piccolo: What do you mean?... I don't remember having a kid...answer me...

Wolly: I made you have one .. designed to be her...then I whipped your memory...she is your daughter...and she is strong enough to rule the world...and she will...isn't that right love?

Picola:Yes my king...

Piccolo:I will never consent to you being with my daughter!

Wolly: Too bad she is mine...and no other man can satisfy she is Lust incarnate...

Picola:You don't need to say such embarrassing things Love...

She then grabbed me and hugged me...I had her in a bridle carry...but it occurred as she is twice a taker than me very muscular and with big curves...

Wolly:Love show them your true form...I want them to know who they are dealing with .....

She smiled her teeth becoming sharp ..her skin turning yellow her muscle gold,...her antenna becoming horns...and her back spurs covered by a membrane...I saw her sit up...her bulky body compressing a perfect figure....she flexed...the planet shucks She was an amazing... draconic monster...that did not need fly...she hugged me her perky breasts skin like silk...and ferm muscles...Piccolo,s mouth touched the ground ...and gulped as he felt like a speck of front of a star....the Z fighters similar to Piccolo lost hope...

Wolly:You got three years...summon all your dead...train and prepare for the next tournaments that will decide the end of this planet...Good luck.

I left...the clone was very agreeable...I rested....and pulled out the egg...not hatched yet...I the clone relaxed and I sat on its lap....she smiled and relaxed..the clone is a perfect copy of the kid in the egg ...and she will gain memory,s of the proper way to use the Draconic power... I smiled and rested....after three years I had a two-year-old namekian...kid .... I tighter her the kami powers and the arts of the Gum gum Gears....she liked her big sister...and her

We returned to the Arena...and saw them Picola smiled....and they fought...close battles...but they were defeated...even Picolo managed to go Dragon...I made a ball of energy and shot it at the they expected the planet to end ...but a light show flew to the sky...I brought his daughter...and told ability to clone...and yes I did make him have a kid...they were surprised as the feast was prepared...

I smiled and my form returned to that of Wolly ... I with the rest ate...

Wolly:Just to be frank all of you...I made this minion strong as I could for a Namekian...the thing is there are monsters stronger than her in your universe....and Vegeta can confirm...Berus...will come for his nemesis the Sayan God.....which is a Destroyer!

Vegeta:Yep he exists...and a lot stronger than even Wolly here...

Wolly:Dont two have talent and if you get god can even supas him...if you pay your power right....and you should learn from the ancent book of namekian legends...that is were you can find many strong rituals...maybe even one to gecome god...hehe... after that wat do you guys want to do?...

Wolly:I am leaving with Picola...she needs to meet my maid and learn to act like one...

Picola:Alright Master!...

Picolo:so my daughter wil not turn out like her?

Wolly:Personality. ...and obsesion of power yes with enoght training...and you should name her...

Picolo:Thanck Kami ....

The guys laugh...and we vanished....