Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[Temporary Haitus] / Chapter 453 - 453. Waking Wrecking Worms.

Chapter 453 - 453. Waking Wrecking Worms.

I got up from my pillow and got to my feet

as my tendrils gather up back within my body the anima lower half now once more covers me with its black and purple patterned tendril muscle I then got up the guy who was selling stuff he was being interrogated by a few elves wich were curious enough to know what happened here he answered as he could and even asked if they want to buy the safe variants of the material that infested him all were curious but also scared in exchange for the weapons he requested a creature half of the total strength they thought and accepted the quest they left the day and few days after they arrived the being was an elf he was rugged and rather powerful but the damage let to her was enough to incapacitate her they laid her on the table that grew next to the shop stand then I analyzed her to then show them a selection of weapons they were allowed to select any one weapon they chose a bow then i asked Animaeye to write its effects and hand it over :Bow of the Anima, Grants the chance to incapacitate being with its anima energy Arrows can be used twelve times a day he can alsaw charge it with arcane energy to recharge it faster but it will activate its growth mode if used over large periods of time it wil form a gountlet that will hold the bow and it will permanently be part of the owners body if the bow passed the wrist then it is imposible to be removed without cuting off the limb, make sure to not theiw it in the eternety well it will drain its energy and form a second Anima tree they were suprised and asked if they can get more i told them that they need to bring me other with the same conditions half theyr full strenght well aproximatively since there are no perfect way to know i had the criminal woman tied down and i startedd to change her my claws made marks all over her body i was curently imidating future Illidons tatoos i finished marking her she was strugaling at the beginig but now she just shuterd in plejure twiching but not moving the body part i was working on due to the pain to peljure spell i worcked on my mysel a masikists worst dreen and bigest nightmere i finished marking her then i started building wings all made of Anima they loked draconic o even gave her horns and fangs of confortable size she notice her neals and skin on her hands and feet were anima cristal and cristali e threds a flower formed on the head reshaping it into a headband holng her hear down i then made her some simple clothes a simple one peace Purple dress with flesh undergarments confortable and breatheble her skin turned milk wite her blond hear now all on the back i healed her flesh finished the tatoos and left her to wake up in her room , i wandered the tree and saw Bob the craftsmith's skin turn to Anima fiber i got itrigued and learned the body parts he moustly crafted with became critaline his core was alredy formed his insides kept heling stedely and pailessly i finished my oolong and made a few Anima tools from gaster blasters to buzz saws and such i tried to make a storege item it took me some time and made it with a trade to the nobels around here they were intrested and my familier visege did get them confident i may have been an elf before i grew suprised as i felt a red dragon try to take my home it was rather tasty the elves around saw the dragon it tried to fly and grab the tree but wen she went down and was to grab the Anima tree it felt the tree inpale her blood was visible seaping in on and in the tree her enegy was hot taisty and her soul was myne i stored it in a botle as i managed the corpse i had gained a red core i started fixing the corpse infestingit with cristalsthe surounding elves were rather suprised as the grate life bringer and destroyer was coverd by a thin lear of Anima slowly infiltrating and chainging the body i went iside the corpse seading flowers were its vital organs were the soul was upset and rather fearfull even if it hid it with her anger and indignation i checked the elven woman and noticed she was rather messed up i thinck they got a death raw and with the modifications i did to her well i removed her soul washed it clean and finalizing it by fusing it with the dragon it took dominance over it and fused i then slowly modified the soul ahe foth valiently but ended up ovedient i then wived the soul with anima threding and iserted it within her new body and she woke few days if stumbeling i alsaw changed the body for a tale and she magicaly started walking normaly the magic corsinf theu this elven bosy did change a bit the desine becoming more draconic i had her clean the hole tree from time to time , i went about the day untill the guys broth some other creatures a plnt lifeform , a orc of all things a human and finaly a gnull i had now thre femeales and thre males here witout counting mysel or the plant thing that is being consumed by the giant Cristsl tree i felt some souls pass thrue it as some energy's are activating its plant caracteristics as a soul tree i figure i will get a sentient cristal tree but its to late i alwredy subjugated its body and future soul to my own even if its destroyed i will just be fine i found that i get souls of animals and elves as the conflict acures i may start experimenting on the spirit teck tree as since my hole tree is rather advanced i mai skip some cruical detais to stop it i shaped it as a giant tree ent with four legs for the convinience of movement or mabe more legs wood be good i then inplimenyed exuriori leggs on the main legs like tatoos but capablto form Anima energy constructs and asiat in increasing speed but well the construct uses advanced tecknology for moving aka rolling balls on the botome surfoce to allow movements with small amounts of force wen going down a ramp and can be helped by the smoller legs for upp climes i did enjoy the sight of the elfes as i tested my new ride the Anima Dragon golem did bring the hole build to another level she was young so small enoght to be the roof of the Anima trient he resembed a rather grusome bucher so i analled him Pudge he was quite fat and he hubled his way rather fast i instaled a huck and a bucherd knofe for the hell of it he splce them men stationary a nice balcony and a loking out tower i smiled to the suprised elven people that found my place quite novle other creatures ware added to my experiment list first was the suift coversion and now with subsiery spirits under my domain i spred them as scouts for other energy sorses for my large tree , the day went ussuspectedly and i got drunck i went to the beach and then after the sunrise i returned home By the way its me the Author and i thinck im am actualy drunck see ya next day's episode of and authors other sides jurnal bye.