I looked as my now half-living tree was stretching his limbs while still rooted I saw Pudge still practice with his hock he managed to get some flying beasts that he then butchered to mince meat and then sent it down his gullet into the refrigerator where some smaller butcherings by small Anima imps there was a group bringing a couple since no one imp was was enough for the trade I made some more Anima imps good to help separate fresh meat from the bone and eliminate sinew and rotted flesh if there were inside pudge is a surprising expert at butchering meat I also got the useful materials the blood was separately stored in Anima bottles very thin bottles then the comestible meet nicely packaged in Anima cloth and left stacked in the fridge will the bones the good ones kept hole the broken or misshaped ones ground to fertilizer as its skull was hung on the trees belt right now it's quite large enough to knock down fully ground dragons and even Bucher them I noted the dragon body kept itself on Pusges back like a round roof on pudge,s back the looks of horror was quite funny a carnivore tree spirit i did tell them that Pudge is just following his name sakes the pudge butcher bilog and that made them unconfortable but wanted to make a deal with us if they bring strong large creatures they will get some parts of it in exchange i get the rest moustly meet i chikled and accepted the Anima core was about redy so we can move my owerselves withour feare of runing out of energy we talked with the nearby elves and did get a close to freandly relations my tools did bring new reserch material i can feel some of them gaining housts and they noticed all wepons are forming difrent armour parts and before the cristals afixed themselfs property they all decided to armour one of them they chose a loyal guard of the queen wen all the parts were on they fuked up the arour conected without problems it was skin tight like a full skin tight suit she noticed the Anima was digging in her flesh in her muche and in her bones coating her organs steming the blood from eschaping and then pumping it back in her flesh and now anima coated vains the Anima tisheu rei forced her but her mind her brain her will did not last her skin turned to Anima her mind nothing but a mess of insanity pain and suffering they noticed she was tring to tare herself apart but the suit peaced her back together no mater the amount of times she tore s limb or peace of flesh this kept hapning untill the queen herself used Arcane magic atemoting to cam her mind but the act did a rather unsuspcting thing as insted of paind acreams mouns came out in the room this happnd she was shitering a bit spasming due to the energy the queen stoped the chanaling as she noticed the woman was passed out they tried to tuch her onlh to get cuts and sometimes inpaled by thorns that formed to absorb theyr mana this acured unconsiously they got some slaves to do the job they were not Arcane charged but he collers were they were freed and still did wath they were suposed to do unowingly being free from theyr bonds they were used to test the woman wich was in coma from futing her body to so much more all Energy's that were aplyed over her body the more a full late cristaline armour formed they stoped before it was completed since well thinked something wood hapen so i got a visit , There was the queen with some woriors i was asked for i felt the Anima body it was curently hosting a broken soul due to a brokens psiky and mind i came to her by other slaves i saw her tied to a table with metalic bands i did notice the Anima strands were absorbing Arcane energy from the slaves and suroundings i got close to the Anima construct and as they saw me i turned intangible and then enterd the womans mind i loled sround and yes it was broken shaterd and dusty too a Anima core was present tring to fix the mess but it was incomplete and at my intrujone it moved the mind fragments away from me around the core was a woman holding it close to her hart i saw she was shaterd and from her back Anima energy tendrils were pooling her memories and self back together i came closer to her she had no eyes no mouth no many things i loked around and with a bit of Anima over my eyes i felt the mising paces i then rapidly flew and grabed them and started fixing the container this took a wile outside the elves saw the body grow sipikes and go in a seajure like state i found her face and chest area then came closer the Anima core was werry but i ignored it shreded its defences and peace by peace reconstructed her head and torso after this i felt some memory's glow and being slowly absorbed in the vesal then i saw her eyes open she opend her mouth and she screamed i stoped her with a claw yea i am in my more Ectonewrigh look ahe stoped with her eyes wide open i soke in a raspy voice: God damm it woman your louder then my mother wen she gave birth to me and do know i dont look a day older then that moment , anyway you fucked up with the Anima Set , i did task the seller to to write theyr effects hmm did you at least reed all the efects or dis tou skipp the last lne wich soecificly tells you i may quote,With a set like this you may even count yourself made of Anima, well you didnt as i see all this mess your new other half is at least puting some effort in fixing you do mind i helpt fixing your more inprtant bits hmm so miss guard do you want to make a deal since you will recover but with the memories that broke you before you will wnd up broken once more and then repeat the rpocess of fixing and repring untill your other half will just devower you to end your suffering and pobably go hunting oter energy sorses to feed itself , then well nodd your head if you desire to be fixed in exchange you wil visit my home once a week so we can talk properly i will gather the memory's of your converjion so you wil not shater omce more i will hold them safe and know i can always give them back to you so preapre.
After I finished my talk I filled her mind with my power which acted as fillers I grabbed the memories which shattered her and then gathered them in a ball then sealed them in her deepest recesses of the mind then I left her body I returned to my disguised look and saw the spikes her body made reseed I then personally infused large amounts of energy to finish her transformation she competed well almost on her health there were some missing slivers above and under her eye holes I then saw her wake for a moment to then fell back asleep this time I returned to the queen and told her she is fixed for now send her once a week to my home for following treatments she needs a teacher and if you don't she will relapse and maybe I will not be so kind to bring her to her senses and let her devolve in Arcane devouring living Harbinger of Anima in this little world of yours do take care she may have forgotten the memory that occurred in her transformation so don't ask her about that thanck you and goodbye i need to sleep i am bone tiered well i did a skeleton of worck to fix her Bone Cracked mind , way am i even ratteling my funny bone to you i shood just be happy with this new being i thinck i was feling bonely hehe anyway i am Bone to be wilde so i am going to rattle my bones at home see ya.