Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 452 - 452. Anima Amato Alennol.

Chapter 452 - 452. Anima Amato Alennol.

I got a break as the structure was stable the assistance from my gem Avatar eased the construction with his workers and Mercuri tools, and I finished generating a pure anima refined cristal core then I added the body structure of an Ectonuright body structure infused in the core then I saw it reshape and finished remodeling into a crystalline skull I relocated itself in the eye structure of the form I decided on human form feet formed wile flesh grew over the Grimm visage making a human-looking one to eyes were visible one with a skull in one as then the second layer of skin formed of peach black colored a Robe formed around it with a hoody and then sandals formed out of bone and skin-like material I felt the anima changing my biology by the mind is true my craft is true I shall start a dungeon now I loled at prime the shred of soul he allowed me to woke and remember all he knew of both Anima And ectonurightic biology and technics I smiled and bowed to my Prime as he opens a gate wile he inscribed within me the way of opening this gates for myself i walked in it and i felt grass on my foot were i turned intangible and went deep underground using it as a filter for the energy's around this world i detected arcane and serched for a vane to then atart saifening at it starting growing my core deveoling my energy reserves i kept growing them wile my cells started begining to get my cells floding frowing in power and adapting the energy was cool was similar to my nature my flesh grew denser and then compressed this kept happening for a cuple days i felt no hunger as this energy was nureshing enoght i started then to follow the Arcane power line mile after mile untill felt a formation it was sifening and directing the energy to compelxes i followed but at a distence i glided thrue the erth and exited close to the construct finding some elven forms they were practesing magic i wached around and saw cristalised Arcane energy i got closer and bypased the shielding i got the atention of some elves as the shieding became visible as a hand like print apeared on it it then passed thrue showing a curcle my wrist i grabed the cristal and inplanted a anima seed to then remove my hand and retreet a maniacle and rather menasing chukle was sounded they saw the Anima cristal seed spreed within the Arcane cristal then at theyr suprised look's they noticed my form i was partialy visible at the cristal's purple light i opend my hands and they saw me enter the ground , after my dicepearence the Anima seed bloomed growing cristal vines overgrew the device braking it to form more flowers beutefull but then a curious elf tuched the cristal then the nightmere began the flowers vines grabed him as then it infiltrated the body of the elf to then drane the Arcane energy it formed a flower on the elfs chest then the flower infused the excess anima energy into the elf's body from a normal elf to a husk to now he's hands were claw like similar to theyr feet and vines grew over theyr body's reinforsing it the hear became strands of criatalixed threds and his hole eyes were bow of a purple colore as they were left siting sufering from shock from the rapid changes i was close to him i enterd his flesh his Anima core was week the Anima Mana finished prepering the elf i learned from his wisdome and knolege to understan i am in the capital of the hay elfes with the queen and all the eyes of the elf changed wen i posesed him one ganed a skull shaped gem wile the other remained normal i rose up loking around the other elves were shoked and ran around this mana gazer was now slowly growing Anima cristals stoping around few meters away i reshaped the Anima flower on my elfs chest making it more of a chestplate confortable as posible wile the cristal vines became tatoos i extracted myself from the elf's body he opend his eyes loking as bewidered she slowly got to his feet stumbled a bit and fell i chukled and he heard me he loled in my direction and spoke in a curious fearfull and arogantly i felt wll his emotions i cane close and pooled off my hood he saw i had mo ears my nose was but too holes and my maw was filled with Anima sharp cristals he was suprised he saw my eye glowing a skull like Anima cristal glowing strongly shining and glowing on his face he was suprised and backed down on his now purple tatooed ass he didnt even feel it i reaplied my skin as he saw it had elven ears and then added my hood i smiled he understood i am no elf not even closer my body had no smell of death but the power of anima permiated my form each inch and crany he noticed i had the shape of a male the cloke was grimm i copied his hear likebstructure and liked the feling of it he noticed i got distracted as i plaied on make fake skin hear then i made him know he was no longer a normalnelfnhe felt the power corsing theuw him he generated his onw power and i told him this power i want to shear it to change the future of his world he was pondering but reluctantly acepted and so i enterd his body posesing him but leaving him under controll only taking his right eye being now a critaline skull a lear of new robes formed around him confy he then took a flower and procesded to find other elfes they ran and after abit of time spell brakers came to the infestation my drone was surounded he was not violent but the looks of his made them pregidus i controled the growth and formed a tree a cristal tree on it fruits loling like perfect sferes sat for piking the line between the elf and the tree realed in to pool him rapidly he was now in the hole made in the tree a safe spot the spell brakers were suprised and they shouted the elf tried to calme them down i managed and told them using his voice : I request a hier smuck on the sociallatter and i may give you answers and maybe this elven puppet i have the hold of as i spoke they noticed from the elf purple stings became visible then i moved him like a doll he got emberesed quite entertaining the spell brakers tried to stop my manipultion but nothing worcked they were outside the tree one left as the rest kept wach i spred the roots doen the Arcane vane deeper and deeper down i found myself controling the tree manualy the elf was not sure wath was hapening a cristal fence formed around the tree thorns were visibel on them i the slowly made bricks leading from the tree untill the hole fenced area resembled a tree home its leaves were ansorbing sun light wile i furnished the cristal tree home they noticed plants out of metal slwly grow metal grass and flora sprung up slowly creaping from the fens around a meter surounding the tree the spell brakers backed off i left the elfs body loking around the facility i finished i got inspired by the spell brakers cloth's and arour funny hats i remade it similary first some doll body's made of smuth stone then making a robe of wived cristsline threds a nice purple then i made the chest plate sholder pads helmeth gountlwts and shoes then finaly the shield and duble blade i calcuated abit then started redesining the looks from the sun like looks to a dark er desine and more moon mothifs after wich i changed the duble blade to a duble sickle and finaly the shield it was now resembeling the top part of a gaster blaster and then i redesined the jaw part of the gaster blaster into the sikle blades i finished forming it and then made acuple copy's the dolls then started moving the spell brakers were suprised and angerd of the mokery i made of theyr armour and desine i then made a set for myse i had a cuple dolls empty of any features holding sticks they charged at me and with few hits i had bucherd them with ease i enjoyed the lokes of the guards they didnt notice i just cut the material with threds of Anima and Ectonewrite skin very good at cuting things as i am chaneling the energy on the surforce like a chainsaw but revolving so fats its practicaly invisible i checked ability's and managed my weekenesses i felt the sun heating and try to separste me but with a light cote of anima the heat was nothing but a nice fealing i reclosed my skin not wasting my energy for nothing usefull ,i saw some new elfes come i they were well dressed and in the midle of them was a femeale elf she had blue skin and golden eyes i stoped my plying wil the changed elf was bowing i revised the info i got from him and i loked at the queen azshara she noticed my look i turned my head to the side she noticed i was pale like milk face smuth unaturaly soo .

I burst out laughing they all were surprised as it was a mocking and sad one as I finished I had a rather sad smile: Ow grate queen I shall introduce myself as the last of my species and rather shortly created I am the last Lord of the Ectonuright race now an offshoot of the main species I have harnessed the energy and critical power of Anima crystals my existence is now being corrected to always be myself my truest self I do see you don't understand but I fell I know of you little foolish queen wich will bring doom to the world fooled by a burning titan a scared fool that went on the wrong way to fixing the problem colled void your species will evolve due to an outside entity a corruptor a devourer a master of shaping life incaged by the titans I am just one, for now, I have made myself a home and future dungeon I guess you and only you will make it soo the well the wand that happened to your planets soul and body you bask in the lifeblood of the planet and I am going to ravel since the ear itself is charged with power life power i dont need to feed directly but so i may make it clear i am ofering you nothing i am not taking away nothing that was originaly your's i have seen the future of your world and it's end suks ass i tell you once you make the well active Sargsrus i guess wil coll you the demons you will bring the well will beake and the continent will lay shaterd in difrent large ilands the orc's will invade the dranai will weep the fate is inevetable and you you will never lern so wath say you queen Azshara posible folwer of the old one,s if your kind your hiborn fools decide to keep abusing the well i thinck you may keep your lands safe , since there dose not exist any PARADICE better then you all alwredy have i thinck i am done with talking i am not acepting any reply and i am sqating on this place no arcane magic will worck on theis house sue to its magic eating capability's do take care and remember if you love your peop domt deal with any dark titan,s or Old Ones they are i quote Bound to destroy or fuck you over just for the hell of it have fun with this knolege and dont ask any dragon Flight's to deal with me since i will drain them to husks or just make them in my personal toy's bye lady posible snke woman.

I then went intangible and invisible I saw her get angry and then throw large spells at the tree only to see it grow I got s new balcony I went there as it finished forming I waved at her she exhausted herself and then she was escorted by guards and some of the hay borns guards I opened my cloke I pool a couple of tools made of skin and Anima crystals I tested them out and I got Alennol Stoneseker I told him he is now Alennol Animaeye he reluctantly accepted it and smiled I made a stool outside the fence around a meter away I told him to seel the Stagnant Anima tools I made from bows to male weapons and such the Spell breakers were sawed this acure and the elf with a chain around his ankle draining the excess Anima he produces he was met with a spell breaker being accused of betrail and then attempted to use arcane power on him the kid got a rush from the power as when it was too much it got drained in the theater to then end calming him down then the spell braker tried to hit him with the blade a Anima spike intercepted the damage and chipped his blade undamaging the spike then it slowly retreated in the ground leaving no trace of it being there then another stirke was atempted only to happen once more damging the blade even more as he tried the forth hit he felt a gut wrenching pane as a spike was drove from between his legs to coming out of his chest the elf was still alive to proceed and the spike bloomed a flower seteling itself on hos chest and the desacsted body was filled once more with power he was liberated from the spike and walked in the fenced area the other spell brakers saw all the process to then kep distence the spell braker i got was now called Bob for only him is a builder now he was tasked to craft and craft resting wen he coond,t craft animore to be revitalised with the power in the Anima to then wake once more and repeet he wa awere but his was not capable to move his body to his acord finaly i walked to my room and went to sleep in a perfect large bed all made of anima cristal fibers.

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