Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 451 - 451.A different world a different time.

Chapter 451 - 451.A different world a different time.

I woke up to have three female gems leaping on one of my left one on my right and one straight on my chest I got up and walked out I felt the powers in this world along with to Linchpins almost three but the third one was in the same body I walked saw frost giants and other humanoids I also saw some giants that were rather xenophobic, Philo was human looking with her gem being affixed to her collar bone I smiled and understood she was targeted since she resembled a human with pale skin and golden locks rather similar to a vampire but the eyes those were recognized eyes of the hay elves full deep red like looking into a sea of red energy slowly leaking in the world drop by drop I had some fun when some giants asked me directly if she was a sale or trade they didn't get it my horns were rea but they believed they were some kind of decoration each time I just asked one of my partners to deal witht the pests the energy in this world now that I am accustomed I feel it and corses thrue my ifht body aimilar to the giants but with a core at my gem i was alsaw chalanged for all the of em those went pourly since only minced meet was left of them we enjoyed ower dya here and one day i heard sodm kind of bot asking for the strange ice giant along with hia thre slaves i ignored that since we were not slaves but partners the suprise wen i with a cuple other giant's were sent in front i had my ax on my back Philo was rather upset as such she transmutated the drones into fools gold we saw the things fool and explode as then we left to wander abit more then we left as i heard of some strange happenings we killed creatures with suift attacks we atored the stuff safely in atasis i felt my core start changing the esence of my Anima gem began to grow capable to manipulating size form and my energy better and better the void called to me the dother of the mother was here at least a fragment the rules in this world are quite strange i heard of imortals and such my cultivation reached the midle grounds to become as they cool it inortal my other three companions are only a third there we spent about a month and i felt a cuple imortals paing atention to us mailny me many elements are here i took care to cultivate non of them but my own Soul magic exists but i took care to use Anima the specific energy can manipualte souls can forge body's and even nake life manipulate matter mold it ahaoe it craft ting with materials i got new tecknicks and my energy resorses grant me grate choice to do things so i did use my skills with it to improve on it grafting cuting and smuthing edges and fixing dammage i made a golem large enoght to carry all thre of us out of trees and found potatos underneath they were from solty to good ones i enjoyed the Tree-cart-abomination it got us fast to wereever we wanted we found owerselfs at a large town were dungeons were present we enterd i rutted the tree-cart-thing....I will just coll it Acty from now on, Acty rutted itself out of the city resting in the shape of a normal tree some curious out lockers came even a lumberjack tried to cut it only for a section of it to detach from a hand and sap the giant few meters to then reattach the peace's where they were wood is still alive and can regrow and keep growing I saw its leaves once just shoot like daggers and impale a few beasts to then fly back to its branches.

We walked in the town and I searched for any guild to then hear of a dragon something guild nearby I came by and searched for them I felt an energy source in the are we left the town then I showed Acty a new blueprint and he remade it while reinforcing the wood by interweaving his fiber and compressing his bark then I saw the tree become a ship with many seals and directional flippers while some mechanical-looking ventilations formed to blow at the seals I enchanted the wood to be heat resistant and so flame resistant I then took my seat to as the girls looked around we flew up and up we reached a rather large distance from the ground and I felt the energy source closer and closer until we bumped into some kind of brick structure it managed to dent the reinforced wood good thing it can regenerate but the next thing got me surprised a maw made if stone blue bricks engulfed us I then ordered Acty to go in the defence form a large sfere with eight limbs coming from the sides equilateraly it had thorns all over it and the end of the tendrils thee fingerd claws it sat up as i loled at the walls then after a bit i saw a male frost giant and a femeale frost giant the male had horns and wings i in exchange made Acty look ar them meanesingly then we started walking closed to them alsaw meanesingly the flore shuck with each step untill we were a few meters then Acty opend a hach and then stears and finaly a rug made of red velved petals they expected to get attacked but they were invited inside? of course not since they saw clawed feet take a step then another Miss Grive tan then sat at the side as another creature walked more like they floated down the stairs taking their place on the other side of the carpet as then a female angelic with her wings surrounding her like a cloke glided off the ground and took her place next to miss Grieve tan and then a step was heard as a stick hit the steps and then the next and next as a stick figure showed up it was rather funny it walked and sat next to the floating beholder girl it walked menacingly it acted menacingly rather funny the male frost giant was holding a laugh and then with my first step he stops and became serious as I walked down the stairs when he saw my face it was of Loki he recognized it I smirked as then my form glows and grows I finished reforming as I smiled my maw opened as my gem visible I tapped it and they saw me pool a giant guillotine ax the gem on it glowed twice as I placed it on my back and then i spoke : Greating Forener i am Anima the fift Dimond Emporror i have come to anybody capable to look in this place?

Then he scratched his head and told me this place is isolated and no one important can look in.

Thank god I don't need to pretend, do you know how annoying is to act entertaining enough to not get bothered by those idiotic immortals, then he saw me return to my smaller form with a smile I acted a bit similar to Goku they both noticed it we talked and got an invitation to the ice dragon Sect I smiled as in the guided Acty to a more compact form he took the form of five armored frost giants made of wood with all the joints and so much we talked about what we are I showed them my gem and told them I am literally this purple and green gem I can brake reality control it but now I am just focusing on my Anima powers as such I was developing an Anima core so do my partners they work on the anima cores I made for them my abilities allow me to make it do you want one? he got surprised and accepted I then pooled an essence extract and around it formed Anima crystals and finally compressed them together to form a stable core then I just handed it to him he then placed it on his chest and it entered him his eyes glowed purple and then returned to normal he looked at the panel and ability's his powers jut got a major upgrade and understood how I made my moving tree he then showed how to cultivate I gave my partners and free rain to do things not dangerous things I managed things and kept upgrading Acty's wood body hia gem was upgraded it is an Anima core and if somebody takes it within themselfs Acty will take over that body we had fun helped showed ower dragon leader different things and how to escape this world with the Anima core I just gave him we reached the immortal level in a few more months when the evolution came my Core got assimilated in my gem and then it changed abit the simbols deformed to make the purple the dominant colre once more wile circles of green and purple alternated with the purple ones a fear bit thicker then the green and finaly a slith formed on it i can now see from it wile my light body didn't change but my skeleton did change it became more biological wile the gems fused within it and my gem had a conection to it and i felt my axe change as well one blade became smuther and sharper wile the other one became jagged wile olsow being razor sharp i saw the essences fuse into its core and then into my gem i felt all the powers one with me and then i saw my gem crack the people around me were suprised but i felt no pain bowth halfs liquified and formed to new shapes as now they look like a plane orb's they then refused with the ax and my light form wich was still active wile the inner skeleton was residing infinished and my powers intensified i flet i reach enoght strenght to help Prime so i anounces after my partners reach enoght strenght i will return to my origin point to become hole once more aproximatively a year passed and we waved goodbye to the dragon sect we left behind a cuple cores for him to decide a owner we left and i saw prime he was meditating as he chanaled his energy to mold a worthy base quoters wich ware deep underground the gens were suprised as i separated my gem and poofed to then be grabed by prime wich then placed it on his thung wich enveloped the gem and compltly asimilating it his eyes glowed purple green and the other colres of the gems Meewtate got after wich the axe returned to my back thegems were suprised i with a snap made a clone of the gem avatar to then send it once more with the gems to the homeworld to worck with them as my hand in that world i like it enoght to keep it safe as its now part of my universal entety i huffed and then took a new cell tipe to then use ot on the next avatar i closed my eyes and continued my job.