Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 450 - 450.Adventura Tempest.

Chapter 450 - 450.Adventura Tempest.

An adventurer group of the permanent ones and a single woman wearing a mask were herded by giant ants they entered the cave and kept walking in as at a point the sealing and floor grew shadow teeth to then chomp on the ants and kept getting closer and closer they kept going deeper and deeper their strength, not enough I opened the path as they reached the boll and the walls stopped getting closer the masked girl was tired I saw to males and two females tendrils got closer as then formed seats they hesitated but sat then the bubble of darkness unthreaded to show a large form resting lazily on a large pillow with to attendants one which looked like a humanoid with eye stocks on her back and dressed in small clothing revealing nothin much to her design then to his other side a tall four-armed woman with strange feet and even stranger ears with her reptilian eyes and sharp teeth she was grumpy while I was just sitting on a large bin bag I smiled the energy around is still trying to infuse in my gem just like the girls but a swift application of bubble tecknick and we can stop the gift protocoll of this world wanted to hand us i made a small enoght breach to allow the evolution to acure wile keping it from shatering ower gems i started integrating the power around a month back and now we are very saturated with the power we got a skill list and descriptions quite funny too since it based all ower capability's in few skills my own were simply colled Anima reactor , Abominable , Gem Adaptation ,Corupting will ,Gem seading , Anima Crafter and lastly Gem Body they all hold all my powers my guillatine has its own but that is uninportant Perl had the skills Unindomidable will , unrelenting presence ,Grievus determination , multi blade worck , Gem body, Loyal and finaly Perl luster, wile Beholder had Pride , Zeno phobia and filia , Briliant mind , multi thoght pattern , Paranoia and then Pshihicks manipulation reality chainging dreams Gem Amalgamation and lastly lewd body i didnt relly get it but well that it is, we talked with the adventurers as they noticed ower gems stedely absorbed power from the energy reach world i was resting and my ax spun around the place always no more then a meter from the top of the sealing like a fan they noticed it but didnt get its purpose we talked i understood and we decided to join i shrinked my form and change ny face to a Frost giant i still had my long sharp neals that then i coverd with gloves my sandals were co fortsble i sat up as the plegue doctore outfit changed it shortend and became a short vest with long baggy pants and a t-shirt i loked around as my size was about duble theyr i snaped my fingers to then se the dark cave became four figures then i snaped my finger to then reshape to a horse like structures we left together the cave as they were on the mounts we jsut walked by them my too partners floring or running from three to tree jumping leaving claw marcks we found owerselfs into a building goblin town fhere was a slime he was rimuru the thing within did try to comunicate with me and the other too i responded as my partners were indifrent we discused as rimuru did with the masked girl he incited us to lunch i juat denide it politoy saing we three dont require food we he was suprised as then sage answerd wath we are he had exclamation marks as he larned the bare bones of the gem species and my first moment wen i emerged and made my wepon as i turned to look at him with my red eyes and blue tatoos it superimposed with my chrent face wich was human ny ax was rotating behind me they were suprised as my presence was like one of a Sientist and a Worior crafter and such more but i limited to that of a Evil Scientist for the heck of it my short clothes returned to my plegue doctore robed look i then felt the masked girl lose controll i asked sage to use predator on the spirit as then i droped a tear from me and pinks reviving her as now she will keep living with the added magicules i added she started evolving and she formed a gem embrio on her navel she felt the difrence and the light purple hear ahe has dose contrast will th the priveous colores i chukled and told her welcome to your new human ish life you got few gen caracteristics they shood have manufested as skills alwredy good luck and be with her fated one i enjoyed the world's easy way of going we setled here with the permision of rimuru i did become helpfull and i alsaw tried to make a few minions they poped out and the land got flooded by magicules revitalising it the olny material that was taken was around a humans identstion they alwredy had magic at hand and with the code i made for them they developed fast as i enjoyed the lejurly living ny gen kept gathering compresing and growing not in size but in strenght durabiliti and such i had my fused gems evolve with me incorporating theyr powers compleatly i got a ability to shater parts of me and use them as clones but i juat used the extra materia being the gems i took over i saw my forms change abit more fluid parts then before i made myself more humanoid as my horn were pointy i lived in this place and wached a dworf king come chalange the slime then became frends then the arival of the dragon loli and wen the otherworldee came they were captured i anywais convinced rimuru to get himself as a demon lord he did soo but he was still weker then me wen i go all out i managed to get myself a hero seead and a demon one for my trubles the hero seed was in my ax and the demon ine within myself i harvested a number of souls to complete it wen the angelic war will start i prepared and awakend bowth seads and then i opend my gem making the powers fuse i had the powers and Arsius skills i used his energy and murged the seads there was no blood line but a new core forme dwithin my gem wich colore had changed gaining a green tint and a ing yang mark finished forming i then separated the ax from my light body having it the same ing yang cristal in the midle of the five essences i found my mind was in bowth gems i had it on my back and checked the new runes that formed over them i then sean the haiesr eshalne of angel i just choped his head off as then i compresed his body into a sfere and then i seaded the ball corpse i was happy as infilled the meat bol with as much energy i cood gsther the angels stoped geting desintegrated and integrated in the ball it kept growing bigger untill it reached duble my size and then it got compressed more and more untill a golden purple and green it absorbed the angels and then in the sights of all a new being formed first the shape and sizes a femeale form then clothes formed over her and finaly her face finished formig a caml stoic and inocent she smiled and then came to me she introduced herself as Angelus Philosophia Stone i smiled and asked her to take rain over the dimension were angels are coming from i joined her as we took care of any rezistence i as consequence opend a gate to prime as he took controll of the Havesn and broth the angels as minial worckers that wil evolve personality's and all in time after wich i took Philo as i decided to coll her for short we joined the celebrations and then said ower goodbyes to arive in the next world she was weakend but stable we found a nice in and rested.