Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 429 - 429. a happy day with an innocent form.

Chapter 429 - 429. a happy day with an innocent form.

I woke in a tree and felt I was an egg inside a tree I felt things outside the egg I can flote but I dare not since well I don't want to crack my protective shell I felt a psychic being floating around and seemingly playing I felt some more other less psychic beings I rested until I felt the egg became not needed and then I just teleported out I touched the outer shell to well find out I have a paw with three fingers and my fur is of pure wight wile when I looked in an ice structure nearby I have red eyes I feel that I have quite the natural proficiency with my mind I loled around to see a Mew pink fluffy similar body structure to myself but the thing is I can feel I can shapeshift partially unlike Mew which she can not do it she can do only full transformation's I can do it too but I feel my way is a lot more fun I looked around and well I got bored I saw pokemon outside and they were peaceful, boring I loled at Mew and simply said goodbye and then teleported I arived near a town i made myself invisible and loled around humans pokemons and such some psihick tipes felt me and were suprised and respectfull wnoght to not alarm theyr masters i floted around and found some guys in the roket attier they were hunting for pokemons and so i got myself hands on they pokebolls the polemons wich i felt they were unwilling and then sat them free as i molded my psihick power around theyr finger copy'ed all of the things that identify themselfs as human and made my teal resemble that to then press it on the scaner and unleashed them they were suprised as it loked as i stole them and brutelly riped the trainers finger to use and save then i finished and waved goodbye i returned my tale to normal and returned to my invisible state i found a few trainers wich i prancked from hanging by the tree with my tale then take the apperence of a humans torso along with a spine holding upside down from the tree branch and such there was born a legend of a horred creature wich hangs corpses from trees any psihick tipe's wen they felt my aura became vigilent but didn't panick unfear but they did panick wen my take changed to a sight swinging just a bit to close for confort and they knew they were no mach and the emotions satisfied my pleaure at cousing fright i didnt relly couse harm but i was noted to be rather notorious to be enjoing the process of cousing fear terror and such funny emotions i can be the origin off i made some fun aspects i can mak my hands to blades blunt objects spiked objects deills and so much more al the fizic tipe moves got activated wen i used the transformations aimce my fluffy paws cant relly worck with the blade tipe moves like cut and such i did take my time freeing quite the number of unwillig pokemon treating injury's and even saving masters quite fun i made sloly a world tour messed with people and even had frends untill i reached the moment Giratina was broth to this reality i assited her i asked her way is she caling me MewTate since i rearly spoke i heard my voice bow paing atention i was repearing this word Mewtate since wel i am a abnormal Mew that has mutated i finished helping her and i learned how to pass theue the material and shadow world i found a house and rested promising to not couse problems and i went resting.