Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 430 - 430.From the upside world to the next first world.

Chapter 430 - 430.From the upside world to the next first world.

I woke and saw Giratina she was wandering around to fixing stagnant objects and such I helped around cleaning some pollution with Giratina she enjoyed the company and she noticed unlike the other one I am wight albino wight and whenever I used the same ability's like her just partly my body changed she asked me the way and I just told her I call myself Mewtate since well I am not shiny or anything like it I feel that a being like Arceus but more having his influence on my soul like I am just a shard mimicking the original but being just as capable and maybe, even more, I know I cant make pokemon well not the standard ones at least as I looked at her then with a mouth splitting smile I shifted to a mixture of multiple pokemon as I have all the pokemon genes except for Arceus but at the sight of Giratina I formed an Arceus look-alike out if recolored palkia dialga and giratina parts she recognized them and was well stunde I slightly shifted the parts and I loked exactly like him to only return to my small and confortable form she was suprised since well i did a convising look alike i alsaw told her that i am going to make some helpers with few genes i found intresting i fused cinccino and weezing with shaymin t resulted in a bypidle impish like creature with multiple tales that spilt at the end like flowers that suck polution and such they feed on it with paws and hidden claws for climing and wen they gather enoght poution the eat it transforming in a cleaning agent for polition wich can't be digested they can use the are they optain in small but powerfull gets to jump from platform to olatform or to push polution and such from allay's the are cannon can be elthal if they charge the tips of the tale with sand or other materials they can be lethal but they are to obsesed with helping theyr Misstress to keep the mirror world clean i finished with the construction of the template and the evolution they can go thrue they start as small imps they can grow to devill like humanoids similar to humans but with gliding wings and some with psihick powers wen they dont feed on polution for a bit of time they regress in theyr base form and if then they dont fead theyr body's enter a dorment state as they shrink to be shaped as pokebolls and they need to be placed in polution reach spots to absorb and hach during the habrination they go unconscious and sleep with nice dreams untill they are required once more they revel in theyr purpose i left Giratina a cuple of them she took care of them and trained them i opend a rift and arived in the normal world were i saw Arceus loking at me i was curious but understood he was wandering wath am i since i am similre to his Mew species yet my Mewtated state did get him quite curious i told him i am born from evolution and his gene storege unit named Mew i told him i am temporarly in this world and will pass thrue the vale leaving but there will be the Avatars wich will come and bring this world under the veil of the void god of evolution and such i wos born i am rather new i am not madebout of any soul of your world but well it will be asimilated sooner of laighter so have fun untill the end of you lounly existence will end bye and as such a spacial maw close around me wile i generated a red liquid spewing out of the closing rupture in space i chukled as i saw his wide opend eyes wile he was fully covers in tomato juce low amounts of iron hehe i apered in a room i saw a father ieling at his dother then poling a blade and with a swift move wi he tryed decapitating her my tale choped his head off and then i grabed it i chukled as my bladed tale returned to its harmless yet skull like desine i got his soul i used a few moves on his head to then i got a clean skull no flesh no brain no nothing i then made a roon in his eye soket to then i filled it with its soul i attached it to the end of my tale as he talked i chukld as he was paniking and he was screaming i chukled and took it over making the other eye soket glow a pure wight colore his dother was on her but scared the hell out of and then the skull asked her are you alright? I then saw her try and compose herself a few times her voice cracked but calmed down as she looked at my face which was cat-like and rather cute I said Mewtate while the skull reacted to my talking on her side she heard : Skull:you horrid creature wath in the name of the lord did you do to me.

Mewtate: mewtate mew mew tate tate.

Skull: Wath do you mean I am insane for trying to cut down my flesh and blood with a dumb blade and wath the hell do you mean i am a sinner.

Mewtate: mew mew tate mewtate!

Skull: No! I will not apologize to a traitor's daughter to the human race I am soo asheamed of you trusting those beasts.....No!...... Don't! ........I'm........not ......done...yet.....talking ......don' .....p...m...e...

Mewtate: [in Taretha Foxton's head] I didn't expect him to be this far gone anyway now I have a nice living decoration I will keep him and you well you need to find your younger brother you will not marry anybody you don't love and you will be safe this asshlole of a bone head is too ignorant to understand that the orc's and humans are not that different well except for the base start and proclivity to battle and honor well they are just a bit bigger humans with green skin and some more blood lust, a where we were you should live with him he will need your help after he grows to be a warchiften.

She was surprised but I just made my way through the house and placed to sleep any of the innocent humans wi I got more heads from those with corrupted minds he followed my floating figure and saw the heads dicepeare making twerks and such from time to time the skull I had on my tale had changes became smaller and out of its maw a blade happened to form when I attacked and wen not it started chattering its teeth trying to take but fealing miserably I looked at the girl I felt there were no more enemy's so I floated to her and rested on her shoulder the girl while the skull kept talking with me attempting to plead the release I ignored it we arrived outside the keep and met with a small group of orcs were she met with her adoptive brother he was muscled and I liked how his spirit felt young and with potential I stood on her shoulder she noticed I was rather light I waved at him he responded and asked his sister with the creature on her shoulder she winced and detailedly told him the short description of it being i came to help her wen father wanted to kill her ending with his living agrived skull on my tale at this moment i made a neckless and laid the skull on it to then give it to the girl she was reluctant but well that is that i then found my purche on Thralls large sholders were i took a nap he was suprised but well i didnt couse any harmto his loved ones and i kept sleaping as things kept goingi rested.