We woke as my mind fuckery was active to make myself seem human to all the inhabitants of this world while Marceline may just be mistaken as a girl with a skin condition and such I checked the things around to feel automatons and such then I just walked to the event to find myself at a collection of the insectoid machine the vexus queen she was preparing a pot to control the S-j 9 I just looked as she was turning large and rather monster like I was seen by the queen as my mind fuckery does not work on them they saw my rather alien look she pointed her finger at me as I just clenched my hand to capture her and I did as then I pointed my hand to S-j 9's belly as I grabbed the parasite to then crushing it with my mind ability I then started to analyzed her body to then overtake her body with her knowledge and capabilities for the next moment she shapeshifted and became my maid and Marselines servent then we just left as I looked around with Marceline and the insectoid maid
I think I will rename her Vexy then we just lived in the house we made the queens day dather was about to succeed her mother and I enjoyed when they called for her to only meat a rather different personality and humor her dather cane and visited her she met with us I just invited her in we talked also S-j 9 came and talked after which she kept an eye on us there was the time when Vexy's former minions came to get the power of S-j 9 I like the former queen I made them into butlers and such the crazy mechanic was usefull after a change of body and slightly his mind we were placed under surveillance we saw some times her friends pass by they all said we looked normal no demonic-looking creature she even asked her mother she passed by,nice lady I learned about her creations and she boasted about her daughter I taped my chin as then with a snap of my finger as then a hero unit came in the room he was designed to look like a gargoyle of wight marble with purple crimson and blue tattoos the marble plating is just for the look then he gave us a bow i smiled and tood him to greet the guests and then i asked for a freandly competition between ower creatiions at wich she agreed we went to the backyard were a black biometalic mass was formed from the ground like growing s plant they stept on it as a dome formed around them i told them to not worry the dome is for ower protection then they started batteling with S-j 9 wich used quite the large arsenal agents the almoust indestructable shell under the elastic biometalic steucture that resembles marble he just beard the hits as then he ket takeling her slashing at her with his wings or juat baisekly brawled with her since his unique gifts alw him to regenerate rather well agents her it wnded with S-j 9 on the fore under a headlock she tapped and she lost to my litle Heroic unit that i decided to name: Grimlock you did well you can return to your brothers and sisters plese enjoy a few days of brake as i passed to him a multicolored cristslne sfere wich he took and went to the dore as he left to the poket world with the girl suprised as he just vsnished from her scaner they alsaw saw Marseline with her golden horns and long ship like hear then we returned to discus she lisend to my ideas as some other hero units passed by theyr are rather alien units as they declared we spent some time here as then we sold the house invited the guys for a last party were all the flesh bags were suprised as i cracked my ilusion as wen the party finished they saw my gonth large form with my tricolored skin hear and deep crimson eyes they were a bit aprehansive yet understandable since for the few months we lived here they saw from former enemy's turned to servents and such i got them stored in my poket world as i left XJ9 with a gift the gift of flesh metal flesh as such she ganed a more human look her mother was suprised and since the new flesh is biomecsnicle she cant be nagnetized or taken over her shapeshifting is stil working well we left with a giant Garganta wich had milions of eye's inside we the arived to a strange world i used my mentsl ilujions and found owerself into a nice city we walcked and saw some kind of monsters they were batteling between each other i was suprised since as they battled they started melting i captured them and started taking over the decaing flesh they bowth were on the way to theyr death but the next moment they just reverted to theyr human form as i checked theyr genes stabilizing the human and leaving to decay the abnormal genes i left them to go on theyr wey as i anaised the bothersome genes then we found a hotspot to thise creatures and wenever i felt them around i made my way to them and cleaned theyr sistems after some time i felt some thing keping a eye on us i went and captured them as i learned the locations of the rest of them as we then went on a date and hunt finishing with a guy with some kind or idsdiating thing in his chest i ripped it out and fixed his genes i ate that and then we left with a new garganta the asociation wich made those things are going to be delt by all the saved humans i with Marseline enjoyed the day and we arived at the next world we found owerself at the home of a rather daingerous being we nocked and met face to blanck face with slenderman he had his eyes wide open as he closed and placed his back to the door as then few moments passed and then we were invited in to the main room we talcked and we left to find a good hotel were we took a nice sleep.