We woke when I smelled an undead creature floating around Marseline slept like a baby I just summoned some of the spirits that went thrue they're of age ceremony as they have powers from the dolls they went and hunted that undead bringing them to the poker world and then bringing me their knowledge and then they would learn from them I got a ping that zalgo is aware of my existence and that he is displeased that I just stole one of his rights that harvest potential proxy's I checked and felt the energy he used to scout ower duo we passed by sometimes heling sometimes just killing and one time even tutoring a friend of the supernatural people wich chose to live in the overworld I analyzed the Seer she was surprised as we came to visit often the saw my true form and asked why are we here I only told her her bloodline colls for the wounded supernatural for help ahe was suprised we tol her alsaw that her granma is an isiot that didn't teach her dothwr about theyr responsability and that we chose to asist her this time to grow in a proper seer and yes she got mad wen we called her ansesters as idiots but she understood since a scarecraw woman and other creatures from zalgoa's line of worck we gave spirits similar capability's and left them worck with the good side of the supernatural world that came for help we did this around a year then we lwft her as i made the spirit that was quite atached to her to stay and wen she needs help it will asist wile thia happend i nase a few portals to arive there as then we got oweeselfs home to the paralel world were things went along in a completely difrent way situations unserthend the Seer was corupted i broth a copy of the spirit from the first Au then i captured her and fused the spirit to destroy the corupting state freing her mind and then we fused to finish learning all her capability's i made a duplicate then we left as that world has its seer fixed we then opend a garganta and arived to a nice world were we can relax we went from the overworld to the end we slotherd things and such i got quite the mass and intresting things as i feel this world is just like the others difrent things we passed by and i learned the problematic thing , it was the removed villain as such i colected his body genes and such and then we left to the next world i opend the Garganta and as such we arived at a park i was next to Marseline we walcked around to see people and such there were a bird like person and a racoon they were worcking a bit slacking we checked any intresting things around we both a house and redecorated it with the permision of the land lord we kept waching the guys on theyr strange adventures i have wnoght gold to live for few eons well there was wen the ywent to spase we somehow were broth with them by mistake as then we met with the rest of the cast from the old man to the grumpy candy dispencer the monky guy was suprised wen he loled at us since his power is awere of my own the Baby things that alow him to live did cry wen we arived at this plane i alsaw gatherd quite the usefull things and sent them to my poket world as then we talcked got the some minial jobs as we asisted with things limiting the dainger levels there was the time devowering thing and then wen we arived st the end i we saw Pop's start the end by sending his brother to be erased but i just captured them bowth and then with a move his dark brother became a sister and then they started weackening as theyr esence was drained ending in human size i held a dark mass and light one they were no longer perfect good and perfect evil i then mixed a small part of the energy's leaving no special caracteristics to form except the long living purk i then sent those perk energy mass to them geting them back up to theyr feet they loled as i then opend my maw and ate the rest of the energy's as then with a snap of my fingers the park was set to its place along with popls and his brother with all the enply's i deactivated the ilusion that made me look normal in thyer perspective now showing the power radiating from i to them that my power theyr opd power now i wil free a mix of it i many difrent proportions they will be sent and this world wil start its growth well in a way at least as the power will grow and devide making all difrently well he wil come and then you wil be saved do not threght i alwredy setupp a portal and beacon to the moment the energy levels of this world arive at the right amound and you too light and dark worck together you have no more power but you can live as long as youre not killed a knife like the other people can kill you good luck worck hard all reality is a ilusion all fiction just another universe by have a nice lifes as then we left and arived at a nice world to were we went to a in and went to sleep.