Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 385 - 385. toga stain and the symbol of evil.

Chapter 385 - 385. toga stain and the symbol of evil.

We woke as a rather large commotion was heard outside I saw all might battling with All for one Marceline felt the bothersome battle as she sweetly asked me to help quiet down the ruckus so we can eat ower breakfast as such I teleported to sea an amalgam of quicks batteling with the buff al might I opened my eyes as they both stop as all might felt and remembers my aura as then All of one bolstered about how strong and yadda yadda I moved a hand and he fell screaming at the ground scratching at his eyes as he shrieked to his base form I walked to him while my claws were revealed I plunged my hands within his skull and tore all his powers for myself the self-sustaining quirks and al might enemy quirks were nice as his steal quick ability was assimilated by my copy skill to find them make a new ability for myself power copy, steal, construct and gift I just call it power master or for short Power Mister I then looked at the old might I smiled as my form buffed up similar to him as then my body transformed even further i loled at the world in generaland spoke as the reporters registered evrithing live and i spoke, Greathings to all you young and old my name is nightmare and dream i am the enbodiment of your society youre all acting like idiots moust of the heroes are juat villains wering masks coruption was spred thrue your rancks your actions made your enemy's with the so cald evil quiecks there are no evilquircks only pesent to look at quircks and terrorfing or offputing ones my for exampe right now makes your hartbit bit faster bit by bit i can kill this hole panet yet you all still live al the crimilas that had no choise to do but follow your way of thincking you shood alsaw onow from now on your quirck's wil grow to powerfull for the users for example well you alwredy know yourselfs to hoo am i refering you all must find a way to save your future generations since the next few generations will have quircks to powerfull for theyr hosts and couse desth by the age of theyr awakening i know i am talking bullshit you may say but i remember a cuple kids killing theyr famaly by acidentaly using theyr powers they shood be safeguards so this is your misions so you guys can survive all quircks started from the first ansester that all you have and if all quircks fuse that will being the end of your humanity so thrive survive and remember you are not black or wight aince there are olny shades of grey even as you may see my soul it wood lole more light then dark anyway your leader coverd the muredrs of the quirckess and coused your situation to worsen since the qirckless helpt stave off the convergence and the quircks and sel destruction of the host i will say this ones you may follow all mights example but if you stire off the justice path you all will end up making a villainus society Stain the hero killer was parcisly right so you guys better clean up since i left a gift on other problms there are reserchers that use humans with wuircks for experiments you better stop them before they make more villains ask Toga she is a cute girl that became a blood drinking monster due to them she only needed counseling and a bit of blood to get her satietated and she wood have lived a normal life with sharper theath than ujual well the time is near i am leaving your small world do send the mesege around i thinck you shood stsrt paniking reserching and overall praying to help your fellow men and woman bye , as such i teleported out of here to Marceline and then we left, thrue a Garganta we arived at a rather strange world i took my first step and my Marceline smiled as then we went and found a hotel it was owned by goblins i made some curency of this world and we went to the room and we slept to wake up next moring we walcked around as my intimidating form beoth distress to moust people that directly loked at me and then there was the probem with the police atempting to aprehand me due to saing something about being a demon i just made them dreem of theyr own sins untill the point they feel discust towords themselfs leaving them fainted on the roude i and Marceline enjoyed ower days around as from time fo time i felt inheretans swiching host and such untill i fel a inheretance atempt to take hold of my body i geabed it and checked it to sea it was the one from Hephaestus i aowed to have its place close to my soul yet not fused to it i accesed its capabilitys and then learned from it frowing my proficiency's as i felt a inheretans of Hestia and i guided the inheretence similar to myself alowing her to use the power without the restrains i serched for some blacksmithing shop wile she palyd with her flames the people around saw her and made way wil they made way wen they loked at me i felt the poice keeping a distence since the trauma the last idiots did we enjoyed and i both a smithy for some time i came out with a golem smalr then me but large enoth to carry Marceline on its back we went around and we were asked for aome things by some inhabitants and some agents they figured i have some kind of passive that makes any hostile intentions being given back harshly we then aerched for a forest both the land and i buid my house by blue flames we then went to sleep for a bit.