Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 386 - 386. some time then leaving.

Chapter 386 - 386. some time then leaving.

We woke as squads came to surround ower home they just fell to their knees as no magic of theirs can stop me or my 0asive insanity halo I can manipulate it or just bend it to attack hostile people around me I got my boxers on and I checked the people as I was just looking at them the not resist ones were just having a migraine a strong enough to get their weapons on the ground I checked the pained looks and my smile told them I am to not to be touched or my lovely partner I opened a hell gate as I left the demon swarm come in for s few moments around a dozen managed to come in as the policemen got themselves armed along with the magicians they immediately screamed to stop and shit to only sea a couple of demons tear apart some cops and not straight forward killing them leaving a limb or too tey were afraid of losing their souls permanently to kill any policemen and death by the police was a good alternative to eternal nonexistence I can refine and assimilate soul but not brake or devour sinking them with my core souldose purge them from theyr previous sels permanently killing them in a way i did talk with Vandali and he was suprised at the way i worck with soul and he used some parts of the tecknick to shape his grotesque sou well i cant complin since my primes is a sumbe of soul rezonating and amolifing my own one to make it grow wile its protected i sent fragments around the souls i have asimialted and charged with plmy will and some memory this fragment in particulr is a closer one and it was nurished like the others and such i personaly was sent with this specificly daingerous pacage of powers and safeguards and such i loked at the demons allmoste dead and such i smiled and with a hand move al the demons started shaking and they turned to humanoids with more pesent looks a few of each tipe even the sumoners and brain scorpions thy'r humanoid looks got the outhority's suprised as i moved them to enter the house i checked how much i can alter the necromorphs and such we can focus on other things i finished and then i sent them to my laboratory in the poker world prime gives to all of us closer to his core the larger was givven i can propably stuff a erth sized planet a few times in it but i finished with all i wanted as such i sent the inheretenses to only keep the usefull knolege and left it go around as too light pillars gree from the house i removed it from the dirt and placed it on a place in my poket world to wich we apered fully dressed as the guy's who wached us saw the hole were the house was i walcked in the are and we discused ending up waving at the wachers we tol them we are laving and no traces will be left as cthis conversation will be done they asked me some questions and answers them as then i opend the garganta we passed walcked and we walcked thre a room were a guy was writhing on a cellphone about us to then we opend another garganta at the other side of the room were we entered the garganta and found myself with Marseline found owerselfs in a wilerness were we checked the perimeter to then we set the house and went to sleep .