Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 353 - 353. a new avatar was sent.

Chapter 353 - 353. a new avatar was sent.

I woke and then checked on the girls around me my head still hurts from the last night's drinking hurts my, anyway I checked the place around as then I moved to the tv room were seven gods discuss with each other about the best Sin as they are my domain holds sloth, lust, wrath, envy, greed, gluttony and pride in even amounts while they are held from influencing my core soul it holds indifference and cares for those I call my own as my things are to be protected to be kept safe I think I became like Ainz he is apathetic to those he does not cause him the trouble I did meet him knew him the thing is I am similar very similar yet also different I smiled and simply said Apathy is the best sin it holds all of them together with no exception as it can be complemented by all of them I took my seat got a few cells imbued them with yuan and genes from my refinery of genes I dont know how I called it back my blood that holds the genes that battle agents each other refining themself over time i thinck anyway i saw as the body finished shaping itself and it looked completly difrent from my looks it was made of marble i alweis like marble i took care to analise it since the genes were randome i saw mutated varients of the ones i got in it the marble skin gave way to a human loking body as he loled avrege the skin shifting may be usefull a he has Asmosion genes as we seat on marble well that makes it clear with some shapeshifing capability and my blue flames i sent a sliver of my will as i move its alweis od to sea from more then a pare of eyes i then saw my main body open a door behind me i walcked and arived at a nice forest i checked things around i was wering a pare of shorts and a hoody my black hear hanged on my back i was teen size i absorbed some wood maiking me rather unoticeble in the forest at least my barck have some leafes i found a vilege it felt off i knwo he wood not place me in any ecesive daingers i thinck the smirck he had made me a bit unsetled i loked there for a well moments and understood that unique specimen of my true power sent me to Fucking War Hamer 40K the vilege i saw was part of slanesh's domain as the almoast constant orgy made it wuitr ovious ehh i am lucky with me not striding my way in the dam place without gsthering info i absorged the energy in the are it was wuite abundent this close i felt my flames purging inpurity's as i finished filling my bateries i started fusing them within my cells and i finished opening a small rift in my cristal core that i am curently wering as a neckles the rift constantly expeled warp power that went thrue my flames to be purified no foren energy and will's and mainly emotions my apathy took care of acting like a purgin agent i fuled my flames before with my stamina that i have a large amount of but now that i can sifon from the worp i used fifty percent of the constant energy i have going thrue me to as flames burst around me the hole Vilege of perferts saw a tower of flames start maiking its way towords them i saw a cuppe cultists try and do stuff to me only to get bound, tied up, muffledand lastly coverd in a straight jacket i captured all the residents checked on theyr mutations and i found a demonete she was being drilled by thre other residents she was speciali tied up allowing only her mouth free to talck the restreining jackets are made with a special proprety that makes people fell nothing as it gets closer and closer to theyr body temperature perfect clothes for people who dont like fealing them of thyer skin i interogsted her and reworded her wen she told the truth as wen she did not i left her to fell nothing the best torture for her species she was alwredy isolated from the warp due to my flames being inbued with that energy

and such a good way to keep her from transferring to that place I learned a lot about well slanesh and the other gods I made the bonds decay after a few hours as I left this troublesome village I arrived in the forest where I made some parts and made a mountain bicycle I then rode it and found after few more hours I found a human settlement it had vehicles and such I came closer to the gate the soldiers got ready and I stopped right at the meter between them and I wile this happened I hopped off they saw the pendant with blue pure flames that burn the contaminants I saw as the called and a guy with tow another following him the guy in the middle had a commissar hat or something similar he loled at me and asked why did I come to his place and to tell my affiliation I smiled as I grabbed my pendant as I said while my hear turned to blue flames, I am Faustus Pluto grandson of the god of the land of the dead , flames and judgment, I have inhereted the last to ability's of my granpa he sent me here to well check things out since i can fell the large amounts of sin wafting evrywere and the old man told me to check on a old freand of his , he told me his frend was stuck on a golden throne as a husk of his former self and on the way cleans siner's as such i humbely ask you sir were can i aquire transport to my old mans freand, As i finished my sentice he was visible in distress well the swet on his eyebrows and face was rather ovious i saw the other solgiers look at me with care to not well slight me he composed himself as my hear returned to normal peach black we reached a room were he served me some tea or the best substitue found i took a seap as we talcked and got to a agreement i was aske dif i need to gor right now or if it cood wait i told them i have time and asked if i can join as a sholdgier as i will then rise thrue rancks untill i will reach a ranck strong enoth to meet the god emperor of human kind i got to the solgier barracks and then after few days of learning things from the grunts i was placed on a ship as then i was sent to recruit training they showed me the clothes they were suprised as my clothes burst in blue flames and remodeled them in the colore's of the recruits i was still in shorts and had my hody wile the inner shirt had camo patterns i was given a special permision to were them as they saw any other cloth tuching me burst in red flames as wen i was in my boxers they saw no blemish no scars and such i smiled and flexed they saw the mucles get defined and my size grew a bit they were suprised at that but wen they took a second look to my pendants they asked way do i have it and answerd its a warp energy converter that worcks only due to my unique flames the cristal is just carbon based hallow bone shaped into a cristal shaped with my flames then heated untill it turned to black carbon and then heated it once more untill it became diamand asfter wich i coated it in hell flames to inchant it to be resilient to other energy it can be made more of them if its neaded but the host must get controll over the flames with theyr own mental strenght first, and then guide the warp energy thrue it to purify it with a

apathetic set of mind if not the flames will change colores and corrupt the energy that can be harvested from its conversion, I arrived and saw the guy who became ower teacher all the grunts were surprised as I arrive I had a handbag the Sergent took a look as he came close to me I handed him my papers as I pointed to a southern part where he directed his attention and he scoffed narrowed his eyes and told me to demonstrate at which he saw a pillar of flames forme over me I increased to a size that towered over him like a Supermarine but made of marble my hears in blue flames and eyes black sclera with blue embers as the pupils I smiled and after an, I snapped my finger the marble returned to flesh as I grew smaller along with my clothes I reached my previous size as my hare returned to normal he was now sweating the other grunts as well I stretched as they heard my bones pop then I was shown to my room aka barracks and I went to sleep for the first day.