Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 354 - 354.Finishing training and first mission.

Chapter 354 - 354.Finishing training and first mission.

I woke and saw the other get ready I sat up as my clothes were burning and turning to the green and brown camo suit as then I checked around I sat at the foot of my bed as the others were discussing and preparing the instructor came and showed us to all the grunts ready I checked the surrounding as I saw him stop in front of me then he screamed dropdown and give me twenty at wich I just did it in approximatively a second he was surprised as he saw dents on the floor were one of my fingers hocked the metal floor to keep me from just heating the roof if I push to hard I fixed the dent with the sole of my foot absorbing the material and overlapping it over the holes depositing extra materials he noded and I touched my crystal pendant as I change my skin for a bit to its material then returned to normal then we went training on the proper training grounds with hard for normal humans I passed through it with no problem I decided to make it faster and faster getting used to my body speed and coordonation the went thrue untill my other companions got to a proper bodely strenght then we were gaven orders me and five other were sent to a war zone were we were told to capture something more or less the captine of ower litle squad asked me if there is any seasy way to reach the place we need to reach i thincked and asked for a map the other grunts were intrested i found a deep part of the trench and then started by turning into clay from its trace amounts in thei dirt i then used my flames to change to a ratio of one part oxigen and part other substances found in the are i came in contact near the trench as i drilled set up safe guards to not let it colapse on ower heads the metal was shaped like ribs we reached under the marck i drilled my way close to the surface i pokedbmy dirt coverd head as i saw some enemy's as then they were pearsed from the ground by spikes wile i captured a few i came out as i was folowed by the rest of then i interogsted the enemy Chaos Humy's like the ork's wood say they chuckled as i say from time to time i managed to get information from this cult of zinch i finished them with a smiple soul harvester blade they asked about it to understand if cultists soul's are left to go in the warp they will share theyr information to theyr gods as such harvesting this guys souls shood be a priority dont shoot to kill i will deal with that part they agreed i kept terrig thure enemy's i even got a few psickers they were suprised as i stoped theyr special abilitys as my prue power surounded them and isolated theyr power then i walcked to them as they panicked and stabed them right thrue theyr eye soket we arived at the thing we were requested to get a better we returned on the same way we came here i expanded the tunel and hid the exit from the outside perspective as then i told them of the obgective being completed and the back lines tunel destination we bet with the comisar as we got a few days of rest in wich i made some other trinckets and slept.