Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 301 - 301. In the naruto world.

Chapter 301 - 301. In the naruto world.

I woke before the kids Jame did hug Jack close to her as she slept like a log muttering some choice words not malicious but rather lewd I took care to not get them I did start cooking and after a few hours it was done as I saw the girls dragging their plush toys with them in Jame's case Jack who is smiling dumbly I prepared the table as we started eating their energy levels of chakra grew with each bite Jame had a bit of trouble since it tasted spicy as her body adapted and evolved due to the compound I gave her to drink before the food her horns slowly changed but not visibly for now with instructing the body with the drink while I gave her some choice bloodlines improving her intellect and body as she became a double ax main as I saw Klem enjoy the new energy it got corrupted and became secondary energy in herself her form slightly changed and morphed to have extra decorations while my work soul grew even more since it was the size of a ten-year-old when I recruited the minion in this world and now i am half a head bigger spiritualy i mean as i keep pumping energy within it to keep maturing its percentage increases each day and it becomse harder and harder to grow but it keeps growing as i went to the puppet Danzo were i got myself and the girls to go and be trai ed in the way of the ninja as i went to test my strenght for a super jonin as as they clasified my relaxed power i didnt show any ninjutsu at least by my clasification as they placed me as a master of bowth yng and yang energy alongside with some erth and water wile i was a ninja i was recruited by the root as they asinged me to teach my kids and so i did going on misions and wen i was anbushed by orochimaru well the suprise was sublime as we were resting in a room he was curently still in his femeale body he went in my room with a food order as she waited with me as i drunck large amounts of alcholol and after few drincks my chicks began to get reded and reader as my hands became well hansy with oro-san she didnt calculate that i wood go well all out wen i am drunck wen the morning she will never desiere to go back to being a man i saw multiple bite marcks on her and black mass spreding around her body she was atenting to regane herself only to shuter and the black mass keep growing his soul was alwredy remodeled and her core was no in my posesion no mater how many times she dies she will be capable to respon with all her memories and bownd to me as her loyality is unsured in a few hours more she will be fully myne i will need to cleans her exces souls along with the other fragments she spred around i after she was fully converted sent her to get her fragments to me were i will add them to the core her new body is purely estetic as she is similar to my litle hallows but taller and smarter with all her knolege and abilitys adding on top of gifts i opens the door as the woman next to me was dressed as a ordinary civilian as i made her seam as such we completed the hole mission as we now have a maid that has a laboratory under ower house as i gave her acess to a dark pool wile i i thoght my team things as such days passed by wile i thoght them more like childs play and after few months and some chackrs beast being devowered by myself leaving only theyr souls free so they can revive once more the statue was calling to me i went to the red head with the cursed rinegan as i hid in the shadows i used my mana to place him under sleap as i got the eyes that i devowered and got to more bids to my neckless naruto was alwredy dead after his beast geting eaten by me the old evil trea god was fully digested as my new hatred and fury was condensed and purged with the power of well ponding it off to the shop i was given by prime for situations like this i made some countermejures and then opend the cage in the moon as i engulfed her body as i finished consuming her and sending her to become a hallow in my mindskape as i got her other half that was runing fore a few days now even with the gods power he is relly persistent then i got him and i ate him bite by bite as i learned how to go to them i changed a bit but not much my ten tales are all long and made of marble petruding from my pelvils right fr9m my tale bone wellbwere it wood have been i opend the portal as i purged al those fools as i gathered a large anount of those eyes my bid i stored moast of them inside my as i didnt care that much but having exact thirtheen of the rinegan was enoth as each one of them has difrent paterns to keep track of the ability's anyway i returned in my human form as i checked on the humans i got a kid with bone manipulation power he wa cute as such i gave him a second chance to life as his desease was simple to solve and as such he now has something caled dead bone pulse i gave him some other inpruvements as i gathered some other experiments of Oro-chans as i stored them in the mirror i left after reviving the now confused Uzumaky famely even minato is a uzumaky then there was the death gost guy i stole all his goasts well the ones i wanted after wich i prepared the portal and we left with all Oro's reserch and new minons Klem liked Oro-chan i dont really know way wen all was done i opend the gate i thrue danzo in the hand mirror as he was missing for a small bit , i with Klem opend the gate as the rest are safe in the mirror dimension world ? anything it is my hand mirror storage and home for my families and companions I left behind changes after I found a safe spot we opened the gate I checked around then I broth out some of my soldiers a couple of each as I set a small technological base I asked Klem to keep the spot safe and if any golden light appears over anybody she should use the summoning stone as I left them with the hand mirror that has also placed under the safety of a summoning imprint and the activation is in my storage inside my body I took some clothes more like robes and I went to the nearby city step by step I passed by Hayhumans and step by step I arrived at the Adventurers guild were I allowed the receptionist to observe me as I was in my human form I told what I desired and I was registered and where the species was writhen I wrote NightmereHuma after which I wrote my name and last my class they being Alarack and the last being Nightlord after which I was shown to the registry orb after that I left and then few hours autside the city i grew my wings and flew up up and away as i pearsed the energy gate wich acted as her window to wach this world i apesred in her relm as i feot her anger disgust and suprise as i shed my human skin to give way to my marble visege gonth but with visible mucle flames were my eyes wood be sharp teath maw from wich a dark energy was expeld constantly wile my ten tales are spred equidistently as my marble eye neckles glowed purpe as all the eyes are on her at wich she flinched only to feel all her sins crawling on her back i then comenced to tell her all her sins and punishments as i can feel the male god's slumber i walcked to her as i inscribed on her servent seals and then i got the male sleaper as i then transfered her power to him untill they were equal i saw him wake and then i gave him the vontroll stick and the only way for her to eachape its controll is to have a stuck shuve up her ass its the same size as her entiere hand i then left as he started to help equalise the field after wich i returned to my smal base around the size of a vilage of a few dosen houses after wich i went to the bed still in my nighterish form to be punced apon by Klem Jame and Jack as we went to sleep.

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