Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 302 - 302. checking things around.

Chapter 302 - 302. checking things around.

I woke with the kids on me resting peacefully after some time we woke I prepared a portal to asura as I with Klem Jame and Jack went to visit I was still in my nightmare form as I was covered by a normal coat while I caries the kids with my tales like swings I saw the many monsters working together I walked around until I was intercepted by a blue heard the girl I smiled at which she felt her sins crawling on her back to just stop as I waved the kids were surprised by all things to happen around here I felt the realm's expansion and growth

I gave free to a tale worth of checks as I molded it into an eight-foot woman with a cat tale cat ears and transformation powers I then made her cover her nude fury body after which she was covered by black mass as she gained maid clothes as then we asked for the master of this realm at which I was broth to a boy he had large eyes with small pupils and larger than normal sclera Klem felt to times her energy output and regeneration rate as I felt he was around fifty percent of my complete energy amount as the cat construct is a ten percent of my power and capable to self-sustain I pushed her forwards as I told him to make her your partner just like the dragon and spider at which he reacted quite funny at which Catya reacted unwanted and upset only to play on his kind soul as after few minutes she was accepted and as the connection formed her form grew to Kurama's size as a demihuman ish look I then she minimized to her former look as from one tale she got a second one made of his magic she then started pamperin him with evry single desiere he has i pated her head an told him the creature will act as a recepticle to his mana as she can store angodly anounts o energy as she has no other ability's except the maid master skills she will revive even if she is killed by anibody as long as you are alive she will be by your side and the moment she dies all the excess energy will go boom and well a nuclear like explosion in the shape of a cat that mite be fun, anyway we came here for a ture after that i will go colect any intriguing or well things i like i dont realy worry about things got it lets pass by , after few hours we left with the guy sweating a bit as i requested a battle for the fun of it the barrier held and no much damage was acured i then i opend the gate as we returned to ower base i started to tech Klem in her Krebskulm form as she was a bit difrent more compact and stronger with her color seamingly absorbing light iself we battled with hand to hand wile i alsaw used my tales after few days of constant battle i saw her dose off as her energy's placed her mind under ro much stress, i got her to the main house and then i cleared any other problems with her compatibility there were hayhumans and demons checking in on us i didnt let them sea the comotion and it was enoth to put the fear of god in them not the one they all knew but the one that came as such i got theyr leaders into a call were i twlckedbwith them for the next twelve hours a nonstop baraide of sens and racizm they got tiers at the fifth hour and got anoied at the tenth only to beg me to stop at last hour and wen i was close to stoping i told them if they dont make up and worck together i will personaly rade bowth sides at the same time the only way for you to survive will be to make permanent peace and dattle for things only with games that are not lethal to the contestens, you got a week no more no less and if you send any inocents agents me i will dimember bowth of you cell by cell as i make bowth of you into a mush of all your organs adn juces for example, at this point i broth a sinfull of bowth races as i pointed the too monarchs to them and then i snaped my finger as they saw the slow painfull and terror filled gazes i laffed as they became mush juce filled mush then i snapped off the conection and video wile the mush turned into a marble like substance alongside with the juces turned to marble or black goo slowly maiking its way back to me fusing back with my mass then i saw Klem Jame and Jack with a Darleck male and a ciberperson femeale theyr ability to shape shift due to my black mass it can act like a simbiote and feed even on energy so them mainteining it is rather efortless eccept the drive for eating a bit more and energy gathering from other places like well machineries and such i cleared the way to my room were i tood my kids some more knolege and stories as i kept an eye on the paniking monarcks as the wars seased in the second day the thirds they prepared s force of elits on my position well on the way and wen the forth day arived i saw them around thertheen of them each and evey one serious i saw them around five humans and seven demons i felt theyr souls and marked the only ones that were for the lack of words sinfull not like the others then they charged before the sun rowse i teleported in front of them and the next moment i grabed all of them by theyr thowths by my tale and withmy clawed hads on the moast sinfull of them after wich i broke theyr necks and ate them st the sight of the others as i then solit them in to grops at wich i inpaled them like my old man Tepesh as they were fully inpaled no blood was sean only moans of pain and the spreading marvle and obsidion vains each depending on theyr carmatic valew i took my time as i seaprated the tips of my tales as in front of me stood the now mutating creatures they finished wen they loked like monsters well monster versions of themselfes i gave them a serum to get they body a bit more viral as to virusess started being born and then i sent them to the tow kings to spred the infection it is a Karmatic virus maiking people take nore damage the more sinfull they are and then i took my seat as we spent some time together resting and playng some games after wich few days passe day i checked on the former kings only to sea one with obsidion the human and the marble the demon at wich i told them the purpose of the desease and after a few generations witout war and excess sin it will recead to be activated only in grave sin as i then gathered my people i and klen opend a gate as we arived on a normal loking planet were we found a hotel to sleep.