Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 290 - 290. a new adventure.

Chapter 290 - 290. a new adventure.

I woke as I was alone on the bed as I checked the outer world and my inner world to see that there was a quick and bothersome enemy invading them both I took care to amplify my overmind clone and then send some bothersome avatars of my design and make I sent them to the enemy as I walked to the tv room as I took my seat as I saw the windows of the avatars I the took some cells around fingers worth as I imbued some other energy's and an engine of a rather large degree of functionality and such as then I sent him randomly and then I returned to my monitoring of the rade or something as I took control of one or more avatars to get specific needs and such as I left him, I was sent rather aimlessly it usually takes less time then this around twenty minutes as then I parsed true the safety barrier as I used the engine and some energy reserves to fule it as I bypassed it and fell in the verse while I searched for the main planet were I slowly getting closer some entetys managed to observe me a asteroid with strange marcking and such as i flew and flew untill i reached as wen i was close enoth the meteor as they saw started heating up and ended up melting and molding myself to a humanoid form with wings obsidion horns and bones in general as my flesh resembled marble i was curently nude but a few moments i was covered in a peach black mass that crawld on my skin as i made shorts and a t shirt and alsaw pure wight under ware as i checked my body for any defects as it happend i was incomplete as some bits were not too well how can i say this its like wen you have to puzzles but were there are some peaces swaped between them and imagine me olmoast makeing a complete puzzle but i have some peaces that dont mach only stick together due too ducktape aka black substance wich now has some purple tecnologicle vains like structures i then shape shifted to a normal wight guys look still in my clothes as my skin was pure wight with some red marking on it loking like my vains as i flew down to erth wile i kept myself a bigt unsean as i went to the erth i checked around to see only normal and empty forest i walcked a bit wile i felt some presences wach me ujualy they are scared due to primes waching gaze or something i checked the zone atound me as then with myself plaising my hand on the ground i pooled from the deps of the erth materials like metals and some other materials like plastics and such as then i used some metalurgy flames and such they were of magicle origins as i started refining them as i mixed and made alloys and such wile i inbewed some of my energy as i then manufactured a box wich i will use to gather soem more energy after few minutes i finished my refining and condensing that i proceaded to store as i then made a dimensional chest that i shaped it as a bag made of interloking metal plates with the straps alsaw made out of metal similar to how the metal wip swords are made but with more contact points between the blades to make it easyer to were as its made out with dull eges as i stored the items and materials as i proceaded to my way , after few minutes i was acosted by some animals that got inpaled of stalagmites or stalactites i always forget wath they are colled ... erth spikes easyer to say i thinck wile i went on after i harvested theyr skin aka fur in the bag wile i consumed the flesh as i stored the souls in the scilinders wile i chanaled trace amounts of energy to start the refining process as in a few days i will have some dropes of pure liwquid energy with some remenant wills that can be used a base for some kind of automatons as i proceaded to go to places with more living beings as i kept harvesting i felt some things serching for me but to bad for them they can be used as medium level energy sorses and such i hunted my way to the civilization as i arived at a small gathering of houses and erth as i clasified it as a vilage were as i enterd it there were humans and i felt some strange energy it resembled fear tangible fear i then went to check on wath things were here i asked around finding they soke english as i found that there was some kind of scare craw attack i then was shown its previous place as i checked the ground a viliger was sad i opend my bag after plasing it on the grownd , as then he saw as i pooled a large thick peace of roled up clothe as then i placed it on the grownd and as i unroled it the viliger saw many many tools and gagets as i opend one small bottle with some of the black stuff that i pored down were the desths acured as after few minutes we saw as black copies of the dead apered showing me a grusome sceane of a scare crow chop multiple viligers as then it scared them and last it left i loked at the way it went as i saw the villiger cry seaing the hole scenario i colected the black substance as it tried to cover my arm as my hand momentsrly turned to a very daingerous loking claws after wich it obidiently gatherd up to my palm as i stored it is i saw the viliger going a bit pale i waves and then gatherd the stuff as i proceaded to leave with the viliger returning to his home , as i serched for a means of transport only to make my own a bike with the remanes of a tier around here i made some solid weals with metalic aloy body as there was no chains only a gear mecsnisum as i went on the road was easy as i made some secundary gears to alow me to pedle and move forwords but if i dont pedle it will keep moving without the pedle moving with it quite usefull as i peddled and went and kept going as i arived at a scrap yard were i asked if i can sell some metals in exchange for curency here i didnt care that much but i got enoth as they were good people as then i took a sip of the power juce as i made my way to a shop were i both some food to go as i biked my way to a mounten as i found a nice seat and ate then after few minutes i went to an hotel were i both a room as i wen to sleep.