Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 291 - 291. checking the towns.

Chapter 291 - 291. checking the towns.

I woke from within the hotel asb8 went to eat something I then went around the town as I felt other strange sources of power as I went around while I was walking I felt some small pockets of power with the signature of multiple energy's within I approached one to see only a mirror as such I came closer as I touched it as the next moment I felt something grab my hand and pooled me inside the mirror as I saw a few strange looking creatures some humanoids and a few looking just horrible I waved my hand in front of me as I made a dam this place stinks motion as my skin steadily evaporate as like smoke being shooed off they became serious at least I think as a stronger creature cane forth it was of male appearance as my form completed with too red flames were my eyes wood be I opens my maw's al over my form as they started a defense as I felt their leader try to push me out of this pocket dimension only for them to observe hundreds of shadows resembling shark maws as they were spread all over the dimension soem were under the creatures and the next moment those five creatures were being coverd my jaws that were devowering theyr entier being the other creatures dispersed as some charged at me and some took a distance as they prepared difrent ways of long distance damages i on this ocasion closed my maws all except my main one wich i started spewing my metalurgic flames as i saw some more creatures becoming chared corpses that i suiftly deviwered as i felt the dimensions masters strenght drop with each kill and snack i got few on me as they swong theyr limbs and wepons depending on the creature but wen they tried to damage my body a maw opend it was scorching hot as i bit theyr means of attack and i loked them from moving they saw as i plunged my hand within theyr chest as i started devowering them from inside out as the creatires shot multiple progectiles from acids to bones and other materials the master was a long range as well he was shuting me with a cursed wepon a some kind of bow by the lokes of it but it was made of to hands joined at the sholder as the palms held a intestin as strings wile the arrows were of had bones calsified to stay stright i shilded myself with my wings as some attacks bounced off and the acid being colected by the pattern around my wings directing the acid in a goard made out of acidic proof material that was coverd by a metal alloy to keep all safe i then opend one of my wings as i flung the remenant back at them as my wings changed to streaps of dreptungiular equal srtips that i used to grab the fixicle progectiles as then i thrue them back and as i intercepted other i made my way towords them as i deflected, grabed and sent back the attacks my stamina can keap up with to dozen long range attackers for more then a few hours and they are only six of them wile i was aproching them they scatered i went straight to the master of this dimension as i stedely got closer even as he ran i managed to grab it body by a limb and from that moment all became a franting atempt to get out off my tendrils grip as it slithered over his body digging in his flesh as i made my way to his trembeling body as blood and flesh strips was sean i kept digging into his body as he had a rather rerrorgied expresion the others stoped as they didnt desire to hurt theyr master as i keept digging now i was around his belly as i was crawling right above his mucles as i finished covering his full body i made my tendrils bloome as i saw his body inflate as the next moment his minions saw as theyr master was reduced to a flailing mucle manekin screaming and atemting to get out of my vicinity i seaing this i made a piller of my tendrils as i grabed his legs and waist as i lifted him above the pike as i placed his arse on the tip he stoped bearing the are on his mucles as he felt a new pain as i slowly and stedely pooled him downwords wile this was happending his minions were trembeling and frozen from moving as they saw the inpailors moast faimoast torture to intimidate his enemies well he did and suferdd the consequences of his actions i did and wen i was done i finished he was with a pike poking out of his mouth as i filed in the hallow were my tendrils made the pike shell as i filled it with molten iron and after few minutes i rapidly retracted the atresps of my wings resembeling tendrils as he fell on the flore with molten iron withing his body then they saw me open my belly maws as i draged his weack and uncapable of movement body i devowered it bite by bite as i asimilated his strenght as i inhereted this poket realm ability the conection to the other creatures was broken as they fell to theyr kneas i imedietly grabed all the five long range creatures as i left the poket dimension as it colapesed i sat out then i grabed the mirror as i used my metalurgic flames to melt the glass as i then molded it between my wings as i coled the glass with a silver hand mirror body for the new hand held mirror and then i made it the way to my poker dimension as i then sent the strange creatures inside it rather easely as they have submited to me i conected to theyr souls as they will die if i do but i will not die if they do the next moment i took my juce scilinder as i then pored it on the mirror as i used it to reinforse and expand the relm with the guys inside they were three femeale loking demihuman one of them was similar to a centour and the last was a asortment of insects forming some kind of hive as i then stored the mirror in my bag i went around seeching for more lose creatures to defeat and sent to my mirror dimension i kept myself disquised wile i checked the youtube i saw the mc and decised that he lokes too similar to fidlesticks as such i poseted on the first video he ever poated, Man i relly like your way to gather "FEAR" anyway take care they may not find you but that dose not mean other artists will not come to you for tips and your secrets , and have a nice straw tiem.

I then saw as other people commented on my comment I then discarded the cellphone since it was of a victim of a strange creature that I got to it too late now it being cannibalized by the others since I didn't like its appearance as it was ugly but its energy helped my more cool loling guys well all of them look to my standards pretty cool and some somehow sexy to all you know I spent time wandering from city to city I passed by the place were a scare craw painting was made I checked on the gall to see a straw doll near her at which I left after I placed a ring on each of its hands and a little gold crown on its head inscribed on it was the name fiddlesticks the Fear king, as I chuckled as the doll looked I placed an envelope with a ring on it on her desk on it wrote, a gift from an admirer, don't die due to fright my lovely artist, we will meet when the time is right you may call me Faust and I like sculpting and metalurgy, in general, crafting the ring will help you have a guardian in your sleep.

And as such, I left I passed by his righter have I dropped a letter with a small hear pin and then I check if he is inside to see no such thing I passed by his library were I dropped a letter for him under the description the cute guy in the library with wight hare in it was an explanation of the stuff I dropped off alongside the name I work under, as when I left the school as I circled it and placed five stones shaped as small spikes in the shape of s pentagram that went few feats underground as the pentagram is ready I dropped one drop of my energy juice energizing all of them and activating the obscuring formation making strange thing within the formation well indetectable I then left with shitty eating grim wile think of all the things that the guy will do and that I now can track and talk with him from afar, I kept going and wen the night came I went to a roof as I pooled my wings out with a black full-body cover to keep my flesh safe loking like a black manekin with wings I flew and flew untill i reached a fsr enoth place that he will take a wile for him to find me as i landed i found myself s forest at wich i dug a deep hole from wich i compacted erth and made a large enoth room i made a hamack and went to sleep as the hand mirror was on a piler perfectly made to hold it with the portsl open for amy of them to live and hunt animals for food ans such the olace was alwredy warded and is safe as i went to sleep.