Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 286 - 286. one thing or another.

Chapter 286 - 286. one thing or another.

I woke and was told about hex discoveries and requests I gave him the knowledge to a rather reach a place in knowledge and a way to get himself, new disciples, as I checked on my little Gwen progress as I checked the growth she exchanged discoveries or things as such I checked how my other friends the experiments that would have happened if his osmosion father wood has been dead my original form is still in father being the second thread of life if this body somehow gets well killed I checked in it while I was invisible and intangible slowly changing it to be an almost perfect copy of this body as I checked fathers body with some slight nuges to his genetics I fused more the ectonewrith genes as when he is close to the end of his human lifespan he will just change to that of the ectonewright that is quite longer than the human one as wich mother became aware of the changes he was undergoing due to my existence she noticed my soul's age being quite off and my growth and actions as I grew i cant thinck she is that dense to not know wath happend and wath i was planing well at least at the begining i gave her the explination wen she asked she was a bit miffed but not that much suprizingly i alsaw told her abouth the changes that will happen to Max alongside my brothers and theyr kids she was happy since her grankids will have the potential and the strand my brothers have will allow them to become similar to fathers as i am rezistent to forcefull mana transfers i cant be energy drained as i can do to others in cases of emergencies and such i went around the world i was called to help around with the forever knites as i came to them they were panicked due to bens dicepearence i went directly to the base of the forever knites as i saw them come i was in theyr armure if they had purple cristsline growths all over it making it look osome as the helmeth was made to resemble a skull as i come to the black car were they broth the Galvan in black suits i intercepted them as i grabed the box with one of my hear energy tendril as ben saw me then the next moment i nocked his captures out as i opend the door by ripping it out of its hinges as i sent a messge to Max and Gwen so i pooled ben out by my tendril as i kept him in a mana hear as i deove to them and in few minutes they saw me as i drove i exited the car with ben in my hear tied with my energy hear limbs i waved to father and Gwen as i placed ben down i tood them wath happend as i tood them we will meet later on i drove back to the alien enthusiast guy to his home as i opens the back door of the car the bagsce carier to be exact i opend and threw him in his home as i told him to well more like screaming to never capture any sentient creature aghen or i will personaly crush his head like a nut as i enterd the car and drive to a scrap yard were i sold it for scraps as i opend a portal to my famaly were i exited my living armore that started shifting a bit to a more slim and shorter form as it became a bit more humaniid and then met with them they were quite intrested as i tood them hi is my son Krieg he was smart similar to his size and aperence he dose not eat sleap or hase a expiration date as his true body is the cristals around the armore caising that now is living metal as long as a cristal peace is still with any amount of energy imhe can slowly gather materials and resurect he cant have more then thee bodys i introduced him as i came go him as i pated his head and his aparence changes from metal to skin as he was wering metal clothes that act and feel like threds insted of metal that they are he smield as they saw metal sharp teath they then went around i told father i dont relly want a kid the normal way since they are too fragile but i will made one someday just to be sure you have a kid to take care of since kids always being joy no matter if they are nade of metal or flesh then i went out as i left krieg with them i told father i will come laigther on as i left them to have fun with theyr summer i took care to not interact to much as i felt ze schare emerge to end up burning up a few times relly and wen they went to space i came slong as i took over the mummy guy as i stope the radioactive material there was the times wen hisspecies wanted to do sales on the planet just for me to intercept them and tell them the effects of theyr favorite minerals on the fauna of this planet as i alsaw both some of theyr textile that is rather flexible and confortable without sai g the durability and strechibess perfect undergarments after proper cuting sizing and recoloring a perfect gift and the mutated humans well former humans were quite usefull for learning as i gave them locations to sell and buy human things from theyr favorite decorations and juelery to food the long lived ones like pumkins and such , i saw ze schare personaly as he was in the building as they were reviving him i wen intangible as i saw his fom complete i became visible wen he was completed and the baffled look on his face as a himanoid creature resembeling a anodite with black bone like growths around my body and on my face a skull like desine as my sharp tooth smile was even larger then his i moved my claws as he woke from the shock he was alwredy grabed by me as he saw my maw of razer sharp teath bite his neck and shopder as i ripped out a peace of his flesh the frenkenstines monster saw as i took bite after bite as he became less and less his shrill screams disnt stop as i had only his head in my claws and yes he is somehow still alive i felt his esence disolving within myself as i rose his head and with a single last bite i ate his head as i felt his skull crunching and get chewd like esting a crunchi potato ball with jeloow within it i absorbed all his knolege and plans and the guy who broth him back was Dr. Viktor a Transylian and as i flew down he took a step back i told him about wath i just did and that he can return home as i will give him and his freands transport after i recover them , after few days i got all his knolege in order and cleaned any remenant will in ben's gene sample as then i told Viktor of his former masters plan about the vampire guys and he supplying became gratefull but i still came with them to theyr planet were i was in my spiritual form as i saw my new casle were i got the gene sample's for the vladats and proceaded to cleanse the lords traces the same way i did with Ze schare by asking Viktor to revive him for me to just eat him alive as my frend took a video his esence was very nutritive as my body changed a bit as now i can make the controll things but my versions is more hidden as they are energy mark's i alsaw can now make efortlesly wings on my back i look osome i talcked eith Vicktor about the job the guys i ate had at wich i was told of the diplomatic mess theyr world was i such i nominated him with the job to fix it and to alsaw get himself a wife so he can de-stress a bit he was suprized but somehow disgrunted for some reson i then thincked a bit and i gave him a serious look as i gave him a serious mision as i then opend a portal and returned to erth as i went and checked on the kids well doing all this took quite the time so they are teens now even my Krieg he chose a larger form as he was living his life the employee were still going st it with reserch and such i saw my now grown up famaly as my brothers with theyr wifes were a bit more serious as i felt the slight change in theyr body's as i saw my body with Krieg in my home near a swamp as i came down i turned to my flesh as we reunited as we shared ower atored memories becoming once more one as i huged my boy that went thrue school and is now known as a avrege boring guy as he alsaw got a girlfrend and gess who Charmcaster or Haly as he knew her as she seamed to be very atached to him since he is pretty hansome and he was not scared of her abilitys he started melowing her personality rather easy since she cant relly mess with his mind since he cant be afected by outside mana i did worn him and told him to talck with Hex as he is quite mellow due to geting a new and easyer leace on life i got a report on wath ben did about the meat ups and failewrs he went thrue well suposed failwrs as i told him to not place my famaly in dainger since he knows wath i an capable of and such he was suprised wen i made a transfer circle to a new poace since this one was quite more robust as things went i opend a easyer portal to and from the place i then went to rest for a bit.