Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 287 - 287. some other invasion.

Chapter 287 - 287. some other invasion.

I woke as Krieg was reading some books as I got myself back together we prepared some food and then we talked for a few minutes to end up deciding to visit ower family and he asked if he can have a sister at which I asked way only to get the answer that he wants to learn how to raze kids as similar to real ones as such I went to an adoption center where I checked for any disabled girls at which I was given the files of three girls I with Krieg inspected them and chose the one worse off as I checked her body it was off as her bones were not how they should be and inside her body, some kind of deformation was active I did the paperwork for her and another a bit less strange than her after we left with the girls I had the strange girl in my embrace carving her like a princess as I started checking her body for any alien genes and such to find a couple of genes that were currently trying to manifest themselves but the incompatibility between them stopped their advance as we arived home Krieg got Jessy to her new room as i took Charly to my own as i left my body at the chear then i procesded to enter the cluster of flesh and genes as then i separated the genes and took samples as i then used my magic to isolate them from her human ones as then i chanaled mana and healed her body to a state that allowed her to start moving with much more ease she was waching me all the time as she had stars in her eyes as i did my worck i tood her of wath her trubles were as i then progected the gene fully grown as i saw a cuppe aliens all strange and powerfull in some way i tood her the only way to go forwords is to chius one to start the change and the slow asimilation of the others i pointed to the biggest were i tood her its a Appoplexian a feline life creature with fighting in theyr blood and very capable is bot speacking a lot directly with no regard so they can be understood , then i pointed to the next wich was Piscciss Volann a strictly underwater species that can survive for a few minutes on land and the next one is called Citrakayah he is a rather fast feline life species and the last one is called vreedle they are quite smart very dai gerous and are known to be rather hard to deal with even by the moast daingerous being in this universe Viogax as he was a co querer of ten planets now he is just one of my servents i wood recomand starting eith the last species due to theyr rather resilient form and adding the other three genes to it will grant you even more advantages and the instincts of s feline with the instinctive knolege of the oran one wich will be very after few minutes she chose the appoplexisn as secunadry and Vreedle as primary the other too wood be sligtly reactive to her needs her wight color of her skin became grey as her blond hear became a nice red color as her teath became sharper and her eyes resembled that of a feline with outer sclera becoming yellow ish as i guided the rest of the genes to help with wathever they can to improve her i as i saw her eyes go dull for a few moments until they recovered geting a serthen glint in them as she became rather hapy and very optimitic i dont relly know way but i caried her around as i saw Krieg take care of his litle sister wich was healed of her blindness as she now weres a viser one straight line from a ear to the other i checked her for any alien genes to find nothing we went to eat and enjiy ower day i left my litle grey girl to invent stuff with some of my interns as she is a ignorant genous with a very hay survivability as such i opend the door as i left her she didnt even notice me leaving i went to ben who at the time was folowing the clews to the invaders i went straight to the sleaping failsaifs as then i went to ben who was preparing to go on the last strech as i came to the invasion as all the portals were opend i moved my hand to his omnitrix as i moved it into a serthen pattern and then with a smile press it all the invaders returned to theyr normal state as humans and the colorits were mixed with genes from all found in the omnitrix as i changed as well as my skin became like the night sky as my bone became a metal substance and my eyes glowed deep purple as with a smile i flew off as i was talcking with my other personalitys and ending with me devowering them as the color of my skin changed to a purple mackground with stars and celestial bodys of energy and other materials i flew to the gate were the Dagon was seald as i started to drain his being as i converted to my power ending stealing his abilitys and realms for myself i then returned to my body wich was ajusted to my new power as i becsme a bit more hansome but suprizingly very plain loking no fat sculpted like a marble statue and i had some new tatoos all over my body i saw krieg with his sisters all having a god time as such i sat down myself as then i proceaded to tell of my adventures and things i learned about as such tiem went and things progressed there was the incident with the alternative world debuckle at wich i came along fixing any abnormalitys as i ate a nother vilgax since he was pissing me off as i sent the kids back to theyr timelines as paradox was looking at me surprised i at wich wincked and dicepeared with my ben as then i took the frame of this world as with prime we moved it to ower multiverse as no other scelestisl sapient was present in this world after i sent each and evry last of them thrue the other dimensions to debate to theyr own harts as i went to prime at wich moment we merged and then i sent a clone to krieg to live there as now if they reach a serthen power level they will be sent to my Furness were i will tell them the new meta , as then i went to my bed room were i went to sleap.