Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 285 - 285. call to action.

Chapter 285 - 285. call to action.

I woke as I saw my wrist alarm as I saw a big cathulu looking son of a gun on it as it then changed to a video call to father as he told me of bens dreams I checked the location and started by getting my road vehicle as I went to their location as I saw on the way a big boll falling to the ground that I took the opportunity to bump into as I saw it fly and end in a bit more scarce in people zone as u exited my vehicle as I left it to deconstruct into a purple block of crystals as then I took it as I stored it in my chest cavity spatial pocket as then I jumped and left my body as I saw ben arrive I told him to get my body to the van so I can battle without worrying of it he grabbed it by the straps as I walked towords bow spiked boll as I acted childishly to get his attention and I saw a big muscular tentacle beard guy with black red armor and cylinders in his arms he noticed I had no omnitrix and that I resembled the chiby I sent him my sharp smile was in his contrary greated teath as i plunged a hand in my chest right were my black lines lay theyr self as i pooled from my chest a replica from that yandere simulatir it was named old axe or something similar, as i floted he started insulting me as the next moment as i charged my blade with mana and made a replica of a getsugan tenshow like attack that he doged as his former vehickle was shot into the distance as then he went into a jumping tackle at wich my blade fell off from my grip as he charged me right into the ground as he bowsted i fazed in the ground puting a stop to his monolog as the next moment he loat controll over his left hand as i started maiking him puch himself over and over he did rezist but his own arguments made it quite funny and wen i left and poped out of the dirt around him i came close to him as he took a breather as then he went and shot at me his laser eyes as this happend he didn't notice my old axe rapidly revolving as it flew towords me as the next monent i saw a hand fly in the are as the beam was cut short i saw him scream and hold his stump of his hand i took my time as i saw him do a rapid self medicate as he place some kind of device to stop the bleading i grabed his disarmed arm as i saw it untangle and the scilinders droped to the ground as i walcked in front of hi. as he prepared some kind of technology something of the type of a transporter, he saw as I carried his detached limb that was weighing, and the next scene made him a bit disturbed as he saw my mouth open unnaturally large as I started eating his hand as this happened my blade moved around him cutting him from slices to small cuts I was watching him resist screaming as I saw him press his escape button but I was already connected to him by a tendril as we were teleported aboard his vessel as I went intangible and invisible as I wandered the ship that was recharging in a Vulcano as I possessed a crewmate and wen the time cane as he was in his capsule I came in front of him he saw his little drone started growing and ending in a monstrous form resembling a skeletal structure mimicking his body form as purple flames covered it with ectonurite tendrils coming out were his wood be as I had a big smile I started a talk with him as I told him his failures as he came to my planet, threthening a member of my family, and his last mistake being that, as i opens my eyes insted if light a dark deep purple smoke came out as it came in contact with materials they started eroding and spreding thrue his healing tanck as they enterd his body as i felt his life energy eachape his self as next to me a clone of him with all his new memories and aligeance being changed as now he no longer was vilgax conquerer of ten plantes but vill the famaly of me and the tenisons as the original disolved as the new vill was completed his skin had some purple tatoos as now he knew evrithing about the ship and as such he took controll as the drones were didected to be updated with the new data pacage as we planed some stuff as he aent some drones to my secret base as his minions the elit ones were broth to me now returned to my soul form as i checked theyr minds and fixed them teaching them proper rules and aligeances as vill retur ed to train in his hime planet alongside some other of his species to then make conections with the pumbers and such i returned to my body at wich point father asked me wath happend only for me to make the hand motion to hold a second as i burped and a peace of a green tendril was expeled from my mouth at wich all thre of them took a step back only for them to see me stare at it as it turned to dust in frontof them as then i reconted the battle with mi insl gore and such as now he is my new suborodonate and that now i will return to my home to take a nice long nap since the battle was very mental strenght intensive as i went to bed as i went to sleep.