Chapter 284 - 284. the summer.

I woke in the forest they drive towards for the fun of this summer I already located the spot and build a home in the swamp area as it was made out of refined materials I asked hex for some flame and stone molding in exchange I gave him some refined mana for some uses as they are quite varied as his life essence pools became rather useless as the life essence in the mana is a few times more then those light pools hunts to keep himself alive as I went hunting after them by myself I gave him lifetime resources of my favorite magical energy I saw father drive to the forest as I lurked in my intangible forme around the campsite as I messed with them for the fun of it I didn't show myself well until night came I carried my host body in the RV as the kids were preparing to sleep well I saw ben go to the forest I dropped my body on a close-by tree hanging by a cord similar position to a hanging knot as the string was connected to my hadness under the clothes yes it's all made by the same material as i folowed bens trip to the omnitrix as he got close to it the next moment the metal sfear opend as i grabed the clock before him as he saw a purpel clawed hand come from the metal floor as i isolated the omnitrix with my magic as then i took the containement devise as i energed and said with a sharp smile boo as i saw ben scream in terror and suprise as he started running back to father as i felt hia mashine come i stored the clock in my chest cavity my special made one i saw ben run i carefully staid around the crash site and saw the bots arive as i then possesed the larger one distroying the drones and sending the messge to the minced meat villgax, target omnitrix incompatible with specificly vilgax as a ectonodite chubby face with the obnitrix in my chest ony the dial showing maiking him belive i was in a tranformed hibrid form as i closed the conection as i crushed the sistem in the large bot he fell on his side as i cansted a teleportation circle to wich it was sent to my underground laboratory for magic and teck were hex comes time to time i then compleatoy stored the clock in a staisys sfere as i made my way to my body as i exited the forest to see ben speacking rapidly to father i chuckled as i waved hes eyes widened as we reunited and with a mocking smile i asked if ben saw a goast or something at wich max and gwen chuckled a bit i became serious and asked father to come with me for a walck were i told him about the omnitrix and that vilgax will come after it as he is alive at wich he was suprised i alsaw tood him that i will inscribe my form in it for any emergencys so that ben can fight back he asked me way ben , i answerd he was fsited to get this thing and due to me alwredy marking it and adding to it some rather intuitive upgrades the process was made rather easy as i possesed it and made a avatar within it that went and replaced a gene codex from the main ten i alsaw fused some galvanic mecamorph to manage the internals of the obmnitrix keeping the conection with my main spiritual body so i can fix and repell any acidental things with magic and soo we returned as i looked at the kids i analized them and saw gwen having more pure anodite genes then ectoneurite around 80-20 but ben on the other hand had 50-50 on the genes wize the human ones were around holding the others and by giving him my form he has a larger chanse to increase them over time as ectonewrite genes were acentuaiting more and more on the anodite at wich was stedely gaining more ectonewrite caracteristics like the lines and black bone growths to reinforce my energy based form i made sure to not get one shoted i checked the van as i saw ben he was bothering gween i turne to him and then asked him wath wood he do if he got power like superheroes or villans he told me of his dreem to be a renound hero and such he saw me cup my hand as wen i opend it a purple colored omnitrix jumped on his wrist it was slicker and more resilient as wen he will press like a monky on it it will give wath he wood need at the time as then i turned to gwen as i pooled a book made specificly for anodites to lern basic magics with the book showing content wen neaded and wen her mana reaches a sorthen level of purity or quantaty as i gave her a brwcelwt made out of black bone in the form of a jolly cat head as a pendent to help her concentrate and ask for help if relly neaded i then turned to father as i tood him i an going to recruit a very good in evolution and such , as i left i huged them and gave fsther s trincket to call if true emergencys come i spent few minutes talcking with the evolution obsesed guy i stuned him then took his teck wiped his mind of any evil fealings as i comenced to recruit ans send him to my base were he was given knolege and genes samples of many alien visitors of this world as i gave him the purpose to make serumes to improve humans and such with death raw inmates for guinipigs as i alwredy claned theyr minds maiking them loial as hex is awere of the new recruits he sometimes askes me for one or too for rituals or test jubgects i returned to my house in the swamp as i went to sleep.