I woke up as some of the girls were here sleeping with me I blinked and got ready to move around the Furness as some of the girls hold I replaced my body with a pillow-shaped self as i and Crona went around the Furness checking on the other things around giving my overmind self some rather needed power crystals as then we fused for a moment as I equalize ower powers and memory's with a backup cell bank adding the newborn small and expanding universe with a connection to the void placing it in a neckless and hanging it on his neck as I saw it sink and small gem apers on his forehead as we then went on ower ways as I reached the tv room where I separated my next shell fragment as I made it a tecnoshell to allow it to manipulate technology as easy as it wood with a flesh body as the too things connected then I infused knowledge of science and technology more like nanites and nanotechnology as I saw the now ready soul fragment it had quite the potential in a technology-filled world as i opened the gate i sent it it arived at a erth like world as a wave of some power that atempted to intercept me but cood not stop since the shields are very well done and i lernd from the enemy since i took over a body of theyrs i started produsing my barand of nanites as i kept asimilaring the other things i saw the hole world being alwredy baran but by the flames of alchamy ,i had enoth power to keep converting as i ended gathering a large mount of material and i went to the antartics were i established a home and after few years some robots showd themselfs up i alwredy made a humanoid body similar to humans but stronger and well my personal avatar was twise as the drons who check the facilities and my main avatar was a large round twice the size of the pions jolly and capable of flight i enjoyed the look wen i was in the madness combat so i did that with sharp teath smuth sintetic skin i located the signal were the project zero don activated i arived there by foot as i saw the founa and flora geting restored i bipassed the fier walls in some of the constructs as i located the main building were the protocalls have activated i send my datta avatar as i saw a circle with all the protocals as i saw protocall hades my eyes glowed black as i made my way to it as i comenced to separate it from all the rest and wen i comenced the separation Gaia apeared and saw me as i finished pulling it and the next moment she saw me chew down on it she calculated many ways this cood go to seat on a chear as i sat on the ground looking at her she was around the same size as me but i was oviusly larger than her i started a conversation with her as i transferd my dids to her as i came to this world to the energy i felt and analized it the conclusive data that the wave that made the first Apocalypse due to those mashines wood have happend once more due to wave of the energy being somehow alive a virous of sorts made of energy i alwredy cleanes the moast of it soem may still remeane then i showed her my plans and the evolution of the mashines alongside the old flora and fauna a side by side evolution i gave her my designation here i am Cronos the one responsible of clensing the virus and the eater of protocall Hades then she intoduced herself: Gaia : its a plejure tu meet your excelence Cronos father of the olimpion gods"with a smirck" now come and lets make some more of ower kind.
I smiled and commenced to have fits of laughter Cronos: you are a classy gall. As I proceeded to hug her she felt my body as I set her mind to the avatar that I made from some metal around that was inconsequential as she felt her new body and easy controls I made for her we visited the land where all the new protocols were doing their job as I connected to every last protocol as I infused true data in them as I accelerated they're processing as we too managed their jobs for approximately a minute a few thousand years from their perspective as I felt true Datta elementals finished forming as I knew true AI forming her function's now her kids capable and ready to terraform the project was half done I gave them body's and servants in the image of their history they asked of hades but they lend that his purpose was absolute Gaia was quite happy since now there are more of her kin the terraforming accelerated as some variants of the plants and biomass showed up I checked on the birthing zones I sent a teacher a blank template for each species and then installed with the help of the kids the proper way i saw the emergence we focused on the humans so they were born taken care of and thoght from a young age in domes alongeside with a Apolo teacher with chiby versions of each of the other functions to give them knolege of bowth human reactions and theyr parents i added some of my knolefe to asist with the way they were made from the separation to the process of gaining sentience and the knolege that they are just like them but only a bit more knolegeble aboust some aspects than others i made them sevierly awere that the north pol is myne an no one elses the new elementsls were qinly awere that they can pass by if they desierd i and Gaia spent some time there she desined i upgraded and Hephaestus used the data to build them i then checked them for any abnormalities and if i found i absorbed the sead anomaly as i sent the data to bowth Gaia and Hephaestus to lern from humand never neaded to hunt the terraformer mecks i shared the pion's i made so they may be used for any interaction with humans or animals they colled them servents after few days of talking with them since they all are law elementals each very difrent from each other but smart enoth to not mess with me or Gaia and ower kids they are quite amusing i completed a completely tecnologicle way to get to my prime body few hundred yeras after my arival here i managed to do some insane things from abominations to many other thing the gods saw my toys avatars made in the imege of theyr historicle counterparts i gifted them the control mojuals so no idiots can take control of them or make a meck battle i also installed well made rutines in each of them so no battle agents eachnother only external threths i then made a logic elemental in my image as it replaced my functions as i copied the knolege but i limited him abit so Gaia can stop him if he somehow gows rong i took my avatar as i left them returning to my prime as i was asimilated in it returning to myself i checked some stuff as i returned to sleep.