Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 234 - 234. Spamtons brother.

Chapter 234 - 234. Spamtons brother.

Waking up to see Crona Jane and Madam playing poker was quite off so I sat back down as I saw them play I had fun due to each loss a cloth peace wood be lost to the winner crona won but she was in her underwear as the other two were in the nude I chuckled then I exited the room having all stepping towards the bed were a pillow replaced my spot I had hid when I exited the room as I walked a bit I arrived the tv room where I took a new shell peace  as I infused some unique genes and magics as I saw the fragment fly and bypass a universal barrier as it entered the delta rune universe as I entered the birthplace of all dark things as I exited a pillar of darkness pure and contained I took my first step as I saw some other creatures, similar to me I was surprisingly short I saw another one next to me he was wight I was grey with black hear I had a black suit large money-grabbing smile as wy eyes were purple and green colors one eye each I exited the group as the others saw me my body was short but bildnlike a brick with my chest esaly thicker than thre of them together my hands and palms rather buff as well as my feet are wuite stoky and buff i passed by a robot ish woman she gave me the second look as i wandered the new world i was in any puzzles were wrecked just by me walking thrue them not running just walking the traps broke as i just passed thrue them you know like the juggernaut i had all the way my splendid smile as i ended in a zone were i comenced the building of a shop a large yet confortable shop/inn i was visited by many creatures looking for novelties since wen i crafted with the helpnof my flames i got a camera to film me craft from the hous to the last litle trincket i lived around here for some time now as i heard a nock on my door i saw a short similar to my size he had a black jachet a yellow and pink eye my smile chainges for a bit to a jolly one as i broth him to a table made specifically for ower sizes my chear was made of a alloy plated with marble obsidian and some other rather obscure materials i gave him a room and i hierd him to be mi clurck wen people came they meet my litle employe Spamton he strangely had a dial phone i checked it as i herd his voice, spamton was peing atention to me very much at that moment as i takes in hands he didn't understand enithing i talked as i finished the call he saw me with my eye colors flichering from purple and green to deep dark red for a moment returning to its normal colors the next moment as i comenced to laff a bit he was confused but the next moment i made my way to him as i made a potion as i handed it to him he looked at it shruged his holders and drunck it fully as i saw his body get coverd by a wooden shell and ten few minutes laighter i saw him emerge from it he was born a new as his hight increased as a hart bit was felt from within him not like back then he felt himself alive but bownded to something now he was completly himself his own creature as i laffed megalomaniacly as i said : it lives it lives, and its free. He then fell on his knees as I started checking on his body alongside any other problems I then went out as I wandered and found neo the body empty yet capable to be refurbished I then commenced and to enter it as my body became hundreds of threads that were burning in blue flames I changed its look to be similar to my former body I had a biological and mechanical form a fusion of darkener and neo as I returned people saw the buff form I looked fabulous like looking like Kronck if he was dressed in a suit and a spiky hear cut as my eyes stays the same  we Spamton saw me he gushed all over my new form  liking my similar look to the short one I was about a head taller than him as I started changing ower house for the new sizes we own we lived happily until they came the lighteners I kept an eye on them and when they went close to the fountain to seal it when the soul came out for the moment I flew and grabbed it as I proceeded to seal it in a specially made container as I saw kris fall on his knees he breathed in and out and after a short panick attack i came in front of them as they saw pose in mucle acentuating ways the purple dinosour gall ganed a blush as the lite prince had stars in they eyes i sat in front of kris as i handed him the container he became calm and comenced to discuss with me spamton was home enjoyng the job and life he can sell the overflowing things i made the automatons builders for constant stuff to make they need the energy and material to make stuff he had the ability to make bowth the fule and material a well sustainable buisness i saw kris seal the founten then the lighteners and i exited the dark world my body exited the shadows as i formed i was in my short form under a table i made my way out as i saw a bird person a deer girl and the too stering at me like they saw a gost i streched and looked at him as my body turned to strings as i made myself a bit gangly and smuth as my clothes became a suit that puffed up to make me look normal i had no strnght in this form but i am quite agile and as tall as kriss  i then talked with them as made a story way i am here as i went around the town as i reached the grey door i return to my short form as i then melded a tree in a doll shape as i cover it to have a more substatioal body i then opend the grey doll as i pulled gaster as i consumed the void in the room he materialized as i sent him home to his kidsas i then reenterd the darkworld leaving the wooden doll there i got spamton and some other residents as i saw a door open as we enterd it i murged with my prime as spamton murged with my hex vesal as then i sent him to enjoy his life as a shop keep as inreturned to sleep