After I finished digesting the flame god power the density of power in my room became rather compact slowly stressing the space around here I overlaid a thin cellular wall as I separated a small amount of space from this world as I filled it with pure energy to facilitate the healing as I took in myself the former filed in with pure energy room now empty for new use I placed a perfect replica as I rested on the bed as then I sent the next avatar with the shell shard with the death seed with some add ons to make its use smoother as then I sent the fragment to the next adventure, I saw things flying around me as I reached the right spot as I enter a nice large and jolly woman she was ready to give birth but the kid was not meant to survive normally ar least as such I took the body over as I managed to get a normal birth I was quite large for a baby she took great care of me I commenced training with harvesting insect souls and vitality that I changed in death energy for my uses I stored them in my fat deposits since wathever i do i cant get rid of them i became a doctor as i enjoyed to lern of biologi and other daingerus siences i was quite large wen i hit the age of eighteen larger than my chubby mother and slim father i cood hold in my palm a human skull i started bolding having my top of the head bold quite shiny i was jolly like her and strong as my father a bit more i can say i was given a invitation from a grate company aince i had all the syence knolege they wood require for some progects they have in mind after i made some guards for my mother and father aka unded living armors in the sape of robotic constructs as helpers they ware strong and can live with the energy siphon i inbeded in theyr helmets and as i prepared to go to the new worck site i ended wering a gass mask wen working i combined it to a neck wormer and wenever i took a brake i went to cook cooki's some underlings joined too as we happily ate some then one day a idiot managed to brake a experimental tube with my favorite experiment a undead plegue i alwredy made a unded pathogen i had my cristal core alwredy formed with the desth energy the cartilagenus area were the ribs meet there was my core and wen a green zombie managed to bite me there were twelve of them on me at the time he managed to rip off my lips and chicks the phatogen enterd my aistem and the changes comenced my skin turning green as my mucles grew in power i rose up and black marcks made theyr aperence over my body as i crunched on the skulls of my zombies as my teath grew sharper and more compact i ate all the bad mutated ones as the ones that retaned theyr mind folowed me by instinct as i finaly ended up in the lab were i directed them in the containment room since i usually use it for the beasts and dead solgiers we recover the body's of some had green skin i mostly got the zombie idea from them by chainging the blood in them i made my own variant under my controll now i gave my green men the treatment for the pathogen they changed from green to black and purple and then i sent them to the training groop were they slowly got use to theyr enhanced strenght and healing capability's wiithout the viraliti that wood have been there if not cleansed my energy alwredy steralized the infection within me after the complete conversion as my core started to influence my now undead fizic i started wering s black hoky like mask as we had a party me along with the newby's a bandaged guy enterd the room killed all the newbys then they got changed in the base zombies my mask can block bulets as a guy with a halo turned the zombies as then they got killed once more as the guy who interupted my fun blew himself up hurting partly the boss the after sone time a new guy came i folowed him with the gift from the boss a sing with a exclamation mark i did battle with him manabing to damage me rather thurely as i had a close hear cut and then his head was snaped of with my bare hands as i got a new body for experiments there was the halo guy i kiled him too he was quite a bother with his base zombies evriwere i got the halo for my use for a bit as i folowed too more intruders that somehow managed to eschape for a bit of time then the guy i killed managed somehow to revive i was riding my train wen i saw him and detached the locomotives i thinck the old halo guy past us i revived him multiple times as then i made a buulding with minions to hold him off for a bit as i changed my clothes and ate a hotdog he arived and pushed me of a clif at wich i changed to my combat form that being a gisnt mass of death energy with a skull face and claws for hands and feet as he shot at me during ower batle the guy with the halo managed to recover it from me and went to revive himself as my flames apeard around some conpownds i was in and the guy i was forced to changebin my battle form i am still beating the hell out off as he started runing from me slowing me down by buildings and such i fell on a elevator as i shot flames at him he managed to shot my amplifier to make my aize bigger geting me pissed off i kept bateling as he kept eachaping and reaching another conpownd he got a giant chain saw and killed one of my big boys inforsers for boss as i enterd the room in a more conpact form i saw my hank get killed by a halo wering guy then my size amolifier blew as i retuned to my flesh form as he managed to nock me out i woke at bos who sent minions to retrive me we then discused how to properly get rid of the guy i got the minions to make some more big guy's for later uses i saw the advance of the too guys who eschaped from me as they planted explosives to distroy my reserch good thing i had a copy of all my stuff then the hallo guy comenced in his words to stop the madness, armageon began or something like that we checked on him and senf many replaceble minions since clonig is rather esaly he damaged the cloning tancks we sent some of my large guys but cnot even thst worcked dam he is pissing me off boss shot his minigun at him then he went after him i kept safe since the dainger levels were to much for now they battled quite a lot and then there wa a explosion i was far enoth to witness it but be safe i continued some experiments to fix my damage's rebuilding the facility in the reserch building my building as i saw boss take the damaged halo as he grew in power i went out of the building before i cood have been met with the too that enterd the enhansing room were they activated the big guy chaimber boss came too he activated the jugernot with his powers i checked on my pad hank was revived once more as the battle comenced once more my jugernot and hanck mutated did battle then boas started absorbing the clones as i comenced the protocall coruption sending my wight in the underworld to battle hancks shadow as ripped and tared thrue my and bosses experiments as i saw his body with the other invader battled boss with his flames the world starting to crumble slightly as boss made a tower for ease of battle as he corupted some of the follen minions hanck managed to get his hands on the big guy armury aka wepons boss kept asimilating bosy's as he battled with hanck he pulled many body's iven me since he got desperate i took over him and the crow for a bit of time as i corupted the world as i adapted to the power i felt boss inside resting as i comenced a asalt on the enemy's with i managed to rip off the mutated hand of hanck as i sent them to hell to battle with i managed to parcialy give boss power to fitr hanck as i kept the asolt on the other the world was methodicly broken and rearanged to meke the battle more fun as boss managed to lose hanck that managed to heal and come to battle with me as they managed ti get boss out of me by distroing the shell i reformed from my cristal core next to boss since he cood not controll it my power greew to the excesive death as then thing kept hapening i gstherd once day enoth to ascend boss was suprised since the sientist clown was not well at a haier level then him i opend the door and murged with my prime as the power started to be consumed and asimilated within the room sized world thst slowly was starting to expand i went to sleep to digest the power.