Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 231 - 231. the life of the party.

Chapter 231 - 231. the life of the party.

I woke up well this time as I saw Crona next to me she knew of my cultivation period and now that I internalized it's safe to be around me I saw some of the girls come around time to time some of my sisters were married to a couple of males of different species ending in the death and rebirth she restored only the good memories from their pasts alongside their most required knowledge and some items they kept dear I met some from time to time I enjoyed meeting them since they kept a record of all the life they had anyways after I finished reminiscing we went to the tv room were I took the next fragment with the seed of life and some other addons  as I sent it life was more energetic around it I flew and flew but didn't bypass the multiversal barrier as I arrived at a simple world with humans monster and some rare hybrids that are in no way discovered by the humans but the fact that the monsters are in the barrier I moved towards it as I analyzed it and bypassed it as I flew true the underground i slowly made my way and arived at the moment Azriel wood have died due to a still birth i enterd his forming body and stabilized it as i changed a bit the body for my purposes as then i was birth she was happy and suprised since my flufffy body was coverd by flowery wight tatoos acentuated by gold to make them visible enoth during the days i saw the Royal harem i was quite suprised since i chose a random warld in the multiverse ending upnin underlust was quite off puting since they all were mostly revealing clothes i was introduced young to all the lewd things hapening around me i ujualy was faund wen monsters are about giving birth checking the process and lerning from it since by vines and other things were ujualy prezent on my clothes and limbs mother and father were quite curious about it due to the tatoo's i had them coverd by them overlaing on my gold marks as mother nicknamed them we wandered the underground and wen i reached the ruins i enjoyed the vew but moast the plant growth i was around nine wen the first human fell i was alwredy living in the ruins as mom and some royal harm members joind her to keep her safe there are some ill manerd monsters rather brutal during intercorse i was given lesons from some roial turors they never lasted enoth to get myself off they were miastly in a orgasmic coma for a few hours after i did them i was prazed since there were aome ill manerd rezidents theyr punishment became mine to give and so wenever there were found such i chose the ruins since they are suprizingly sound proof and since my vains and plants were quite miscellaneous during the punishment time i ujualy rested at home only me and the repeted ofenders that now i thinck they are adicted or just masskists i always heale them to theyr original state yes even the souls since they are quite tangible for me a day i was alarmed by my vegetation geting its miscellaneous tendrils over her yes its a she i got my soft pows on her as she was being teased by them and wen i saw her i slaped them off her as then i managed to get her to come with me to the ruins she asked me of a way to leave i after maiking a construct to keep thing going in here folowed her she saw the ones being punished  l giuded her thrue the plant traps that i instaled for some who wood eschape from it due to resons tickeling resons so we ate some food then we went to sleep as then we wandered thrue the gates as we walked thrue the snowin some guards were rather curious but the moment they saw me they had a small shiver as then they made way she had to do the puzzles alone and the vew was quite plesent we reached the skelebros house were the three brothers lived gaster the royal sientist was rather excentric since he met me he atempted to reserch of my unique soul that was a diviation to the norm i was more of a hibrid with enoth determination to pass the barier but keeping it a secret made it easy we met the thee skeletons they were suprised as they off handedly teased bowth if us since they saw us so cute together and quite the pare in theyr eyes as such i played along as time went with my eyes glowed a bit she got a blush and grabed my hand i wore tshirt with baggy shorts and she felt my fluffy,ness we went around and i both some food wen we wanted to exit the snowlands Papy wanted to test her since well to be with me she needs atleast to be safe for her masking it as keeping me safe from her she did such and passed it with briliant colors since her lust meter was almoast empty we then passed thrue the waterlands were unding expresed the next chalange for her i was asked to not interfere and she somehow managed to survive as we ran from her reaching the hotlands some hot headed fools made rather troblesome hot remarcks we visited mettaton she was more intrested in love rather than lust she made wuite the show since she asked me of many things i told her of many old history and the residents she use sead knolege i was smug due to her win metaton enjoyed the chalange even with some questions geting wrong she did win in the end she got a gift then we passed to the next area the core were serious monsters worcked hard on the maintenece some of my plant creation demimonsters as gaster calls them asisted so no monster wood fall in the magick overcharged substance bellow i sent some of my roots there asimilating minute amounts of the magicle energy's slowly moving it thrue the undergraund for use and sent to my creation in the undergraund under the bed of the flowers the energy being concentrated there will rival the barier wen frisk will arive Chara alwredy gave her contribution aka desting in the house as her determination being sifened plejurably in her sleep as she drimedbof the first monster she encountered no plants including we then arived at the new home as we visited mother and father they were rather accepting of us too she subconsciously grabed my confy paw my perants saw this but did not make note of it and wen we reached the barier i told her of the reson she cant pass thrue it and then i gave her a hug as we started walking thrue the barrier together exiting on the other end she was suprised i asked her if she wants to stay with us and after few moment of aquord silence she with i returned back as i told her to not mantion of ower capabilities of passing the barier we then returned to the ruins as we kept living there we had visitors and intaisements she had a bit of a hard time rezisting all the sins that passed thrue the home from time to time she moastly cudled with me to keep herself in check she did aske me from time to time to endulge in the sin more predominant here i did keep myself sterile during the play and from the first time we got closer and she started intising me as we ended sleaping in the same room from the second time we did it so we it will get coviniet she lerbed thst wen winter came close to me ment more plesent as wen the summer came we were in my plant pods thst have wather circulating within keeping us coazy and cool we were meet with kids foling from time to time i captured them then sent them to the guest room were they were seafely kept so they may not get themselfes killed and used to unlock the barier Chara asked me to change her so she may be a bit more similar to me i made small modifications adding some of my monster mass that was conected to her life frame and moved to make a pare of horn too wings and a long tale with a hart at its end the determination asimilated my circuits that i harvested from my clones they are more like masses of circuits in the same patern of my own given cells to replicate and multiply i harvested a serthen amount of the newly grown material i harvested some and then sedated her as then i conecter her life lines to the mass ower life lines were conected for few minutes my body ganed some determination as she ganed some of my mass as it settled over her body it got asimilated in her skin  giving a lighter shade as her soul had some small growths imitating her new limbs she was capable of small amounts of flight and somehow managed to make her hands in similar claws to my own as fluff temporarly grew over her hands and feet as over her entier body some paches of furr grew mimiking tatoos they were close to her life lines i saw a second template overlaing over her original one she had the choice to fuse them or transfer to the other one she chose fuse them as she became a 30/70 hibrid with 70 being human i on the other hand jsut got more balanced and wen mother saw her she was quite suprised but acepting sfter i told her of wath i managed to acomplish she belived my magic was plant based well she was partialy right i have controll over plants and lifeforse i was asked to asist gaster and Alphis the royal syentist ad his asistent sans was a part timer i visited them from time to time with containers holding pseudosouls of humans by cristslizing the difrent tipes of power in them by sifening the last human fell few months ago and i sufoned theyr power from the day sending the excess to my clone pods as they felt out of it they lived here with us peacefully and quite enjoyeble but wen i rewched my gol i stoped the sifon after i filed a nice large reservor of theyr respectfull power we were too young adults with kids to young teens marching towords the casle thrue the jurny theyr powers and drive was refiled due to the sights and many more things hapening around we stoped at the skelbros house were we had a sleep over they were worned of the lewd world they acnoleged it but only got it wen they ate the icecream and the name the blue bunny described it i and chara talked with gaster about the sacrifices we prepared for the barier door we then discused of the contagent plan aka temporarly makeing me a god by sudo fusion we nmthe next morning after we ate procesded to the labs were i was told of the amalgams i told thembi will return after opening the barier we then ower last stop was the palace were father and morher sligthly older not so much as they expected  well i twicked the transfer period of theyr boss status to me wood be around one of onehundred percent the usual rate they saw us with seven kids the newest was  frisk she didnt relly desier to leave the undergraund and her determination was similar to Chara's now being a dark krimson as my wight soul became grey-ish red, we were quite suprised wen we saw the batier with mom and father on ower side i asked yhe kids to hold the pseudo souls so they may sinc with they own to be as close as posible to the original and wen they  sent the souls they formed a formation as they got close and the barier procesded to crack as then we all procesded to plan things from the first contact to the rules we made  and as time went i lerned of the human life lines the proper way by dead and livin bodys after i took care of moast things me and chara remained home in the palace some remained as moast of it was coverd by my plants giving it a cool and bewtifull look we had some kids of ower own Frisk made for a grate ambasador since she got adopted to mom and dad becoming a siter of sorts after time went by untill we reached the end of ower life span i got her and myself back to prime the seed greew perfectly and was redy for my apotheosis but i kept it from dui g so as i murged with prime the apotheosis rejuvinsted my body as i grew a bit my tatoos changed and became beter for a bit as Chara fised with one of my hex vesals as we talked i made a curse for ower kids to be sent here  to the inner world were they wood be safe and now only a element is left to stabilize the small poket of for now chaos made in an room then we returned to sleep me Crona and Chara.

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