Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 229 - 229. flames of war.

Chapter 229 - 229. flames of war.

I woke up as water vapors and other expressions of itself filled the room clashing or cooperating with the elements already there I then sent the next avatar with the soul fragment and the flame spread it got to the tv room and then it sent it as it flew it arrived at a dark place filled with sand and pilers holding the sky a wight mask formed flying and then flames started covering it as a body took shape a forever changing body I stabilized on a basic demonic template as I used the sand and rock around me as an outer shell as my mask was covered too I then started hunting the other hallows were quite helpless since my all-consuming flames harvested they're energy's rather efficiently I evolved in a Gillian after I ate few thousand's of base hallows I was around the same size as a normal Gillian if they were made of flames and the mask wood resemble a face empty of everything except a cracked jagged maw that I used to devour other civilians as they were set 9n flames and consumed in their entirely then after few days of nonstop eating i comenced my next evolution my mask to a Adjucha as a skeletal frame forming from my hart coverd by flames as dense as plasma as as hot as hell flames i kept the consumtion stedy as i burned my way thrue many Adjuchas feeding and frowing they were quite terrorfied of me since anything sent agents me became food from energy blasts to rocks and even are itself i finished gathering enoth to comopeat my stabilization and then slowly start the split as the skeletal frame coverd in plasma condensed to form a human body as my blade formed on my back it was quite large but easy to wield waile shithes it loked like a gratesward with some chains on its iner blade that i use to hold it on my back and wen i unsheath it a slender blade of extremely condensed plasma showd its blorious sight just as long as wen using its seath as a blade it can melt almost evrithing i clad myself in flames as i started wandering around the sand's as glass formed after each step i took i wandered around untill i met a pare of vasto lorde but i felt they were too a tall guy and a short girl i saw many corpses of hallows around i wandered to the ones with fur and started harvesting those as i inbued them with my energy to not disperse and yes i had only flame pants but now i have a kilt very confortable then i made some traditional underpants out a single long peace and a a long and thiner one taing the long one around my waist as i incerted the long peace in front and back geting a baisic loin cloth then the kilt and a pelt over my sholders i alsaw got the masks for my colection of funny hallow masks the too werd suprised since i had only my upper part of my mask covering strictly my eyes like ilidans eye cover i then made for them some cave man clothes similar to mine my lips cureld up on a smile filled with teath so shap they wood seem capable to tare thrue blades of shinigami, we spent time together as they were now crudely clothed we spent time together remenising of the memories that we still had from the moment we became gillians they were suprised since my recollection was almoast perfect compared to the fragments they remember not even imiges but only felings and some promices that will never be completed anymore i used my flames with the sand to make a small building for us to live in wen after some time a duo came by and managed to entice my frend to join in his plan simce there were more like us he used his blade to convince him but wen he saw me he was a bit more persuesive but wen i didnt react as he wood have perfered he's partner was preparing a sneack attack and he attacked me indeed since the too left to the place and i remained for a bit of time with the escuse of gsthering my trofy's his blade penetrated my forhead but wen he pulled his blade i didnt foll to the ground as he expected but in a moment of blames bursting out of my damaged spot like a vulcano in bowth sides of the penetration he managed to doge and he saw as my flames fixed the damage in moments the way that my flames were expeled were scorched as glass was instantly made i siled as he felt dainger but Aizen came and started to battle with me cut after cut burst of flame after another he had a evil smile as i seamed the perfect subgect to battle a serthen old man with flame powers i stoped the attacking as they saw me grab my blade this hole time i was just uzing pyromantic powers i grabed the blade by bowth hands and then getsugan thenshows made of flames were all over alongside many waves of flames and tecknicks i had a large amount of fun then somehow he managed to grab my bladed scaberd i tried to pull the scaberd from his hold but wen i realised i cood not i unsheathed my blade he was suprised wen i jumped back with a plasma blade then i started charging at him once more he deflected my attacks and managed somehow to disarm me as then i procesded to knell on a knee since he defeated me fearly and with his own power then there was the lasnoches i was given no number since i had no equal not even mister death the arogant fool lerned that older i get stronger i become i was nicknamed Blazehart hintingto my week point the scaberd had my coore that formerly was my mask as the remenants were the gard of the blade the other guys split themselfes in too the power and the body but i was born as flames and my hart hiding the hart is the moast inteligent action i can do and sinece i ujualy discarded the metal part that had the guard inside it the blade was a long thing with no guard only the hilt conected to it i then got ro wandering the large conplex i visited the other's to see and lern if posible i battled with some to train them if neaded i alsaw saw wen they broth Orehime i kept with her moast of the time since lisening to her talking of her boyfrend was quite fun Aizen didnt relly think of me as a asset since wenever i was sent of duties they ended up scorched and burned and my temates too not only the obgective he was smart to send me on non vital operations then he gave me my last order keep this place safe from invaders but i just laized around untill she came along no one dared to bully her since wen they tried to they got burned or worse and wath wood be wore a scorching metal rod up theyr ass that is worse they feard me for more than that hehe i had a small gathering of minions moast of them girls servents or soo they ujuapy took care of my bed since i enjoyed sleaping they sent her there since its the safest place in here i helped her with the development of her power as she was still practesing it then Grimmjaw wanted to take her to lure ichigo i came along not to interfere but to keep her safe Uqiora was just folowing the rules and mision he got from Azen i did wath i wanted and after ichigo went hallo and my little bat was about to die i healed him as i reduced his size and dainger geting him in the same state as nell that was still part of the guards as my second in comand not a servent but a partner with her famaly they grew stronger as expected i after geting my small chiby emo bat ichigo was being healed and then some more arancars as then we were sent for the battle of Azen that asimilated a bit in the blue orb of desiere's i saw ichigo get sent to lern the his final attack and wen he did geting the hogioku was rather easy since it separatedbitself from it as i ate it and by that i ment fixing it to my scaberd slowly geting the hogioku to warck with me as partners not like Azen then i went to keep order in the wako mundo for safety resons i kept safe from problems we sent recruitment wayves to gather the feral hallows so other like us may be naturaly born i had a nice guard and due to my new partner they can evolve with grater sucess and after some time some quinci came to rectuit my famaly they got a big suprise in exchange as the wight and blue people became black and red embers divizions were made alo gside lowrr rancks minions we had a functional sociaty and wen the attack on the soul sociaty we went to help the battle with the alfabet idiots was easyer for us then the shinigamy untill he colected his power back and i had to duel him  got damaged multiple times and he never thoth of damaging my caberd since my hogiokylu messed with his all mighty eyesight of the potential future i managed to get him in a draw but the time wen he eschaped to get his fathers powr i cood not stop him me and ichigo went up the stare way after he got healed with the help of Orehime and my scaberd got the same treatment then we went to get the asshole we saw him coose to his goll as i activated my rezurection they saw me burn as my hart formed in a sand sized grane moving evriware in my body made of plasma and holding a blade equal to ichigos that i proceaded to pass it to him as my avatar cover him in a cloke of flames i sincronized with him as i left him dual wield me with his bankay we managed to get him on his last legs then with a stab he was inpaled on my blade as i comenced to devower the all mighty in my flames as i concted to his decendents as they became my own and from the shadow of the seraite were now bownd to me as we alongside some very human hallows went thrue the door leaving the mess for them to fix well the adtermath that is i murfed with my prime as my new folowers were sent to the inner world to get integrated new artificial olanetoids were made by the residents in time quite fun to wach then i retured to my room with my avatar as i went to sleep.