Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 228 - 228. water bending on another level.

Chapter 228 - 228. water bending on another level.

After I woke and finished digesting the wind essence wind energy was saturating my room alongside the earth that was already integrated forming small structures around then I left my 0rezence here as I went to the tv room with an avatar that I chanal my ability's with but I was resting on the bed channeling all my energy's so they may not notice my act I sat down on the seat sent a fragment and saw it fly it had the water seed I arrived at a snow-filled place I entered a female and when the time came she gave birth to twins a girl and a boy aka me she took care of us until she got killed by flame nation soldiers I then proceeded to train my water affinity and bending I didn't need to bend but it would allow me to use the energy bending if I am creative enough we grew up with ower older brother we lived around until we went on a boat ride hitting the ice dome releasing Eng and his pet I was curious and quite calm as I saw the events proceed they introduced me I was a exact copy of katara if she had bo brests and had a male staff between her legs i dressed similar enoth to her to keep people confused but i ujualy remained behind analizing and lerning but all the time i use my water manipulation and bending in conjunction they usually thinck i am just lazy we returned to the tribe then the signal and the arival of zuko and his uncle i was alongside the avatar he was here after they talked and the battle started i started laffing as the old man got a bad feling then they saw emerging from the snow a giant skeletal construct as i had on one hand the avatar team and 9n the other the ship and all the fier nation people then i sealed the nation in a temporary cage as i tood ang to take my siblings and conplete his jurny as i will hold the enemy ocupied i managed to convince them as the flame guys blasted my construct i flames slowly melting i enjoyed maiking a show of the events and wen they left with tears i was left with the flame nation i placed them back down with care then meet with Iro i knelt and greted the wight lotus flame elder he became serious and after geting things streight with his solgiers and his zuko i then proceaded to tell him of the events that will procead from this point i then came near the disgraced prince and carefully healed his scar leaving only a darker pach of skin behind i then convinced him to let me go with them since i am strong enoth to kill all of them iro knew since my litle show back then  i managed to get a solgier atire and then i took time to spar with iro at first i used steam to combat his flames i managed to lern the ujual way they use flames and then i comenced to ice some parts of my clothes and flew around as i sent steam to my feet to make show of my ability iro did a similar act with his flames then we comenced a flying battle that ended with the first five hits as iro almoast hit the iron floor being cot by me via his swet levitating him on his feet and then i cleaned bowth of us of the swet as by evaporation then we returned to drinck some tee he was quite nice to talck with and wen zuko lernd thst i am actually a male i saw him blush of die to being imberesed i had a nice laff since my voice is quite neutral is hard to pi point my gender alongside my long hear i can and was mistuook as a girl ending in funny situations during his jurny and wen we met once more with the avatar team at the teple i acted like a coman solgier as they managed to eschape then as i folowed with the boat ride then zuko,s fakeing his death and saving hthe avatar i was with Iro drinking te as we talked then wen Zuko left i infiltreared the water tribe as he went and kidnaped the avatar i remained with the too spirits were eng was meditating 8n my water tribesmen cloths as i saw Eng returning to his body i felt the old mad man come for the spirit but wat met him was just the embrace of the cold forever to be a statue for the amusement of the spirits i carved on his forhead his fate and the way he got there and after i was asited by the water spirits to repel the ships avatar came as i left to with zuko i enjoyed the trip as we returned we took some rest days untill zuko's siter came to capture us but i with yhe old man made it out with zuko rather easy as we started to run away i alsaw gatherd quite the sum of money so we lived a normal life like covilians as we hid and traveled as i saw zuko train with Iro in lightning bending i helped by maiking a water body and he shot lighting to it as i redirectedbit with the sediments i placed in it to act as conductive material they saw the path and my capability to bend the electricity with ease i asiated as i cood then there was the tee shop i enjoyed helping around in new cloths i broth some customers ujualy male but there were some femelaes quite fun to play with and there was the meating with his siter and the black ops of this country i zuko and katara were inprisoned she was suprised since i was with the one who wanted to capture them in the first place since i was showing my face it was quite fun he was suprised and wen he saw me and her loking face to face he was askd many questions by my sister they bonded for a bit then there was the battle quite fun his sister came and i was still just around wen ang was struck by lightning i at that moment comenced healing secretly so he will surbive with only a wicked scar left as team avatar was helped by Iro and managed to eschape i kept being by zukos side to keep him safe from his sister i saw wen he sent the asasin for Eng he looked quite funny with the third eye on his forhead we spent some time in the fier nation he never told others thst i am a from the water tribe since i ujualy kept a half mask on my eyes so no one can conect me with my sister as i kept my head in a single long tale then wen he told his father of his defection to avatars side was funny as i kept him safe from the eclipse since i alwredy froze the clothes of all the enemy's as we then proceaded to eschape on a war baloon then we joind them since i asited them with a trust exersize aka showing myself and teling of wath happend then the blow up mind man got beat with his help then his dedemtion arc happend as i was with the avatar talking with him as i gave him tips about all the elements like wind means fredom flanes meens pasion erth meaning firmess and water meaning creativity after that he ganes a apethany and grew abit stronger as he trained with  him ending up lerbing from the twin dragons then there war the preparations for war and wen he battled with hai siter for the crown i asisted indirectly deflecting her lightning and then taing her down to not couse any more damage then i returned to eng to see him taiking his powers then we reached the time for  wen he they got meried and time went on untill she was born i was loking fabulose as i helped her train safely then as she grew i dis folow her theue the lands and wen she left the nest i broth my youthfull look back as my sister and brother eenjoyed his life i had time to help Azula with her mental problems she ended up becoming my brid as we had some kids and due to them her mental helth stabilized to a normal then we aged and she died before me my kids morened her i sent he rsoul to my prime were she was reincarnated in a inner world with some perks and a copy of this bodybof mine, i managed to help her enter the city esely then train her wind element and wen the giant battle comenced she saw me come on the surfece of the water then a giant ice skeletan emerged and asisted kora take kare of the black avatar and then i colopsed my body as it turned to dust i returned to my prime to be asimilated as then we went to sllep.