Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 222 - 222. a bonely parasite.

Chapter 222 - 222. a bonely parasite.

I woke up with a smile then I cleansed any grime yes I am cooling it grime then me and the galls went around the Furness as I enjoyed the new and old residents bickering and playing depending on their situations then I returned to the tv room where I sat down and watched some movies with the other gods then I took over the seat I took my time to make the soul fragment a bit more stable and rather bone-chilling if I say so myself and with a sharp smile I sent the fragment the gods saw a ball of bone matter surrounding a soul fly protected by a temporary barrier, as I flew I saw planets and many stars I kept flying until I arrived at the site of a blue planet with brown and green patches and then I hit a beach it was in its way to being cleared I was grabbed by a green hear guy he was quite innocent he inspected my perfectly round form then he felt pain well at least for a moment until I impaled his skull and I started integrating within him, a blond skinny guy was waching over him but if he wood have atempted to remuve me he wood rip off his entier head i enterd completely his body after around a minute and then i made some protujions over his body maiking him look a bit more fearse and then i retracted them the blond guy was suprised and then next was me covering his skin forming a armure and took complete control of his motor functions he was suprised but i made a mouth cover like optimus prime in the shape of sharp teath in a smile as i looked at the blond guy bone blades were produced from his wrists and nuckles as i started moving greens body then i gave him control and he was suprised and he fell on the ground atempting to remove the mouth peace after he strugled for few moments i retracted the peace as he started mutering and slowly geting use to his new armure it was funny as he stubled i moved the joint peaces sothey may be protected even if it lokes as they are stuck together it was fun he and the blond guy talked about something or such buth i didn't understand due to bot having the function i retracted the armure form wen i made him tap his chest twice and wen he wanted it on i made him tap it wance easy to understand next was segmentsl activation and then fragmentation activation depending on how i made him tuch serthen parts of his body difrent things wood happen like if he taps on his nuckes walvarine claws sprouted or if he taped the back of his hand a clawed gountlet wood be formed and such on it was funny wen they discused and the green hear kept checking the taping spots i made bone butons with carvings that wood show wath they do it was funny wen he saw them form alongside one in the gize of the earing with the picture of a human with a hole in his chest on one ear and on the other a man with tendrils out of his back they observed the too earings and wen the green boy tuched the one with the tendrils from his back around a hundred tendrils sprouted and started moving randomly in defensive ways as then many butons showed up on his hands showing many pozitions of a person with tendrils with arows indicating movements as there were controls on his palm for moving with the tendrils it was funny as i did exactly wath he tested but then a new buton apered on the aposable finger with the imege of a pupet with a clowd above its head from wich stings controled the body he was curious after testing all the butons and then i seazed controll i started checking the body then with the tendrils i moved towords the blond guy that turned 8nti a buff one my green hear host was suprised as i started attacking him and he defended himself as he showted something at my hist that became frantic atempti g to stop me it was so cute as i managed to grab the buff guy as five of the tendrils enterd his body via stabing motion my green host was suprised and then the five tendrils separated from my host as wight tatoos started covering his frends body i felt damage to the guy and i made a new buton apere on a plate in front of my host one with the same doll like imige then one with a cross image the next with a armured humanoid and last a restrined humanoid i gave his hand the controll back i made arrows to the cross one then they taked a bit and then he pressed the cross one and then the blond guy felt pain he screamed a bit but wen i was done he was sweting but his skinny form was no more replaced by a bit more buff form loking like a avrege man like he was back in his training days he then tested his body by transforming into his mucle form that now had bone horns and rib constucts as some areas were coverd in bone plates asisting in protection and dealing more damage he felt his transformation being a bit more stable he wood be capable to hold it around for howers if he exersixed half of all his strenght if bot eight howers of walking and teaching they were happy but next was me maiking cracking sounds and the new form my host had was reabsorbed in his body and now that i had a pupet i will be capable to gather more knolege of this world i rested for a bit during this time only my base funcktions as i made him see that nothing but the base armure wood worck i asisted him with his mucle training since he was hurting himself and wen the time cane he was made to eat a hear thred from the blond guy i felt as his body was infused with a second power since his first power asimilated this one i copyed it for my uses without geting the minds of the former users i started cheanging his bones to be redy for the power as his flesh will be as normal but due to me refining his marrow his blood became beter and as consequence his organs and mucles the same thing was for the blond guy alongside fixing his guts and stomack by mimiking them and paching any other problems partially healing him alowing him to have the too forms and a bit more time as a hero, i saw him get redy for some kind of festival or test i dont know,he lerned how to use me or more like i learn how to react to him he mainly used me for battle agents the bots i gave him enoth asistance to win and wen i directed him towords something he went that way mainly i made him asist the ones in dai gers and such and wen we arived home the shortstack of a mother he had was quite cute and good she observed the chaiges to her son more likely he saw wen i did stuff since she checked wen he was sleaping from time to time i was practesing of maiking constructs i managed maiking a child size construct but it was like a wood dool but wen i opend my mouth a crack snaked its way on my head maiking it look quite scary she saw from time to time as i used my remoate controll of it stumbeling like a kid and wen he woke i wood reintagrate the puppet in my mass then the thing came a disk with a holografic thing with the mucle form of the blond secundary host i just healped him to start healing properly he did go to a small woman that checked his body i saw her give him some news and after some x rays she gave hims some other news he was a bit stressed but with a smile he did his rounds around the own the vilans were suprised to the new look of the image of hope now sporting exposed ribs along with a pare of horn as his hear seamed to rezemble a hegehog as his blond hear had some wight nedle like things ading to it maiking it spiky and cool there were chears and such , after the invitation we arived at some kind of school were a caterpilar man was a tacher in a sleaping bag he did take a look at my host since he had no ovius bone decorations like the blond guy and the there were some fizicle tests were my host i will cole him Nevin its inocent in some kind of languege so Nevi did use his second power with me helping within his body i managed to show him how to regulate his power by imiges now he keaps his ability almoast all the time active to get his bodi use to it in time slighty bruzing his finger wen he threw the boll then there were the other tests and such asisting him to impruve time over time wen the festival came i was capable to make around five dolls and i was capable to understand theyr speech well a bit of it at least i started writing on the armure and i managed to get him to his pc with the translater with english to wathever his languege is we introduced each other talked and came to a understanding and such there were battles and wen the big bad guy battled with deku well he was suprised to see a bone army and such i killed the vilan of all vilans with shreding power and smashes as we cooperated with All might then there was the suceser we captured him as i parasitized him maiking him not capable to use his powers then there was the guy with the overall power i disarmed him literaly then time went on untill my host reached his natural end he enjoyed his life quite fine i may so this was fun the all might died before him and i didnt make other pupets and wen i was done gathering knolege and power i remained with him till his hart stoped then i exited his body as i enterd a door in my doll form there were suprised looks since i exited from his cofin i huged all his kids and i gave them his last words as i enterd the door and dicepeard to murge back with my original as then i went back to sleep.