Chapter 163 - 163. last part.

During the construction, we met many inhabitants of this world most of them were friendly a grinning girl with a cybernetic hand made by bubblegum she managed to take with the idiots wanted but when she arrived at the place was the treehouse will grow I followed her and told her things the next incarnation would require in the future then I left her to her end I returned home she asked me of things I told her that the mutated gall died due to complications and that she will meet her next incarnation in time she was surprised for a few moments, we met the half-demon who saved the humans that were left some time ago I didn't bother with her until she visited us she was a full vampire when she met me she was a bit surprised since we matched colours my purple in time slowly turned bluer and bluer and to fangs grew not long enough to be of a vampire but long enough to resemble them  the gall was intrigued by me we talked I learned of the things she went through the  time of her life we visited her home in the cave i lived with her from time to time she did not get that toxic boyfreand we talked about music emotions that part was raght on bowth of us she had a room in the palace i made some large number of gum with different nounces of red for her consumtion and we spent such some more time , i got a intrest in magic as such i learned from the wiserd city i dug deap into its fundations and found the corpse of the magicle creature i took a sample of its ichore then i removed its skeleton for a ritual laighter on i managed with the help of bublegum a way to purify the blood from the will of the former creature next was me drincking it in a sealed room the transformation was painfull but minimal my size dubled i grew some fur on my torso and my teath became once more sharp next was the magicle prowess it amplifiwd the things my flames can do i properly mixed my gum to be omogen the changes were easy modified i kept the teath i like sharp teath and acger testing my mind and soul i was released Marceline visited us i trained the new powers i had i made some more alchemical material and made some yet old potions i gave my bublegum princes them for analysis and to learn from i walled to my room were i remodeld my clothes they were more on the sealing side since if anything gets my body will couse problems then i gave the control modual a red buton to her and Marceline they bowth muat press the buton to meke me just me no power of magical ways and and about the dragon gum yea he is now more dragon since we bowth thoth him things so he can function if he desiers not to feed and produce the life juce that is wat we desided to call it we analized his body ond learned of how he produces it i managed to make the same material as himself that will act as a substitute if he desiers to leave for any resons he has a window to wach the outside world and get use to it in time we visited did sience yea i made a glados and other candy versions of caracters i knew of for the fun of it and wenever the ice king atempted to kidnap bublegum i got her back with ease since we bowth can defent each other i stole his crown time to time to see him weacken and partialy sane for moments we talked and i returned his cursed item i placed the crown on my head for moments enoth to let it copy my mind but not long enoth to afect it i visited the lich it was anoing atempt's and atempts to take over mi mind managed to get a rezistance then i started reinforsing his cage to not allow anithing then a tanck round can make a dent in it i then returned to the silence dome we used it for meditation and good night rest bublegum was not so controling and the guardians are now  my grey demon like creatures that were a full body armure to fit in the kingdome of happy cute candy people , some more of ower tipes arived here in time like me and bublegum similar color to her  but not as ambitious or strange as myself time passed and we met the new incarnation of the comet alongside him a plastic powerd dog we enjoyed talking and sending him on misions to hlp him grow and be usefull and wenever large toble came up i asisted with fixing it and time went on i stoped the ice woman from the elemental spliting of the land  ties to other elementsl kingdomes were made i helped the other elementals even the ice woman i thoth the elementals  of theyr powers i took time to find the book and i asked for the gems so i can get to the 2d wacher i got myself a wish from him by writhing things on a paper and wishing for the things to be true and it happend the planet was fixed the desert now livable lands and the mutants and the thing that made them gone but the lich was still here sealed and primed for distribution i returned the gems an hid the book for well safe keaping as such thing went i talked with marceline since we are half siblings and wen we sumoned father well he was not expecting me since he thoth if he influenced a part of the gum wood change it all in time he felt the concentrated energy in me and he smield at bowth of us we enterd and i did a spartan kick we beat him up and after some minutes of batle of geting his will out of my sistem i took his pendant and asimilated it the transformation was suprizing and painful next was the change back with greate ease he was no longer in his suit i went and forged a clone of myself and i made enoth rituals to seal a small fragment of my true power then i made it unrecogniseble to my clone i gave it the pendant and we bowth left she was bublegums girlfrenad and slowly growing into more fins first reaction to me was amiusing since i was maiking her embareaed well since its quite fun he belived i was buliing since she was covering her face and moving away from me he buged in and atempted to stop me but went he did i just moves him he wached me keep talking about her dark gall he learned of her gall he was suprised and ran away jake was scared of me same with Marceline since i enjoyed partialy transforming back to my first form's mouth and natural wepons i spent time with them for the hell of it wen we met with the pinguin in space was amousing and then   time went on with less death and distribution towords the end at the moment I wood have been killed by something I was broth back to my original were I murged with him returning to myself the pinces bublegum with Marceline as rulers of the candy kingdoIe i returned to sleep with Cronoa leaving them to theyr happy ending.