We watched my other self live in the world of Ooo we saw the events that ended up with the blood of Marceline's father getting over my gum mass before the mother gum assisted me in exiting it then was the hunt for her energy signature it felt like curiosity longing and desire to grow together and to not feel alone so I followed it the oldest smell I could get I found the home I met with her than we talked she didn't require to make the other tree as such I convinced her to make the kingdom with the ower combined ability her planing and my material generation we still planted crops and directed ower little dragon brother yes he is still bubblegum then was the period we build the kingdom I used her formula to create life similar to us to make many kind-hearted horrors she was surprised when she saw fully armoured helpers the first tests were with her once similar to us but in different colours and then as different fruits mister lemon left to make his kingdom ending up in a small abode with a female similar to him yet different temperament so ahe can rale him in then there was ice king i asisted him in bringing his Betty to him she was suprised to see the old man we told her about the history that happened i alwredy eliminated the magic eater and made a item out of it aimons clear mind was usefull and Marceline was happy to have him back we depowerd his crown then with bublegum asiated in the reprogramming of it and then we recharged it we made the host of the crown capable to life for long amount of time but he decided to die at the same as his wife later on they lived in the snow kingsome since i gave then cold rezistant rings we saw theyr kids Marceline got to be a big sister, and since i messed the plan of the vampire king to turn her into a full vampire by asiating her in killing him indirectly that is i am not getin near that thing i used a reilgun with a stake that had a meatal peace for shuting the wooden stake she absorbed the last of the vampiers she ganed the ability to eat red and no problems with the sun she still pretended to be a full vampire she was still imortal after that the company i had was plesent and never boring i interfered in some minor things and in the end well you know no glob no elemental lands and such we prepared and invited this version of bublegum and some other imortals in this world they were intigued i told them the truth and showed them the full original they went from furios to shoked and ended up with miffed and now that i am not related to them they started to well flirt with bowth me and Crona she enjoyed it then i helped them fit in by powering them to mach some gods in here i left a copy of her power in her world of origin and i pulled it closer next to the other one i alwredy had i bound them for safety's sake then we all four of us went to my bed and we rested Crona enjoyed using her tentacles as ages for ower bed .