Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 54 - 54.Visiting a Bold man.

Chapter 54 - 54.Visiting a Bold man.

I woke up with her hugging me like a koala around us millions of comfy tentacles were keeping the room and us to a perfect temperature, as she found out when we were in the other-dimensional level that my requirements to sleep are larger than hers due to her unique core form being half the size of my torso when in my resting form as we woke up she got her tentacles to reshape in her shell she also learned to partially shapeshift the aye became half of a half of the big one making her look even better, she also learned of the anatomical body to forge herself a new and took a large time to analyse my body so she can match my quote on quote stile, anyway well I enjoyed her enthusiasm, of course, I helped her out showing her my female hex ideas,   by cutting my finger and letting a drop of blood fall to the ground from which a few hundred  stiles of bodyes even from the undertale universe and all of the others I visited before her creation I gave her some of my energy to compleate her change with ease and in compleate safety and she became a compleate femeale with a compleate body  not only the head , she had a hourglass figure reaching to my nec in haight her skin became purple but so dark it looked black her hare beaing a lighter shade of it her eyes took a cooler similar but more complex then my own we then got her some eldrige-script cloths , bowth confortable and capable to orotect her from many things to come , the idioticle gods or the greak's like perverts and pshichopaths , after the change she took her body to her extreames along with her i walked and supravised her to not somehow hurt herself  then we opend a new gate i thinck did we ever neet sitama? Well, we will know after we exited the portal we saw a bold individual with a cape beat Boros or something similar I took his damaged form and reconstructed it a better version of himself with manual  limiters to keep him interested and on the good side after we complete the contract I sent him to my inner world, during this Cronoa met Saitama and chatted with him and after some time I joined in we continued to chat as we walked alongside him I commandeered the ship and moved it to orbit the moon as it changed due to my nanotech infused blood all the new genetical information alongside the biomass made me happy the  new hex I made to inhabit the ship ware quite powerful compared to my other ones before even with the dc and marvel gene pool at my hand this genes ware unique and powerful in their own right  they somehow in this universe broke at least one of theirs limiters as such their potential was increased due to that I learned the way to do so myself and the new generation of Hex, we arrived to his home on the way a telechineticle girl pointed out that me and Cronoa look like monsters and yada yada she was uncapale to use her power on me and my partner due to the eldrige runes nullifing her power they eat mental energy alonside any other harmful one turning them into nureshment for us and themselves , genos reacted as expected to not the violent way but polite due to us coming home with his master folowed by a flowthing girl focusing on me with all her mite but nothing happened, he questioned us we told wath he wanted he ganed the knolege he desierd his revenge was coming up but before that a nice diner made by me , Sitama questiond me how did i know all that stuff , he lerned of wath i am well a god-like being similer to himself but completely different at the same time due to my unique consistsnce we did a short spar due to wenever he hit me i went viral instinctively and reformed the second he retracted his punch and wen i hit him my punch crumbled to dust live viruses that cmopose my form as such we reached a stalemate , i cood go in my compleate form but that wood be so boring as such we folowed Genos to his revenge we helped him wen he became broken once more well after that i fixed his body to the apex of this warld  and made a contract with him due to givin him all the senses he was mising like taste and others so on the sweet taste of revenge satisfied his need for revange he made scrap metal the bot and the creator of it  and so we enjoyed a nice meal afterwords   then i went and visited the monster king and all the unique monsters i took tali of all of them and infected oll of them with well myself i moved evry last of them from the planet to my world after taking any monsters similar to myself and eating them  from the inside  as such too clones ware made mening only too ware my level of potantial danger to me and my inner world releasing them to couse chaos and bring the concept of this universe to my own testing grounds , the forge ganed a inner city that got ocupated by the gods or god-like people in my universe, i got some aspects from the gods of this universe like the feith giving me power ond the god status but i see myself as a demigod with unique imortality that evolved in imrotality in many folds my soul regenerates and refines itself constantly fixing and reinfosing it constantly waile my body dose a similar process and the other energy's do a similar process complimenting eachother and maximising the process as such my neverstoping growth and due to my universal hoping  helped with new genes so keeping the water spining the will of my growth and evolution , after the relicstion i invited Saitama to visit my inner world to fight any godlike threths that are to much of a bother for me , then i and Cronoa went and took a nice nap i found out that she enjoyed souning my sleaping form as her tentacles surounded us keeping the room in perfect condition for sleeping.