Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 58 - 58.Battle with the king and punishing a triangle .

Chapter 58 - 58.Battle with the king and punishing a triangle .

Battle with the king of the monsters.

We finished some series than an old movie came on an old Godzilla movie after the last movie made I decided to do something fun as such I connected the tv to me so Cronoa or others who decide to watch the tv some gods that reside in the Furness as alongside us they saw the camera hovering next to me and the tv who showed the camera view then I opened a portal to the strongest monster I saw on the tv some time ago when I emerged I was human-sized  and then started growing until I hit his size he saw me as an enemy I then took a battle position the monster did the same then a slugfest started we used ower natural weapons ower blood painted the world his radiated the zones and my own made life arise and scatter I didn't put any thought in the makeup of them so they ware as diverse as any snowflakes we remodelled the zone around us limbs flew around us we both lost limbs and chunks of flesh I managed to assimilate some of his as such I gained some extreme regeneration factor alongside reinforcing my weack natural wepons to a new level we kept the battle going untill we tierd out he has follen on his back as i razed my hands in the ear then i took him on my sholder then as i walked multicolored fleames coverd the former radioactive body parts blood and uninhabitable erth turning it into fertile and abundant in plantlife and animals of new species forsibly mutated by the former radioactive blood  as i reached the see i walked in the wather and reached a zone near to the botom of the see and i nade a cave four times biger then godzilla as such wen it woke up will not reck it , i then made the moast radioactive material that i know then got some meat from aquatic animals i weited for it to wake up and wen that happened i was alwredy in my base form and size it saw me then took a look at the pile half the size of itself then to me aghen i waved goodbye and walked towords a portal and exited in the tv room the people saw me arive and as such the tv returned to the normal function the battle took a long time to finish and it was quite intertaining they asked me way it didn't use its iconic atomic breth to attack me the response suprised them , Godzilla was not capable to use it due to me not living it time to and as i evolved stronger it felt that its breth was even more unaffective as such it refreined from using it and focused on the fizicle fights , after we saw a second time the video i and Cronoa went thrue a portal and emerged in a place of maiham and chaos the moment we emerged a triangle with a hat a single aye met us he invited us to a party that will never end with a host that will never die i started to pull out miss silver and started to wack him over and over for a few days the first day he was only screaming uncapable to muve the second day a cuple humans started to wach the show and he started to atempt and defend himself by plaising his hands in front of himself but we know as this goes then the third day a soecific people came and saw my responce to this maniacs plans and actions i fixed his maiham with each hit i gave him the tounes people gatherd around me Cronoa was laffing to his pain and sufering at my silver frends metalic frend , a pare of twins had camped and enjoyed the show the old man questioned about my being i talked to him as i bit the crap out of bill chipher , the other twin asked if he can use the bat and i told him that if anybody but me uses it they will fill the pain wenever hiting a entety he was suprised and retrited to take a sit i then infiused the bat with energy and it transformed into a humanoid silver demon she pounced on bill and enjoyed his screams of pain i made a hut then invited them to diner Cronoa did the same after that we enjoyed a teisty meal together the pine trea and star , asked me many question's i anserd them after some more days i loked bill in a uneschapable prison as i made miself a new pendant with a golden triangle with a aye in the middle i was telepaticli conected to me so i can chat with him just to check and see if he is sane-ish then i went home after i closed the portal   and aprihanded his frends i waved goodbye to the gravity fall cast i enterd the portal as they waved to me  we arived home and went on a maraton of gravity falls so Cronoa will se the end of it properly then we prepered to sleap  and took a nice nap.