Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 51 - 51.Some people with bad intentions.

Chapter 51 - 51.Some people with bad intentions.

We woke from a nap due to some invaders with power levels not congruent with this dimension, we found them a few minutes after their arrival preaching how gods should act like and so on I just captured them they told me that I will pay for my actions yada yada and so I found idealists, group of people from an upper dimensional level they learned of my exploits and desired me to join them as a subordinate yea like I want to be ruled over by fools as such I tasked some of my demons to guard this universe, the best of my demons protected my home grounds as such me and Cronoa converted the enemy's to ower demon abominations to strike fear and be used as tanks we beat ower way to the god responsible for this gathering of grate bother as we reached him I took charge we battled for a few days then cronoa took her round and battled for a day I took over when she got tired I took over and went giant  and crushed him with my hands he had some way to escape but not for long due to the viral particles i injected in him wen i grabed him after a few minutes he came back and moved like a pupet as such he had control only to his vocal cords he wined and ranted for a few minutes, i then took his soul memories and experience for miself and Cronoa , my soul complexity hit a wall that gave me the idea to make more compact and modified the pattern of recombination to be at the best of my abilities  as such we colected the stuff they had and returned to ower universe after updating ower medalions to keep safe the universe and we went home once more to check on the people of ower universe as such we enjoid some shows made by different races , the other gods in the universe became ower subordonates as such some of them pleged loialty to me or her , she captured the larger part of them due to the males beeing more dum not all of them but noast of them i took under compleate control the more evil and toxic ones and turened them into demons under me or her , the other got the memo and wenever they ascend to the next level they ganed a goodbye gift from me or her we lerned to visit them time to time  and get updated on the news of the other dimensional levels then we visited those levels as well some powerful individual got me pissed off they became mortals some days after that , i gatherd large amounts of knolege and technique that i spred it frew the mortals and gods of my universe i enjoyed the time as they worcked to the brink of death to grow stronger then i hit them with my silver bat then trained them some more the femeale desiples got training from Cronoa and time passed on any oracles that told of my end well it never arived due to some of my machinations of adopting or just minimizing the bad hapenings in ny universe or others any profesies got twisted by my demons and so on i kept myself safe as my demons grew in nomber and power the time passed by and i made my inner universe compleatly with me as such it expanded and the individuals inside it felt the energes Ty inside me infuse the planet and moon , maiking the difrent zones infused with one to more tipes of power after a few days the kchaos stabilised and the moon portals grew and cristalized fixing them to theyr spot and only i ganed the ability to muve them  and keep them staible  i selected some individuals to become nominated as the blade of god ,and shield of god along with the juge not so many evils ganed dominance in my world i enjoyed the slother of the evil and vane , i then tasked sys with a update so the system in the ineruniverse will not callaps , as i spent time  with Cronoa we showed up to all important events as normal people with ring behind ower heds to reprezent the divinity's we master respect were is dew we gave gifts and curses wenever a promice was made in ower names the tow or more wil gane a tatoo that if the promice will be broken a punishment fiting ower mood will be made , as such we saw the fun begin , the less inportant the promie the les the punishment will become and the reverse is true too i had fun with some adventurers along with Cronoa after some time of fun we went and took a nice slumber .