Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 9 - 9.Preparations and a Frisk for judgement .

Chapter 9 - 9.Preparations and a Frisk for judgement .

After I have been sent with Sans as a guide to help Alfies, I have written apon a small book the reason for the way the monster cannot handle the determination, at hay doses and how to help any amalgam monster that may form if they are not taken care correctly, as such few month's passed helping them stabilise and teaching her and some other person the technical information of doing it to not have any problems if she dies by any baffling reason, after making her plant a trap for the human that fell in the flower garden in the ruins, it is more like blocking the way in the ruins with a strong gate that is monitored at all times by a couple of cameras to not miss the emergence of the main character of this world, so I can determine if they are controlled or just genocide.

After a year from my arrival to this world I have become a head shorter than Toriel's high and left her to stay with the kids that are growing at a normal pace after I become stronger than her Asgore and Undying fighting together I went to the ruins to remake them , after the journey with my brothers and sisters and subsequent building of the new home in snowdin I discovered a special ability as I walked thru the snow step by step I checked behind me due to a strange feeling of sliding on wet snow and observed whenever I step on the snow got melted but by the time I walked few steps it got covered by the constant snowfall, after that, I tried to make flames like toriel but what I got is some blue warm flames that don't burn that much but as I touched them Sys gave me a notification.

"Sys due to the journey through hot land and the core you have awakened the flames of Alchemy and just instinctively got a hay mastery due to your blood relatives mastery of a similar power as such you are capable of performing transmutation of any element to another depending on its rarity it will cost more power to change it as long as you know the material you can replicate it just to know you can't generate material from thin are, have fun ."

After i arrived at the ruins gate I went thru it and started renovations , behind me beeing inghulfed in blue flame , step by step a goth architecture appearing scentralized around the theme of ice and many carvings showing the journey from my arrival till the reforming of the ruins into a large home for me and family to enjoy, making particular arrangements to remove all the traps and puzzles , making them into personalised learning and training rooms while making them bigger and more comfortable as I arrived at the flower patch I have moved it at the back entrance of the ruins replacing the spot were they were with sand to cushion any fall that my happen and making a good sand pit for recruits to fight and show their skills in combat if they want it , after i remodeled the ruins in my aperance Alfies called Undying due to me forgetting that there are camera's to observe the following spot of all the humans reporting the blue flames following and destroying after me , worried for my saifty Undying called Papyrus that told everybody making everybody worried and they all wanted to know what happened so the royal guards along with toriel went towards the ruins to find a new door for them made out of some kind of metal with the face of a old goat were the horns served as handles to open it ,

after they checked with magic that the dore is not trapped they entered them and saw the pictogram showing the journey of manuel till the remaining of the ruins, now more called down they got curious and went deeper inside, getting surprised at the changes that ware carried inside everything locking more sumbher yet different, they reached the training and teaching room's they inspected everything finding it useful if they intend to open a school for learning and training, walking until they found the sandpit they found a pair of steel gates keeping it separate from the flower patch next to the door to it, useful to even separate individual from crossing them if needed, sporting a single individual surrounded by blue flames meditating and ending up opening his eyes and stood up as he said.

Manuel: How are you all here so fast I told only Sans and toriel that I am coming back to the ruins to train a bit?

Toriel: At least you're fine, we got scared when Alfies told us that you're followed by blue flames.

Undying: and what is about that you never used them to fight us, don't tell me you're holding back on us or anything!

Manuel: first my flames are not like Toriel's she got the destructive flames, mine are more like hot water and don't do damage but change and can remodel stuff, if you want a demonstration to stay still for a minute and see how harmless they are on your armour Undying.

Undying: Fine, hurry up, show me!

As she ended her sentence I spewed flames out of my mouth surprising everybody, and as they hit Undying they started modifying her armour changing it into a more skin fitting without losing any defence and making it more flexible, swapping the string locking mechanism to a more resilient one with clamps that hide in the seams of it making it look like is made out of one piece of metal moulded to fit her.

Sans: That is a sexy fish.

Undying hearing that got angry and a bit angry being inside of the moving metal that was warm to touch made her a bit embarrassed and as she heard him she threw a punch to sans and missed showing the ease of movement that she had with this new armour, she asked.

Undying: And how do I get it down now, I don't see any strings to unlock it?

Manuel: it is easy to unlock it but first do you have clothes under it?

Undying: of course I have I am no pervert.

After her sentence manuel showed her the way to open every single clamp having different hidden yet easy ways to unlock afterwards she required her new armour without my help.

Manuel: Ok now that you guys saw my ability to create, why did I change the ruins in this way, making it a good place to teach and for training, I will make this place my permanent home, well as permanent as this world is at least I intend to make a portal room in few more years a portal to the surface or just eliminate the gate to freedom but by opening it we can say goodbye to a good defence barrier as such I will make sure that no more souls are gathered to protect us I will ask the monsters that want to see the sun in the blue skies and the moon along with the star's at night to help me find a place on the surface to make a good start for us so who will join me I will go out on my own anyway, by using the blue flames of Alchemy I shall change the mountain that we are under to make a home for us to inhabit like I reformed the ruins to suit my desire.

After the speech, they asked me questions like how can I bypass the barrier and the process of making the portal, me telling them that the place from where the humans were emerging in the underground is above us and is right at the edge of the barrier where it will be easy to enter here but much harder but not impossible to use and go outside after I said that they went back home or to their post's leaving only Toriel and Sans with me after I told them to wait with me for a bit telling them that today something special will happen and after a few hours we all herd a Thud and a grown, as we looked we saw a human kid in the middle of the sandpit on their back.

Manuel: and I thought that you will not arrive in time Frisk.