Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 14 - 14.Aftermath and new magic

Chapter 14 - 14.Aftermath and new magic

After i exited the portal i lost my concentration on holding my tall form I started to shrink to the size of a teenager , using my own body as material to bring Daisy back may not be the smartest idea but it worked and now i have the information on how to make for myself a predator armour and by modifying it I can be really resilient against energy attacks to , well the rabbit will be immortal like me due to the genetic information I shared with her but letting her have my zerg or teno abilities was never a choice she knew that I was weak after the split and didn't want we to get hurt so she distracted his attention until i got my bearings to left and now i am in front of a huge castle, i changed my aperance to that of a human and modified my clothes to flufy black robes and started walking towards it wen I got at its gates a large group of kids and teenagers ware entering it i kept my aye on them all and observed that they are wearing hogwords school uniforms and luck or not i loked like a new arrival I don't know how but no one of the teachers paid attention to me as I entered and followed the crowded halls towards the dinning tables were all the students chosen a seat and waited for the teachers that announced the sporting hat i presumed that I was identified by the teachers and miss hogwords respectively by my distinctive clothing and that the principal didn't order my capture immediately as the sorting continued I was last , all the students observed my different uniform and got curios but the surprise was not only extended to them but to all except dumbledore who pointed at me and then at the hat ,as such i followed and as the hat hit my head it started saying in a language that no-one except the hufflepuf teachers recognised and translated to the rest in English.

Sorting hat: From the underground to the star's helping all who peaches his interests

he gathered and grows without end

he lost something for another and arrived

to this plane to heal or eradicate the broken boy soul's he who fluff shall not be denied shall go to the home of the hufflepuff's, grate another chosen one.

after the hat ended the sorting it burst into blue flames and changed into a more clean and sturdy form at the end of the transformation it gave a happy chuckle and thanked me after which I went to the table of Hufflepuff while my clothes burst in the same flames and duplicated the school uniform look but with fluff in it and out

, as the changes were completed all the students were surprised and a thunder scarred boy was very suspicious of me due to my sudden appearance and rhyming description that gave pondering looks on all the teachers.

After the students ate I was left alone with the teachers and as things go they tried to integrate me but the magic of this world was not capable to influence my monster physiology due to them not expecting me to be anything else than human due to my appearance so we sat in the room and they questioned me, I gave them the minimum of the required information and told them to ask the hat if they wanted something more specific during the reading of my past I made a deal with it if I repaired it will not show anything that will bring me trouble to the professor's as such I gave it a copy of my memories of all the shows and readable fanfiction and comics that I read listened or watched except the one about his world.

After the chat with the professors I was sent to my room there was a separated one for me due to my special sircumstances i made runes to seal the room from the exterior and then activated it gating me a safe spot to revert to my base form , I shod have checked the closet first due to a wight girl with silver hear bolting at me like a missile she was wearing a ruined school uniform and speaking about some kind of gorbools or norbels what I didn't get is way is she petting me without my permission I couldn't stop her she was surprisingly agile and very clingy like gum in your fur the only way to get rid of it is by cutting your fur of but i got the next best thing I turned back to my human form , she looked sad due to it dicepearing but after a moment she asked me what was I and how did i become so flufy and cuddly while telling me about the bad nurgles that bullied her and after that she introduced herself as Luna a member of the raven claw after some minutes a nock was herd on my door and as I opened it Harry waried loked stopped wen he saw his friend hugging the new kid that was wearing a hopeless look on his face i told Harry .

Manuel: Can you help me with her she will not let go.

Luna: I will not let go of this Fluffy one till he tells me how he is so fluffy.

As Harry hears this he gives me an apologising look and tells me about the situation of this girl, about her family gifts and that she was curious of me from the moment she looked on me but was told to not bother me and probably bullied after exiting the dining hall so she did this when he was busy with her belies, he followed the directions of the paintings to see a magically sealed door as such he tried to open it but failed and was resigned to knowing on it, the boy who survived the killing curse failed to open a door and this is it.

Manuel: so she will not be a danger if I reveal the so-called secret to her because?

Harry: Her mental defence is terrifying even for the masters in the art of it and nobody ever license her seriously due to her personality.

Luna: don't be a Nurgle fated one

Manuel: So you're one too huh.

Harry: I heard you're one too.

Manuel: before we continue are your mental defences good enough to not spread my secrets?

Luna: his head is as hard and complicated as a maze,nurgles will never find anything in it.

Manuel: is that confirmation?

Harry: yes that is right.

Manuel: let's go in then I don't welcome the ginger duo in my room, I will ask miss hogwords if they can move Luna to the Hufflepuff dormitory special my room since I have no roommate.

After we enter my room a letter with the things I've said appeared and got affirmed to go thru the principal office.

In the room I told them too about what the hat's word's meaning and about my species and how I intend to eliminate or make a deal with the one to not be named, the only one to react was Harry with his story of what the one to not be named did and that I need to eliminate him if it comes to any opportunity of it.

After some more time some elf's broth Luna's stuff in my room with a letter to visit the principal office, at which I followed the instructions and met dumbledore on a one to one conversation about what classes I will be taking and got settled on the same classes that Luna takes and some ritual classes to help me with my runes crafting

after some time I and her split only when the different classes started and joined to walk together more like being dragged by her to see the school, while I make fun of the slithering, Griffindore and her former business that got the worst of my pranks and judgement as the days passed by the parents came and tried to reprimand and expelling me but me not being a normal student didn't allow them to mess with even when they tried to harass me to live or the plots to kill me by accident or so on they learned that I am a strong magician that loves using some strange flames that never hurts the sinless but are as versatile as his scarf that slaps the hell out of the ones who dare to bully or mess with him,

in this day's miss Hogwords got a lot more civilised wit no longer that much discord only the mutual hatred toward me all the other houses united even the hufflepuff's along with Luna started working together but she never revealed her information of me along with Harry they untied the 4 houses the slithering started planing and getting help from the others because wenever a single house students tried to do something against me they field, and with the help of miss hogwords I was unstoppable controlling a ancient living school spirit by suggestions and false memories allowed me to bring the full cooperation of all 4 houses agents me they forgot about they're different bloods and became a huge family that planed and failed at every step to humiliate and expel me, wen voldamort arrived with his death eaters the hole school has prepared and searching for something to release they're anger apon, during the time that I've spent nurturing they're skills by pranks, hatred and the humans sheer stubbornness to take revenge i made them together with miss hogwords a monster to be wrachan with only appearing and dicepearing from class never late getting all the time good notes and teaching them unconsciously that together they may have a chance Dumbledore and Harry hunted the horecrucses and guided Harry to destroy them and finally gather the three hollows only to be taken by me in the end they didn't expect me to know of them i unified them powering them up with my void energy they became a sentient beeing under my service it having all he powers of death and acting like a kid I became her father figure and she went to her personaldimension connected to me , wen voldamore reached the school Harry was holding the basilisk venom covered goblin dager with a strong wand and as the battle went he lost but only the horecrucs in his head along side with the snake pet of his remained , he destroyed the horecrucs in Harry head wen he attempted to kill him and the snake got killed by me using the venom covered dager and as such voldamor died celebrating the supposed death of his fated one , Harry woke up a few minutes later geting mourned on by his ginger girlfriend, and me getting fluffed by Luna, after his death i reverted to my base form and told the school the truth and the reasons I did what I did and ended up hunted for a hole month but with the assistance of miss Hogwords I survived and at the end of it wen became more friends than enemies the pure blood faction got eliminated by they're kids that revolted and forced the change due to their new support from the other houses, after all the chaos ended the new hoses ware in friendly relationships and worked together, Dumbledore never forgave me for getting him so much work that he didn't have time to get killed by the imposter implanted in hogwords to prepare the way for voldamore after a few years i went to my undertale and saw nothing going wrong some monster that I knew had kids , good news the skeleton race is flourishing along with different hybrids Toriel got a husband he is strikingly Sans

while Asriel and Chara Got bigger, I returned to my original height before coming back home as such I am still the taller brother.