Chereads / NECRO-Driver Dawn / Chapter 85 - NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 28: Reunion in Takar

Chapter 85 - NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 28: Reunion in Takar

The four of them march toward the palace where the assembly is being held.)

Fadra: This is it, the palace where the assembly is being held.

Capt. Maeko: Baron, Ayumi, are you ready? Once we do this, there's no going back. We can't undo what we do here. The entire world will know who you are.

Baron Hampton: A small price to pay to rid the world of the Principality.

Ayumi: We have to do this, so let's show the world who we are!

Fadra: Alright, whenever you're ready. 

Leader of Takar: And thus concludes our Assembly Negotiations for Peace. I'd like to thank all of you for coming out, and letting your viewpoints be heard. 

Capt. Maeko: It's now or never. Here I go! 

*Capt. Maeko throws off his disguise and rushes to the podium and gently shoves the Leader of Takar aside.*

Capt. Maeko: I apologize for interrupting this assembly, but I'm here on a matter of dire importance. My name is Capt. Maeko, the leader of the Blitzwing. I also lead the main force that opposes and seeks to destroy the Principality. I'm here to ask the world to once again, rise up and stand against the Principality! I know that recent events may have you in fear, may have you believe that we are incapable of defending you all and keeping you safe. And the truth is you have every right to fear… Fear the monsters that the Principality are! Fear how evil the world has become during their reign! I am here to tell you they are not the invincible monsters that they would have you believe. I have two people here who are proof of this claim!

*Just then, Baron and Ayumi walk out and join Capt. Maeko.*

Random Citizen #1: No way! Is that? 

Random Citizen #2: Baron Hampton? And is that another Sarlen?

Random Citizen #3: But how?! I thought all the Sarlen were dead!

Baron Hampton: The Principality would have you think that they killed us all a long time ago, that we're all dead! But we are here to disprove that bogus statement!

Ayumi: That's right! Big brother and I are proof that not only are the Sarlen still alive, but we're just as strong as ever! Together, we can rid the world of this Principality scourge!

Baron Hampton: This man has led us through the flames of hell and back. We have seen horrible tragedies, and seen countless innocents die at the hands of the Principality. There isn't a better man to lead the war against them!

Capt. Maeko: People of the planet Sarina, I ask you to please rise up! Stand up, and help us protect our beloved planet. Fight for what you believe in, to protect all that you love. We can no longer ignore the war crimes and evil committed by the Principality. Today, we honor the lives of the innocent taken by them. We honor and avenge not only the innocent, but those at Oasis who were brutally murdered! Graves, Shenrei, Lady Shirina, I know you're watching this. Your days are numbered! 

*Capt Maeko, Baron, and Ayumi head back to the town square, where they meet up with everyone* (Play Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 OST - 14 The Way To Peace)

Khan: Alright Capt. Maeko!

Sonjo: That was a speech to top all speeches! 

Master Tazz: We couldn't ask for someone better to lead us into this next stage of the war.

Fadra: Everyone believes in you Capt. Maeko.

Capt. Maeko: Thank you everyone, I couldn't ask for a better crew.

Zach: Where do we head next captain?

Capt. Maeko: We've waited long enough, it's time for us to go straight to the Norahs Kingdom. 

Alex: Do you think we're ready?

Capt. Maeko: Yes I do. We've already done what we needed to here. After today, there is no turning back. But we can't let anything stop us from taking down the Principality. 

Khan: I've been dying to get my hands on them again. We're going to make them suffer a thousand deaths!

Sonjo: Damn right we are!

Master Tazz: Then let's get going then. 

Sonjo: Jin, are you coming with us?

Jin: I'm sorry guys, but I can't.

Khan: What? Why?

Jin: *He looks at Taliah* I have a promise to keep. Don't worry, I'm not giving up on the war. When it's time to make the final stand, I'll be right there with y'all.

Capt. Maeko: I see… Well, be careful Jin.

Sonjo: Take care bro.

Khan: We'll see you out there.

Jin: *Confident smirk* I'm looking forward to it.

*All of them begin to walk back toward the Blitzwing, where they look to make one more stand against the Principality.* 

Roux: …

Jin: What's wrong Roux?

Roux: *She looks at Taliah and Mamiko, before turning and walking towards them.* I know what happened to you.

Mamiko: *Gasps* How do you-

Roux: Don't worry, it'll all get better with time. All the pain and awful memories will fade away.

Mamiko: I…

Roux: Take care of yourself. And Jin?

Jin: Hm?

Roux: Don't ever let me see you breaking that promise.

Jin: *Confident smirk* Definitely.

*Roux leaves to join the rest of the Blitzwing crew. As they take off, they wave towards Jin, Mamiko, and Taliah, who all wave back at them.*

(Play episode ending songs G Gundam: Touhou wa Akaku Moeteiru and Sanctuary (Ending)

Narrator: Hey guys, it's me Baron! Boy, we sure showed those Principality scum who's boss huh? I bet they're over there screaming their butts off!

Ayumi: And now that the world knows we're alive, we can get more people to raise the steaks with us!

Baron Hampton: That's right Ayumi, we're gonna need all the help and support from our fans that we can get it. I hope you'll continue to lend us your support.

Ayumi: We couldn't do it without you!

Baron Hampton: Next time, on NECRO-Driver Dawn, Lighting Strikes a Shadow! Sounds exciting, I can't wait to see what happens. 

Baron Hampton/Ayumi: *In unison* Cya then, goodbye!

(Created by Malcolm Holmes)