Chereads / Prison Island 2(GL) / Chapter 3 - Chapter Two

Chapter 3 - Chapter Two

After the fight a clone of Big Bubba and Kirk Lakeland, the girls had been far more off track than usual and Master Nem had been getting very anxious. Inside a abandoned house, Heaven would host a mandatory meeting amongst all. The meeting had been about one main factor; the time frame needed to catch over four thousand boys. With a day already wasted, the girls now only had two days and Master Nem was someone not to be trifled with.

Meanwhile, in the back Isabella had been trying her hardest not to let a smile form upon her lips. Thus far, the plan had been going accordingly with the acceptation of a few minor inconveniences. Deeply, she had already known that to the other girls she wasn't acting as her usual self. She needed to look like she was the on their side to avoid any unwanted suspicion from them. Isabella also had to be wary of Master Nem as she knew deep down that one way or another she would find out whether it been in a few days or in a few short hours. That she was the one involved in Hyptant's murder and one of the main accomplices that aided in the escape of over four thousand people. "Girls, I am sure you are all aware of the situation at hand right at this moment. I have just spoken with Master Nem and it doesn't take a genius to know she isn't happy. Believe it or not, I did try to ask her for a possible extension but as you can tell by my face, it didn't go all too well. The deadline still remains and we haven't gotten anywhere! They seem to have had always one step ahead of us. How in the hell could they even know we were after the old bat!?"

"I have a solution..." Neveah proposed, "it's obvious these guys are prepared for everything we try to throw at them because they expecting us and only us. But, my sisters how about we change it up a bit."

"Yes, of course... I see what you're implying Neveah. The five of us aren't familiar with this terrain... so many places too hide, so many ways we can be avoided. But, if we have the entire city after them... we would have a hell of a more easier time in finding them. I'll be right back hopefully Master Nem is in a listening mood."

In an abandoned house....

"Describe exactly what you saw...." Zach said again to Kyzarian, who was sitting on the floor next to Percy.

"She sprouted literal demon wings from her back, her skin was so scaly, and she and her sister could both summon lightning and fire from their hands and mouth. It was like seeing a flying mythical crocodilian.... a scary sight for sure."

Zach would take a mental note of this himself. Looking over to Alexander, he saw that he would also nod his head. "The void is truly an amazing entity...."

"How is it that you came up that it's alive?" Percy would ask.

"The thing is... I don't know if it's alive or not. Either way the void played a main role in our escape. Which is why I'll be needing to conduct further studies. Myself along with Kirk, Yokozuna, and Tobias will be taking a trip back to their original island. Alexander and Charley will be in charge for the short time that we are gone."

"Well, Zach I hate to break to you but those studies are going to have to wait... Check this out." Percy said looking over out the window. Zach could see that he swallowed a huge lump in his throat. "We have a major problem...." Rushing over to the window Zach could see the five girls walking straight towards the house.

"Shit...." Zach whispered too himself.

"That wasn't just some coincidence.... I made sure no one could track us..." Kyzarian said. "That means she resorted to a greater tactic. I can hide all of us from the eyes of Nem and her servants. But.... she gathered the entire city against us..."

"Not just the city, possibly the entire country or even across the continents. You guys just don't know how far humanity has come in the last 200 years... With this now on our backs there is no place in the world we can hide..."

"You all get out of here..." Alexander commanded, "Charley and I will hold them off."

"Are you sure?" Kirk asked, "we have a greater probability of win-"

"No Kirk... we don't know what they are capable of nor do we know the tricks they may have. Remember, they are trying to capture us all as fast as possible. They take all of us down the rest of us will fall! Go! Take Zach and the rest and go!" Alexander ordered beginning to summon in his armor. "Come on Charley!"

Meanwhile, outside the girls were closing in. "Easier than I thought. The right resources and we found them... we take them down and the rest will sure fall. Let's get this ov-" Heaven stopped herself when she saw that both Alexander and Charley were standing on the front porch. "Hmph.... Neveah and Hyena Girl take care of those two... Lola and Isabella with me." Both Neveah and Hyena Girl walked forward as the other three stepped off to the side. From behind the house, the remaining boys would retreat into the darkness.

"They're running!" Isabella yelled out springing her hair too life and would begin chasing them. Both Lola and Heaven would follow after her.

"Looks like that just leaves us four..." Neveah commented with a cocky smirk on her face. "Tell me, what exactly tells you in your mind that you stand a chance against us?" Neveah asked.

"It shows that you underestimate me, you believe that it will be a walk in park for you. Hmph, I'll show you a thing or two young lady...." Neveah grimaced at his last sentence as she sprouted her wings and took to the sky.

Alexander's helmet completely formed over his head as he now had a mace in his hand. Neveah reeled her head back and unleashed a powerful fire blast towards Alexander. Grabbing his mace tighter Alexander would smash his mace into the ground causing a wall of ice to rise up stopping the fire attack as it blasted upon the ice. "You think I can't match your power!"

Charley scaled up the ice wall and leaped off the top of it. "GET OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT" Charley's powerful screams hit Neveah forcing her downward she tried flying upwards only to no avail. Hyena Girl would then leap into action tackling him out of mid air. The two would roll downhill fighting with one another. "GET OFF!" Charley would bellow kicking Hyena Girl off of him. "BACK OFFFFFFFFFFF" Hyena Girl dodged the incoming attack as she headbutted Charley in the sternum holding on to him as the rolled downhill some more. With her on top, the savage girl plunged her claws into his side and begun to pull downward causing his flesh to rip and tear. A bloodcurdling scream was let out towards Hyena Girl making her roll off of him.

Up above Alexander heard the screams coming from Charley as he battled with Neveah. Smashing her claws into his shield Alexander was now on the defensive holding Neveah back. "Think about it! For the longest time no one was there too challenge you! You both had overwhelming power that left you two up top! You thought that there would be no one too oppose you! You two never stood a chance from the get go..." Alexander grunted parrying Neveah back only to use his shield to hit her directly in the jaw followed with a sword thrust into the gut.

Grabbing the sword Neveah would look up at her opponent with a smile. Alexander's eyes would widen in bewilderment as he saw that his sword didn't pierce her scaly flesh at all. "Pathetic...." With a simple twist Neveah literally snapped the steel blade in half. Pulling her clawed hand back she smashed it through Alexander's armor as if it were made of paper. "A King and Queen is what you call yourselves? Please, you two are nothing more than trash...." Tossing him up in the air Neveah took to the sky grabbing a hold of Alexander taking him higher into the sky, begun to dive, and spiral downwards smashing Alexander head first into the ground causing a huge crater. He was now barely conscious as he barely could move. From the distance, Hyena Girl dragged Charley's lifeless body into the hole alongside his boyfriend. Alexander looked at his bloody partner's unconscious body that had been clawed at and torn. A tear would slide down his face as he faded in and out of consciousness. "I'm... I'm sorry my love...."

Several miles away, the others were still running away from the three girls that were chasing them. Lola had been running after them on the ground while the other two traversed through the sky. The boys managed to get into a cornfield before being captured. Neveah and Hyena Girl would also join in the search. The savage girl would begin sniffing the air and within a few seconds she had literally locked onto her target.

"You weren't gone long sister. Here I thought he would at least provide some difficulty for you." Heaven said to her sister who had been levitating in the air.

"He did a few fancy tricks... Nothing special though... Didn't even last more than five minutes. Hyena Girl was a pure savage... she demolished that false queen within seconds... she also damaged the care package quite a bit..."

"Great.... how much did she eat of him?"

"Spleen and partial amount of his large intestine... I cauterized the wound but ultimately he should be alright. He won't be comfortable by any means but he'll be alive just for Master Nem...."

"Ah, not too bad...." Heaven commented. "Damn it all... this brush is far too dense... as easy as it would be to blister the land and flush them out we can't afford to draw attention to ourselves... We'll just let Hyena Girl take care of it."

In the maze of the cornfield Kirk and Zach stopped in place. The others would stop as well looking up into the sky. Above massive pillar of hair walked by shaking the ground as it was inches away from them. Kirk reached over touching the very sensitive hair softly looking up to see Isabella in the middle of the sky. "Kyzarian! Now!" Zach whispered.

With a flash of green magic Kyzarian would make a clone of Isabella and replace the original. Quickly, Isabella descended and landed in the middle. "Sweet! let's get going I know a way out!" The group would rush forward with Isabella as the clone would stay back and continue it's patrol. "Wanna tell us how they found us?" Percy asked.

"I couldn't tell you even if I wanted. Heaven called Master Nem and within minutes we had an exact location on you all... They know exactly where everyone is but they wanted only the two big names... Zach and Kirk. Guys, we gotta gather everyone back and take them out.... it's the only way now." Isabella said.

Back in the sky Heaven and Neveah continued to levitate. Looking down, it was clear both Lola and Hyena Girl lost track of them. Heaven went over to who she thought was the real Isabella. "Let's get going Isabella, we know know where they all are it won't be long till we've gathered all of them."

Opening the device, Heaven would receive yet another notification. A grim smile appeared on her face now showing Isabella. The next target was clear and they were going after Sam and Frederick the foreigner. Reasoning for this target was the fact those two along with hundreds of others were located on a massive cruise ship. "I hate too take away your prey Isabella but water isn't exactly your strong suit and fire may also be an issue for you as well.... Neveah alone should be more than enough. Isn't that right sister?" Neveah smiled darting into the location of the ship.

Heaven would let out an hysterical laugh, eyes glowing blue with electricity, "Zach Birds... if I can't catch you... I'll just make you come to me."