(Wrong Place Wrong Time Tragically)
"There is a part of me that wishes to thank the four of you for showing up when you did, albeit wrong place wrong time tragically. I almost reverted to a dark part of my youth, where it was most of me then that was uncontrollable compared to little of the me now. Don't get me wrong, you silly fucks did come for my son's head like he was some fucking cattle on your shit shuffling farm. As such, I am very ecstatic to tell you that the part of me that wishes to thank you IS that uncontrollable slice.
BUT, feel me deep as if you were inside me.
I was already swimming toward those electrified waters, heading straight into a tsunami that would have consumed the many beneath my reign. All which include my worthy associates, my son or your target, however you fuck holes see it, my Prodigal Daughter, whom Asha would head shot a cosmo queen with a slingshot for, and even the head of my yesterday zazi. !WHOOSH! Would have been erased from the history books before they are even written.
I can't be that selfish. I've got ten or fifteen years at most with my skills to do what I love, and.... Well shit, I'll always be beautiful. so there is no need to be humble there. right?
This little drive has given me enough clarity..... until I get started with you four, on the way I should do things so that they are done right. Especially for the sake of my bio-breed and my Prodigal Daughter. He's only sixteen to this day, a very privileged audacity you have to come after him on the day of his earth birth by the way. He already looks to be a living, breathing, scheming Űbermensch. His eye for talent also seems to be somewhat apotheostic without even knowing. Asha struck golden oil on Neptune by saving that little girl, thinking of all the loony fucks that could have snatched her up first to twist her into the twisted.
Small minded sheep like you four.
I could see the two of them ruling the the world in a sense, even together in certain circumstances of matrimony. Of course, that's just a hyperbolic hypothetical for the sake of manifestation and wishful thinking.
Although.... There is the logic of negative possibility.
What would happen, I wonder, if a black hole and a black hole battled over all of the space around them for the feasting?
Now, I'm no astrophysicist in the slightest, and I'm sure science has constructed some sort of conclusion or hypothesis. It is that rare adventure of experience for a situation like these that I am supremely gratuitous to logic and circumstance for allowing this me to create this omnipotent possibility.
"We're here."
Angry muffles and terrified moans came from the back of the windowless red service van. An assortment of tools, from the doctor variety to the labor, hacksaw, syringes, staple gun, bone saw, etc. The two bounded men and two bounded women expressed conflicting emotions as their vehicle slowed and stopped in the middle of a wide dirt field, parking in front of a chain locked barn.
Their blood curling screams began when the former GIMP's metal grey eyes cut their way.
All before the torture began.